优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              You’ll never be _____________(原谅)if you cheat in the exam next week.

            • 2.

              When ______________ (打断) with a question, the lecturer was surprised but listened patiently.

            • 3.


              1. He dashed to the scene of the fire to save the state property(财产), ________( ignore) the danger to himself.

              2. The car ________ (crash) into a tree and burst into flames.

              3. The fire man ________(营救) a baby from the burning house.

              4. His brother achieved an __________ (amaze) success.

              5. This book is well __________(值得) reading, so I advise you to read it.

              6.Try to _______ (simple) your explanation to the students to help them understand better.

              7. There was not enough ________ (证据) to prove that he was the murder.

              8. The man I talked with just now has been ________(雇佣).

              9. In __________ (real), the problem is not easy for us.

              10. You had better hand the paper to him ________ (person).     

            • 4.


              (1) When the ice is heated above f________(冰冻的)point, it begins to change into      a liquid state.

              (2)The island is experiencing a(n) ________ (繁荣) in tourism.

              (3)Can you provide any evidence that he was i________(清白的) of the crime?

              (4) At the airport, the  ________ (海关)  officers searched his case.

              (5) She wore a(n) p ________ (消极的) expression on her face as if she didnˈt care what happened.

              (6)I want to get a new passport but I donˈt know the p________ (程序).

              (7) In the 1930s, his grandfather a________ (积累) a great deal of wealth because of a successful business career.

              (8) You canˈt take your dog aboard; pets are f________.

              (9) When Paulˈs employers offered him a job in their New York office, he s ______ the opportunity.

              (10) The government is made up of men and women e________ (选举)by the people of the country.

            • 5.

              During World WarⅡ,Germany was ________(统治)by Hitler.

            • 6.

              _________________  (promote)to a higher position, she felt glad and worked harder.

            • 7.
              These measures are strongly ______ (支持) by environmental groups.
            • 8.
              Paris is the capital and largest city of France, s________ on the River Seine.
            • 9.

              ___________(compare) to what you have done, his work is really outstanding.

            • 10.
              Please keep me i______ of any change of address as soon as possible.
