优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              At first, I thought it was not a difficult job for me, but finally I found that I underestimated it.

                The job ________ ________ to be more difficult than expected.

            • 2.

              The little girl was fortunate because she missed the rushing car by an inch.

                 The little girl was fortunate because she _________ ________being run over by a car.

            • 3.

              Many people show their concern about how long our fresh water supplies will hold out.

                Many people are worried about that whether our fresh water supplies are ______  ______.

            • 4.

              It seems that the child is tired of doing the same activity again and again.

              The child ______ _______ ______ _______ with doing the same activity again and again.

            • 5.

              To my sadness, people played jokes on me for my being overweight.

              What made me sad is that people______ ______ me for my being overweight.

            • 6. 直到我们听了这次音乐会,他的音乐天赋才被我们完全认可。(用强调句型)

                  _______________________________ his musical gift was fully recognized.

            • 7.

              Any problem that has something to do with teenagers’mental health is worth paying attention to.

              Any problem that has something to do with teenagers’mental health     our attention.

