优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)The more young students worked, the more __________(energy) they become.

              (2)I apologized to him, for I did it out of __________(curious).

              (3)Tu Youyou, a Chinese woman scientist __________(award) the Nobel Prize for her great contributions to science.

              (4)They __________(seek) their fortune to support their families last year, but in vain.

              (5)The ability to keep calm is one of his many __________(strong).

              (6)Sharing your sadness with someone who you trust is __________(benefit) to your mental health.

              (7)You’d better keep a __________(balance) diet for the benefit of your health.

              (8)The other day Mark __________(lie) to his teacher that he ___________(lie) down on the bed for the whole day .

              (9)You simply ask her to apply for a library card, which will permit you __________(take) books out regularly.

            • 2.

              A:Did you watch the CCTV news yesterday?

              B:No. Anything56 __________(interest)

              A:Absolutely. At present, a new town named “ Silk Town”57 _______________(build) near our school.

              B:Really? What for?

              A: Well, silk has so long a history in Huzhou 58__________ it has a great effect on people’s life. However, silk        industry has fallen down in the past decades,59 ________ which people feel sorry. So the government decided to    build the town to develop this traditional industry.

              B: It must be a great attraction. Wish I could see it earlier.

              A: 60_________, there is a big park in the town.

              B: Then why not pay a visit after class.

              A:Good idea! And the tulips(郁金香) in Xishanyang Park 61_________(come) out already, and we can appreciate    62 _____________as well.

              B:Sound nice, but do you know its exact location? It’s said that many visitors63 ____________(lose) last week.

              A:Of course. I live nearby, so I’m familiar64 __________ every path here.

              B:No wonder you walk to school65 ________ than take a bus.

            • 3.

                "What would it be like if we had no electricity?" I asked at the dinner table when I wasI'd just finished 61. ________ (read) some science fiction books that had sparked the idea. We had an interesting 62.________ (discuss) and Dad agreed that we could try 63.________ (turn) off the power to the whole house for a weekend to see how we'd go.

                   A few weeks later, an unusually and 64.________ (strange) early snowstorm knocked the power out for three days. Be careful what you wish for! We had 65.________ chance to learn just how 66. ________ (depend) we were on electricity. We built a fire for warmth and cooking (Morn even made French toast over the fire); we collected water from the spring and melted snow; we played games and read books. We 67.________ (light) candles at night and everyone went to bed early. It was fun. We knew this outage would be over in a few days and so a lot of household tasks were set aside to wait 68.  ________the lights came back on. But I wonder what would happen now if the power went out for a day or two. If 69.________, everyone would have to share skills and resources. I for sure need to build up friendships with farmers and hunters 70.________ can bring me food. And I'd probably get out of the city to a place where there's some flowing water and garden space.

            • 4.
              After the air crash, few people on board ________(幸存)at last, which brought sadness to many families.
            • 5.

              Rechel, 22, from Boston, rescued her father by magically   (1)   (lift) an SUV from his leg.

              Adam was repairing the Jeep’s brakes(刹车)of his daughter’s when the jacks keeping the car overhead   (2)   (fall) down and one of the axles(轮轴)landed on his leg. Rachel heard her father’s howls (嚎叫)of pain from outside the house and ran to his rescue.

              Rachel saw that the car,   (3)   weighs around 2,500 kg, was crushing her father’s leg and in order to free   (4)   , she lifted the vehicle with her bare hands.

              Rachel said she didn’t know   (5)   she managed to lift the large vehicle from her father’s leg, “I ran out   (6)   the house and I saw him under my car. So I just went and lifted   (7)   wheel arch to set him free,” she said.

              Doctors and nurses arrived and Adam was rushed to hospital where X-rays were taken. He made a  (8)   (luck) escape and came away with just a few cuts.

              Adam said his daughter was his “hero” and that it was still unclear how Rachel managed  (9)  (gather) the strength to lift a Jeep.

              She added that she was glad her dad wasn’t   (10)   (bad) harmed and that she was happy she only had a sore back.

              (1) u>&;                                            
              (2) u>&;                                            
              (3) u>&;                                            
              (4) u>&;                                            
              (5) u>&;                                            
              (6) u>&;                                            
              (7) u>&;                                            
              (8) u>&;                                            
              (9) u>&;                                            
              (10) u>&;                                            ​
            • 6.

              Last weekend as I was riding in the bike lane alongside the truck, we reached a crossing and it turned to the right,   (1)  (hit) me and my bicycle. Even more upsetting was the fact   (2)   the driver didn’t stop afterward.   (3)  (luck), I was not injured and my bicycle was damaged, but still usable.

              Even days after I reported the event to the police, they failed to   (4)  (proper) solve this situation or even return my calls. Eventually, I decided   (5)  (contact) University Student Legal Services for help about this matter. The small damage may not seem worth all   (6)   trouble, but what if I had been seriously   (7)  (injure)? Will anyone see punishment for breaking traffic laws and damaging my property?

              Unfortunately, my experience is common, and   (8)  (accident) between bikes and cars occur far too often. A comprehensive study   (9)  (report) that of the nearly 3,000 cyclist-motorist crashes that occurred between 2000 and 2010, about 20 percent were hit-and-runs.

              Bicycles are held to the same standards as motor vehicles in most cases,   70__   means that cyclists must obey all the traffic rules, and also have the right to get damages in the accidents. I urge both cyclists and motorists to become familiar with their rights and duties when sharing the roads.

            • 7.

              Eddie drove over to Betty’s to see her, only to find she wasn’t home, so he wrote a note: “Hi, Betty. I love you and I miss you.” He was about    (1)     (tape粘贴) the note onto her front door     (2)   he saw her car pull up. She walked up the stairs. Instead of the big smile, hug(拥抱), and kiss that she usually greeted him with, she simply said, “What’s up?” 

              “You haven’t called me in     (3)     past two days, honey, so I come over to see you.” He gave her the note. She     (4)     (open) it, read it, and put it on the kitchen table. 

              “That’s sweet,” she said,    (5)     (walk) into her bedroom. Eddie followed her and tried to hug her.  “I have to wash my hands,” she said. When she came out of the bathroom, she told Eddie that he should go home. She said she was hungry after a whole   (6)     (tire) day, and was going to eat something    (7)     have a rest. She added that she might call him     (8)     (late). 

              During Eddie’s entire five-minute visit, Betty constantly avoided his eyes. Instead of walking him out to his car, Betty locked her front door   (9)  ( immediate ) Eddie walked out of her apartment, much to his   (10)     (disappoint).  

            • 8.

              We have neighbors whose adult son has been living with them since   (1)  (lose) his job over 5 years ago. He is the 5th child of 6 and he has struggled throughout his life.

              His dog died in early July and the loss has affected him   (2)  (deep). He built his daily life around the do walks and made relationships in the neighborhood with other dog   (3)  (walk).

              His parents do not want him to get another dog because they want his schedule to be more flexible    (4)  (find) a job and want him not to worry about walking the dog. It is    (5)   hard situation. I can see he is depressed and lonely without his dog.  

              First I tried to help by including him with my family for walks with our dogs. Then I   (6)   (think) maybe something else would help.

              So I drove him to the local humane society,  (7)   is a direct and fairly short bus ride from his place, and he agreed ___  (8)   (volunteer) to help walk and love the animals there. He refused at first but after only one week he has already told us about   (9)   much they need his help. He seems to have a purpose. I am pleased that he got himself out and I am more pleased that he feels    (10)  (use) and valued. That is so important for all of us.

