优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              根据所给汉语意思, 用所学短语的正确形式填空。

              1. She ___________ _________(抚养) five children.

              2. The poor weather may have ___________ _________(是...的原因)the small crowd.

              3. My grandfather is not sick. _________ _________ _________ ,(与此相反) he’s in very good condition.

              4. _________ _________(既然)the kids have left home, we’ve got a lot of extra space.

              5. In the city there will be a great activity _________ ____________ _______ (为了纪念...) the great people.

              6. He is ____________ _________(暗中监视)us secretly. We must take care.

              7. I think I’ll have a cold drink _________  _________ (而不是)coffee.

              8. Nothing would ___________ him_________(阻止)speaking out against injustice.

              9. The ambulance got there just _________ _________.(及时)

              10. The children were dressed _________ _________.(衣衫褴褛)

            • 2.

              He _____________ ______________(编造) some excuses about his daughter being sick.

            • 3.

              Owens came in and ____________ _______________ ______________(掌控) the situation.

            • 4.


              In today’s world, being able to speak more than one language, including English, is __________ you _____________ or get ahead.

            • 5.


              (1)The table _____________ (占据) too much room of this small house.

              (2)Chantal prefers travelling by train ________________ (而不是公共汽车).   

              (3) _______________(在他们的支持下), we finished our task in time at last.

              (4)Stop ____________(挤我)—there’s plenty of room.

              (5)Seize the chance, _________ (要不然的话) you will regret

            • 6. to spend; after school; time; computer games; told; not; too much; she; playing; me;


            • 7.

              The army organized teams to dig out __________________________________ and to bury the dead.


            • 8.


              Only after he failed the exam         he          the importance of studying.

            • 9.

              只有大声喊叫,他才能够使自己被听见。Only by shouting __________________________________.

            • 10.

              Last night they ___________________________(摆脱) the dormitory of mice which made much noise at night.

