优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I am all the ears, ____, I am listening to you with all attention.

              A.in another words
              B.in the other words
              C.with other words
              D.in other words
            • 2.

              The tiger, a once __ animal to human, is now __ of disappearing on the earth.

              A.dangerous; danger
              B.dangerous; in danger
              C.in danger; in danger
              D.danger; in danger
            • 3.

              _______ must you destroy the environment when you do it.

              A.In no time
              B.With no doubt
              C.For no reason
              D.On no account
            • 4.

              —It's hot. Would you like some ice-cream?

                 —I'd like some, but I'm ________.

              A.in a diet
              B.on a diet
              C.on diet
              D.in diet
            • 5. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach ________ their children compared with ________ of their parents.
              A.to educate; both
              B.to educate; one
              C.to educating; that
              D.to educating; those
            • 6.

                        girl dropped into that well yesterday.

                — I’m sorry to hear that. I know it is ______ .

              A.A 6 years old; 20-metre-deep
              B.A 6 -year-old; 20 meters in depth
              C.A 6-years -old; 20 meters deep
              D.A 6-year- old; 20 meter deep
            • 7. The novelist Charles Dickens first published many novels _____ chapter at _____ time _____ newspapers.


              A.a; the; in
              B.a; a; on
              C.one; a; in
              D.one; a; on
            • 8. This film enjoyed a good review,but _______ its box-office income,it wasn't so successful.(  )
              A.in terms of
              B.in case of
              C.as a result of
              D.in face of
            • 9.

              With ______ work remaining to be done in his office, he has to do everything in a hurry.

              A.a great many
              B.a great deal
              C.a great deal of
              D.a large number of
            • 10.

              He argued ______ smoking, and insisted that it was ______ argument that smoking was harmful to


              A.for; beyond
              B.against; beyond
              C.for; over
              D.against; over
