优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              宾从:He told me ______ he would come to our school.

            • 2.

              表从:What is troubling me is _____ I don’t understand what he said.       

            • 3.

              主从:____ caused the accident is still a complete mystery.

            • 4.

              宾从:I don’t think ______ he loves Mary.

            • 5.

              表从:What she couldn’t understand was ____ fewer and fewer students showed interests in her lessons.     

            • 6.

              (1). By the 1850s, the book was selling one million copies a year, ______ (make) it one of the most popular ever.

              (2). This non-stop communication has made ______ easier for them to understand each other.

              (3). It doesn’t make much of a difference ______ a teacher speaks British or American English.

              (4). The T-shirts are available in wide ______ (vary) of colors.

              (5). The art show was far ______ being a failure; it was a great success.

              (6). The morning is ______ we are busiest.

              (7). We must create an atmosphere ______ we can concentrate on our lessons.

              (8). Up to now, this program ______ (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

              (9). ______ (person), I don’t like him at all.

              (10). Give him an inch, ______ he will take a mile.

            • 7. Seize the chance,            you will regret it.
            • 8.

              Mother asked her ________ she was very hot with so many clothes on.

            • 9.

              (1) You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend can’t go _________he finishes cleaning his bicycle.

              (2)Your _____________ (speak) English will surely improve if you practice speaking it every day.

              (3)When he borrowed my camera last time, he broke it and I had to pay to get it _________ (repair)

              (4)An __________ (employ) is a person who is paid to work for an organization or for another person.

              (5) It’s no pleasure ______________(play) with kids because I dislike children.

              (6) Thank you for one of the most______________ (enjoy) visits we have had this month.

              (7) You should use your ___________ (imagine) to think what it might be like on the moon.

              (8 )The total coal output (煤炭总产量) rose by 8% ___________ (compare) with that of last year.

              (9) It is ________ (polite) to ask westerners about their age and salary.

              (10)It is the second time that I __________ (be) in Beijing. What great changes!

            • 10.
              Seize the chance,            you will regret it.
