优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)Although there wasn’t much __________ (荣誉) in a reporter’s existence, she found it interesting and challenging.

              (2) All this means that companies will require people who are _________ (灵活的) and can work on their own.

              (3)When my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went ________ (空白的) and my heart swelled with anger.

              (4)I had no idea what a(n) ________ (原子) was and I didn’t really want to know either.

              (5)At that time, people believed more in _________ (宗教) than in facts.

              (6)Whether by accident or _________ design, he arrived too late to help us.

              (7)I recognized her voice __________ (instant) I picked up the phone.

              (8)When I caught him cheating me, I stopped _________ (buy) things there and started dealing with another shop.

              (9)–I can’t understand why they are so unfriendly to me.  --_______ of envy.

              (10)That is the only way we can imagine __________ (reduce) the overuse of water in students’ bath-rooms.

              (11)His success was largely due _______ his hard work.

              (12)The girl was sitting in the sunshine with her head _________ (bury) in a book.

              (13)In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _______ whom she could turn for help.

              (14)Dressed in red, she is easily picked _________ in the crowd.

              (15)He talked as if he ___________ (do) all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it.

            • 2.

              71 . She modelled herself ________ her mother.

            • 3.

              We were put into a position _____ we had either to accept we were less important or fight the government.

              A.for which
              B.at which
              C.on which
              D.in which
            • 4.

              The team consists ____________ five doctors and twenty nurses.

            • 5.

                  Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person,we ____1____ (know) how to be grateful for that gift.

                  When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but often we look so long ____2____ the closed door that we don't see the one which ____3____ (open) for us.

                  The best kind of friend is the kind you can communicate with mentally when sitting on a porch(门廊),never say a word,and then walk away feeling ____4____ it was the best conversation you've ever had.

                  It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose____5____.It's also true that we don't know what we ____6____ (miss) until it arrives.

                  Giving someone all your love does not ____7____ (necessary) mean an assurance that they'll love you back!Just wait for it ____8____ (grow) in their heart,but if it doesn't,be content with its growing in yours.It takes only a minute to get a crush(短暂的迷恋) on someone,____9____hour to like someone,and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

                  Don't go for looks;they can be deceptive(欺骗性的).Don't go for wealth,____10____will probably get lost.Go for someone who makes your heart smile because only a smile can make a dark day seem bright.

            • 6.

              When I was young, I read many kinds of books,    61   (include) fairy tales. In those books, heroes described were handsome and heroines were beautiful. So, I believed I had to be beautiful if I wanted to become a great person.       

              As I    62   (grow) up, I began to realize outer beauty was not so important to make someone excellent. I remember a friend of     63   . She believed that she could do everything she wanted because she was so beautiful, but she lost friends one by one. My poor friend!    64    she learned was that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.

              Whenever I see TV    65   (advertisement), I feel that they make us believe beauty is very important ---    66  (especial) physical attractiveness. Although we say that inner beauty is more valuable, we often look for plastic surgery (整容手术)    67   (make) us more beautiful. There seems to be a boom in plastic surgery. It is surprising to realize    68    number of people who try it is increasing day by day. 

              We know good-looking guys usually get    69   (high) scores on job interviews than others. So, what is real beauty? I want to say that it is inner beauty that makes one look    70   ​a really beautiful person.

              (1)  ​                                              
            • 7.

                More than half of all Chinese have a smartphone. They reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. At    61        (party), more people are on their smartphones than on their drinks. In addition, too many people are using smartphones while        62        (drive). And as a result, many car accidents happen everyday on the road. Drivers confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. Smartphones are unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of        63        (them) and others. As many people take risks just        64       ​ (send) a text or check their messages, smartphones are        65        many ways very dangerous to people.

                The smartphone        66        (affect) our desire to communicate face to face with others. Besides, it is lowering people’s competence to communicate. In many cases, some people check or send text messages in the presence of a friend,        67        means that the person they are texting is more important. Most        68        (serious), relying on smartphones to make friends does not give us        69        same advantage as making new friends in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us much        70        (strong) communication skills in the long run.

            • 8.

              For most families,a trip in the car to a(n) 61 (familiar)area involves at least one  62  (argue) about the best route to take.This is not the case,however,in the Williams family.They never get  63  (lose)when five-year-old Daniel is with them.That's because Daniel has the incredible ability  64  (tell) you the best way to get from one place to another anywhere in England,and what's more,he doesn't need a map-he can do it without thinking.

              Daniel  65  (be) interested in place names ever since he first learnt to talk.When he was about three,he started asking his parents questions about how the roads they drove along joined up,and it soon became obvious that he had  66  photographic memory for maps.He had no difficulty  67  remembering the information and relating it to  68  he saw from the car window.

              Now,after school,Daniel's favourite game is drawing maps of the road systems in all sorts of places he  69  (visit).His parents have no idea where his particular talent comes from because 70 else in the family has it.Although he is also a football fan, and is learning to play the keyboard,Daniel's main ambition in life is to become a mapmaker.

            • 9.

              Around twenty years ago I was living in York. 61. ________ I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree, I could not find satisfying work.

              I was driving a school bus to make ends meet and living with a friend of mine, for I had lost my flat. I had attended five interviews with a company and one day between bus runs they called to say I did not get 62. ________ job. “Why has my life become so hard?” I thought 63. ________ (painful).

                  As I pulled the bus over 64. ________ (drop) off a little girl, she handed me an earring, saying that I should keep it in case somebody claimed (认领) it. The earring 65. ________ (paint) black and said “BE HAPPY”.

                  At first I got angry. Then it hit me --- I had been giving all of my attention to what was going wrong with 66. ________ life rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a list of fifty things I was happy with. Later, I decided to add more things to the list. That night there was a phone call for me 67. ________ a lady who was a director at a large hospital. She asked me 68. ________ I would give a one-day lecture on stress 69. ________ (manage) to 200 medical workers. I said yes.

                  My day there went very well, and before long I got a well-paid job. To this day I know that it was because I changed my way of think 70. ________ I completely changed my life.

            • 10.

              Going to a British high school for one year was a very 61________(enjoy) and exciting experience for me.

              School life in Britain is quite different from 62__________ in China. British high schools have shorter school hours and 63 _________ (small) class sizes. Besides, the homework was not as heavy as 64_________I used to get in my old days. Students there have to move to different classrooms 65________ different classes. They have to study Maths, English and science, but can drop some subjects 66_______ they don’t like them.67 _______, there is something that is quite like the school in China---if you want to earn respect, you must work hard and achieve high 68_________ (grade).I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me encouragement, 69_________ helped me overcome all the challenges I met with. I look back on my time in the UK with 70___________ (satisfy), and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.

