优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The audience were on their feet and a____________ at the end of his performance .

            • 2.

              A: What’s wrong ___41__ you, Tom? You look upset today. Is there ____42_____ wrong?

              B: No, Mum, but…

              A: Come on, son, tell me ____43______has happened.

              B: Well. What shall I do? I happened ____44___(break)a window in Mr. Henry’s house?

              A: Oh, did you apologize to Mr. Henry?

              B: But the trouble is.......

                A: Come on, dear, please tell me the __45__(true).

                B: Paul and I were together. I was able to run away but he was caught and __46__ (have) to pay for the damage.

                A: You ____47______have done that.

                B: I know, but I daren’t phone Mr. Henry. And I’m also very sorry for Paul.

                A: I think you must make an ___48_____ (apologize) to Mr. Henry. Then you’d better hurry to see Paul. Give him back the money,____49____ if you like, invite him to have tea tomorrow.

                B: I will do ____50_____ you say.

              (1) ____  
              (2) ___  
              (3) ___  
              (4) ___  
              (5) ____  
              (6) ____  
              (7) ____  
              (8) ____  
              (9) ____  
              ​ (10) ____
            • 3.

              (1) I haven’t been able to be o_________ for so long that I’ve grown crazy about everything to do with nature.

              (2) I am able to look at nature through curtains hanging before very d________ windows.

              (3) The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me e_________ in their power.

              (4) Later in the 17th century, people from England made v_________ to conquer other parts of the world, so English began to be spoken in other countries.

              (5) N_________ English speakers can understand each other well even if they don’t speak the same English.

              (6) She _______ _______(遭受) loneliness, but she had to learn to like it.

              (7) You should _______ _______ _______ _______(充分利用) time to practice speaking English.

              (8) Mr. Green _______ ________ (经历)a lot of difficulties in the childhood.

              (9) It’s too noisy outside, and I can’t _______ _______ _______(平静下来)my study.

              (10)The UN ______ ________ ________ _______(起着重要作用) in the international relations.

            • 4. I thought hard, and suddenly a good idea o__________ to me.
            • 5. It’s a shame that I b________(表现) so badly and brought so much trouble to my parents.
            • 6.

              (1)She had developed quite an __________(喜爱) for the place.

              (2)You need a lawyer to ____ _____ _____ you in court.

              (3) It is an inner ________(消极的) force that is holding you back.

              (4)I’m trying to _____ ______ _____ a vegetable garden in the backyard.

              (5) The new teacher was very slow to _____ _____ the usual rules of the school.

              (6) Without direction and ______(动机), a person would not know what to do.

              (7) He is a new driver and he ______ not very ______ ______ the roads.

              (8)The third biggest ______(宗教)in the United States is Judaism.

              (9)There isn’t enough room for us, ______ ______ six dogs and a cat.

              (10)He ______(辞职)after an argument with the managing director.

            • 7.

              (1)You should made an a________(道歉)to him for what you said.

              (2)The ability to keep calm is one of his many s________(长处).

              (3)No one who has not received education and training in safety shall be p________(允许)to work in a coal mine.

              (4)I could feel the wind g______(温和的)blowing through my hair.

              (5) We were greatly i________(使印象深刻)by its beauty when visiting China.

              (6) It was within easy walking d__________(距离)of the hotel.

              (7)When the policeman stopped, we all looked at him, nervous and p_____(迷惑的).

              (8) Finally he lost his p____________(耐心)and started to yell at his mother.

              (9)You’d better c________(咨询)your Chinese teacher about how to write an article.

              (10)Fresh air is b____________(有益的)to our health.

              (11) He opened the box out of c________(好奇).

              (12)I r________(提醒)him of the meeting, but he ignored me.

              (13) I a________(钦佩)her for her courage.

              (14) My mother has a firm b______(信念)in the value of education.

              (15)I saw an old farmer s___________(包围)by a lot of students.

            • 8.


              The fact is that I          my          by working as an       hand, which      for my appearance.

            • 9.

              (1) You will look ____________(苗条的)if you wear this black dress.

              (2) O____________, she is unhappy now; she was criticized by her boss just now.

              (3) The woman ____________(怒目而视)at the man after he shouted at her.      

              (4) No one can enter the room without the owner’s p ____________.     

              (5) You should ____________(道歉)to your teacher for being late.

              (6) My grandmother is over 70, but she is still e____________ and often takes part in many activities.

              (7) When I saw the pictures of ____________(挨饿)children, I couldn’t help crying.

              (8) Take into account your own s____________ and weaknesses.

              (9) She was ____________(授予)a scholarship due to her good performance at school.

              (10) The woman in the film got through many difficulties. The audience were so moved that they couldn’t stop w____________.

            • 10.

              (1)Christmas actually started as a ___________(宗教的)festival celebrated by Christians around the world.

              (2)When we met again, he ___________(道歉)to me for not having kept his word and asked for my forgiveness.

              (3)The ability to keep calm is one of her many____________(长处、优点).

              (4) These problems are very difficult_________(确实),but I’m sure they can be solved.

              (5)Visitors are not __________(允许)to take photographs here.

