优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. —______ music it is!

                        — Yes, that’s my favorite.


              A.How beautiful
              B.How bad
              C.What beautiful
              D.What bad
            • 2. _______ good information you gave us! Thank you very much.


              B.What a
              D.How a
            • 3.

              ______ it is to have a cold drink on such a hot day!

              A.What a fun
              B.How fun
              C.What fun
              D.How a fun
            • 4.

              ___________ it is to watch a close football game!

              A.What a great fun
              B.How great fun
              C.What great fun
              D.How great a fun
            • 5.

              We have neighbors whose adult son has been living with them since   (1)  (lose) his job over 5 years ago. He is the 5th child of 6 and he has struggled throughout his life.

              His dog died in early July and the loss has affected him   (2)  (deep). He built his daily life around the do walks and made relationships in the neighborhood with other dog   (3)  (walk).

              His parents do not want him to get another dog because they want his schedule to be more flexible    (4)  (find) a job and want him not to worry about walking the dog. It is    (5)   hard situation. I can see he is depressed and lonely without his dog.  

              First I tried to help by including him with my family for walks with our dogs. Then I   (6)   (think) maybe something else would help.

              So I drove him to the local humane society,  (7)   is a direct and fairly short bus ride from his place, and he agreed ___  (8)   (volunteer) to help walk and love the animals there. He refused at first but after only one week he has already told us about   (9)   much they need his help. He seems to have a purpose. I am pleased that he got himself out and I am more pleased that he feels    (10)  (use) and valued. That is so important for all of us.

            • 6. 【题文】Yesterday I really enjoyed myself but today it’s raining and cold what           a day makes!
              B.a difference
              D.a different
            • 7. 【题文】---__________ weather it is! We can’t go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.
              ---Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Science Museum instead.
              A.What good
              B.How good
              C.How bad
              D.What bad
            • 8. 【题文】 __________from Beijing to London!
              A.How long way it is
              B.What a long way it is
              C.How long way is it
              D.What a long way is it
            • 9. 【题文】Look, ________ the car __________!
              A.What high speed; is moving
              B.How high speed; is moving
              C.What high speed; is moving at
              D.How high speed; is moving at
            • 10.        a strange plant!I've never seen it before.(  )
