优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              More than half a million South Korean students   61   (recent)took the university enhance examination. Many people consider success on this test the first step toward a good life. South Korean students say they feel stressed from the pressure.

              South Korean high school students spend years    62   their study for the university enhance examination. The test is multiple choice,   63   (mean)that the student may choose among several possible   64   (answer)to a question.

              A government study has found that South Korean children are   65   least happy compared to children in 29 other developed countries. Many South Koreans owe this   66   (unhappy)to the educational pressure.

              South Korean President Park Geun-hye   67   (promise)to reform her country’s educational system twice by now. She urges the system   68   (increase)creative thinking and reduce student pressure.

              Still, getting South Korean parents to reduce the pressure on their children might not be so easy. A mother says she is not willing to put so much pressure on her daughter. However, the fierce competition makes   69   impossible for parents not to do so. For now,   70   the parents can expect is that the pressure brings good results.

            • 2.

              Recently, I failed an exam. However, after I came out of my teacher’s office, I told myself “smile! It’s notthatserious.”

              I smiled a big smile and    61    worked a little, really.

              Everyone gets frustrated sometimes. I used to be always influenced by pressure and I was often in low spirits. But one day I came    62    a sentence in the Bible: “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.” It suddenlystruckmethat   63     (worry) about a problem doesn’t help. Why not just give a big smile and face up to the trouble?

              Now every time I want to cry, I remind myselfof the fact   64     laughteris better than tears and anger. I am  ­­­   65       (convince) that there’ssomething magical about a smile. A smile helps me recover confidence and gives methecourage     66    (struggle)on.

              So remember, whenever you’re     67     (fair) treatedandwhenever you   68    (face)with a setback (挫折),   69   it takes is determinationtocheer yourself upagain. Smile at life,     70    it will shine on you.

            • 3.

              Every year, approximately 1,6 million tons of soil flows into Yellow River, China’s second  41   (long) river.The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area.Over time, a lot of soil  42   (remove),which has caused serious erosion of the land   43   the River.In some areas in Shanxi Province, this has destroyed almost all the land, and has forced many local farmers  44  (move) to other areas.

              45  is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion.Many people believe this kind of work is best done by government or international 46   (organize).You may agree with this point of view.If 47  , it is time for you to think again.

              In fact, it is you   48   have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion.Did you know the importance of your 5 yuan? For a start, it can buy you a tree,   49   will help make soil stay on the land.On land with rich soil, local farmers can grow crops to make  50    living, with the money they earn from their crops, farmers buy goods or services.This helps to develop local economies.

