优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1) They went through a ________________(wheat-grow) province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres.

              (2)It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some ____________(measure) over 90 metres.

              (3)She gave me a ________(determine) look, the kind that said she would not change her mind.

              (4)The air would be hard __________(breathe), but it would be OK for me.

              (5)He cannot have her __________(get) away with telling people lies!

              (6) That was a generation __________ girls’ education was always placed second to boys’.

              (7)Suddenly it hit me _____ difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.

              (8)Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of _____ agreed that it was the best of this year.

              (9)I realized that I had been transported into the future of _____ was still my hometown.

              (10)John was studying in his room _____ he heard screading.

              (11)  -- If you don’t mind, may I ask you how much money you have?

              -- Well, to be honest, I have _______. (我没有钱)

              (12)  He was generous with his time, _____ which I was grateful.

              (13)  Thanks to Yuan Longping’s research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world _____ hunger.

              (14)  I’m sorry _____ could you repeat that?

              (15)  We cannot blame the tools _____ the faults of their user, can we?

            • 2.

              Knowledge is the food of thought ________, as long as it is put in our brain, we will grow wiser.

            • 3.

              “Only two centimeters higher, _______ break the world record,” encouraged the coach.

              A.you will
              B.and you will
              C.or you will
              D.will you
            • 4.

              Congratulations! ________ you ________your sister have passed the driving test.

              A.Neither; nor
              B.Either; of
              C.Both; and
              D.Not only; but also
            • 5.

              Try some of this tasty juice, ________ you'll feel better.

            • 6.

              I have got one more page to write;________(否则)I’ve finished.

            • 7.

              Ten minutes earlier, __ we could have avoided the accident.

            • 8.


              (1) 我还记得我们乐队组建的那一天,就好像在昨天一样。(定语从句) (2) John不会等我们的, Jerry也不会。(nor) (3) 毫无疑问这次比赛对所有学生来说都是个好机会。(doubt) (4) 这些电脑已经被赠送给一所当地的学校。(被动语态) (5) 我打算去伦敦,我姐姐Susan也是。(as well)
            • 9.

              Tim: Hi, Susan. How are you? I’ve been wondering when I’d run into you. What are you busy


              Susan: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I   61   (pick) some Christmas gifts for those who work with me, but it’s really   62   headache.

              Tim: Maybe I could give you some   63  (advise). Firstly, you’d better   64  (divide) them into different groups. Who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates? And who are the people you don’t know well   65   you see pretty much daily?

              Susan: OK. Then what should I do?

              Tim: For the friends, you want to get them   66  (person) gifts. Do they like chocolate?

              Susan: This is   67   I always give. But I know Mary is on a diet.

              Tim: Does she like fruit or coffee?  68  , think of a gift that you know your friend likes.

              Susan: Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep fit. How about the rest   69  them?

              Tim: Leave cards in their mailboxes or on their desks.

              Susan: Christmas cards?

              Tim: Yes. You can afford that. More   70  (important), it shows them that you are thinking of them.

              Susan: Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You really have saved me, and my money as well!

            • 10.

              It was about six years ago. We were at senior high school. Those days in school were  4l  to most Chinese students because of the college  42   examination pressure. Not our parents and teachers didn’t love us.   43   they loved us too much. The only happiness for us was a high   44   in the exam.

              One afternoon after the final exam, we four girls came to a small   45   and we felt it only belonged to us that afternoon. We talked and laughed. We played all the games that we could     4. We felt really happy for the first time in our   47  . We totally forgot the unhappiness in our life and we threw the homework and the endless   48   far away out of the wood.

              In the middle of the wood ran a small and peaceful    49  . Now and then, we could see some wild ducks on the water seeking food. The water weeds   50   happily while the water passed beside them. The air was so fresh that we breathed it freely.

              The sun had set  51  we knew it. We had to leave the place which brought us much happiness. We agreed to come back again every time we felt   52  .

              53   later, we went there several times. But every time we went there with the purpose of finding that great feeling, we  54  . Strangely, the feeling was different from   55   of several years ago.

              I know that wonderful experience was just for once. We can   56   find that kind of happiness again which only belonged to the special _  57    in our life. That was a release of our uneasy heart. We can never go   58   to that young age or that simple life. It was our   59    ages. No matter how boring and hard the life was, it gave us something worthy to recall in the rest of our life. We’ll   60  it forever.

