优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              We have lived here _____five years ago.

            • 2.


              (1)Before you make your decision to accept the challenge, you should think about your strengths and ____________ (weak).

              (2)Since the two boys got lost, their friends are really upset and ____ (wait) anxiously for more news.

              (3)The doctors did what they could ___________ (save) the badly injured boy.

              (4)The grand sight of Mount Huangshan is beyond ________ (describe).

              (5)Being curious, working hard and believing in ___________ was true made her the success she is today.

              (6)When you grow up, you need many different skills, and be__________ (constant) challenged to learn new things.

              (7)He missed the gold in the high jump, but will get _________ second chance in the long jump.

              (8)When the man retired, the doctor advised him to live ___________ there is fresh air.

              (9)When the students were trying to do some revision for the coming mid-exam, they were full of ____________ (anxious).

              (10)__________ your instruction, I would not have made such great progress.

            • 3.

              To my sadness, people played jokes on me for my being overweight.

              What made me sad is that people______ ______ me for my being overweight.

            • 4.

              Gun control is a subject_______ Americans have argued for a long time.

              A.of which
              B.with which
              C.about which
              D.into which
            • 5.

              Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could______ his oral English before going abroad .

              B.to improve
              D.to improving
            • 6.

              Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person ______we could expect good decisions. 

              D.from whom
            • 7.

               There is no such student like you in Pengshui Middle School.

            • 8.

              ________ his homework, he went to play basketball.

              A.As soon as he finishes
              B.On finishing
              C.The moment he had finished
              D.Upon he finished
            • 9.

              (1)You can be honest with me since I am _____ _____(熟悉)the situation.

              (2) _____ _____ _____(从某种程度上看)our programmer is like our coach.

              (3) This was _____ _____ _____(的时期)the two countries were at war.

              (4) The wildlife here _____ _____ _____(受到保护)from being killed at present.

              (5) _____ _____(最重要),we need to improve ourselves.

            • 10.

              I happened to be upstairs in dusk when the window was open.

