优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              I do voluntary work for an organization that helps the people in need in Haiti. Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to   (1)   him.

              Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and   (2)  . For the first two days, he said almost nothing. I worried the trip was too   (3)   for a 17-year-old. Then on day three, as we were   (4)   over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑),“Pretty hard.”

              After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes   (5)   large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized(着迷). He couldn’t stop   (6)  . Later he said   (7)  . “I wish I could speak French.” I was   (8)  -this from a boy who hated and   (9)   French classes throughout school.

              Usually silent, he   (10)   Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people. He blossomed(活泼起来).

                (11)   , the moment that really took   (12)   breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains. I was   (13)   a woman villager for an article. 135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in   (14)  . Through determination, she had learned to read and write and   (15)   to become part of the leadership of the   (16)  .

              Learning her story, Barrett was as   (17)   as I by this tiny woman’s achievements. His eyes were wet and there was a   (18)   of love and respect on his face. He had finally understood the importance of my work.

              When leaving for home, Barrett even offered to stay   (19)   as a volunteer. My insides suddenly felt struck. This   (20)   achieved all I’d expected. Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday. He’ll be a man.

              (1) A. educate         B. attract                
              C. please            D. comfort

              (2) A. troublesome       B. dangerous         
              C. hard                 D. violent

              (3) A. little B. much                    
              C. fast           D. slow           

              (4) A. running         B. moving        
              C. looking               D. climbing        

              (5) A. too                    B. very C. even D. so

              (6) A. crying          B. joking          
              C. shouting             D. smiling

              (7) A. patiently        B. regretfully       
              C. cheerfully             D. lightly          

              (8) A. disappointed     B. ashamed        
              C. surprised       D. determined

              (9) A. called off        B. fought against  
              C. went in for          D. took up

              (10) A. befriended             B. talked              
              C. avoided     D. recognized 

              (11) A. Even           B. Thus            
              C. However         D. Meanwhile      

              (12) A. our             B. his            
              C. my                D. her

              (13) A. interviewing     B. asking         
              C. describing           D. arranging       

              (14) A. wish                      B. brain                   
              C. health                     D. will 

              (15) A. appeared               B. struggled            
              C. failed                            D. hesitated 

              (16) A. city                       B. village                 
              C. organization          D. state

              (17) A. bored                      B. pleased               
              C. touched                 D. puzzled  

              (18) A. combination          B. connection   
              C. composition          D. satisfaction

              (19) A. away                     
              B. in                         
              C. out                             
              D. behind

              (20) A. article                    B. flight                     
              C. interview             D. trip 

            • 2.

              I’m Emily Barr, a British journalist. One day, an idea of travelling around the world came into my mind. I was so scared at first that I thought about canceling the whole plan at least twice a day. But I finally made up my mind and left.

              Travelling around the world is the most exciting thing I have ever done. During the first few months I saw the beautiful view of Miami’s South Beach. I crossed the United States by train and walked on a Fijian beach, and I was happy to visit New Zealand. Then I spent about a month in Australia.

              When I arrived in China, I carefully copied the Chinese characters for the hotel I wanted to stay in onto a piece of paper, and handed it to a taxi driver. He frowned(皱眉), and then laughed at my ugly writing. In Chengdu, I rode out of town to see pandas at their reserve(保护区).One evening when I spent my time in a bar, I met James, another tourist, who is my husband now by the way. We flew to Tibet together the next day.

              James and I walked around in Lhasa, travelled on Indian trains, wandered around the Taj Mahal and slept on the floor at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Then a year after I began my trip, I went back home.

              Now James and I live in France with our two young sons and often make plans to travel with the boys. Once you have done it, anything seems possible.

              (1) The underlined word “canceling” is closest in meaning to “________”.

              A. giving up B. caring about C. advancing D. following

              (2) What is the CORRECT time order of the following events?

                a. Travelling to China.    b. Crossing the United States.

                 c. Visiting New Zealand.        d. Going to India.         e. Going on a trip to Australia.

              A. a-b-e-c-d B. b-c-a-e-d C. b-c-e-a-d D. b-e-c-a-d

              (3) We can learn from the passage that________.

              A. Emily began her around-the-world trip with her husband

              B. there are three people in Emily’s family

              C. Emily doesn’t want to travel any more after her around-the-world trip

              D. it took Emily a year to go on her around-the-world trip

              (4) The passage mainly tells us________.

              A. the family’s love to Emily
              B. Emily’s travelling around the world

              C. the marriage life of Emily and her husband
              D. what Emily did when she prepared her travel

            • 3.

              The family had just moved. The young woman was feeling a little   (1)  . It was Mother’s Day--and 800 miles separated her from her parents.

              She had called them that morning, and her mother had   (2)   how colorful their backyard was   (3)   spring had arrived. Later, she told her husband how she   (4)   those lilacs (丁香花) in her parents’ yard. “I know where we can find some,” he said. “Get the   (5)   and come on.” So off they went.

              Some time later, they stopped at a hill and there were lilacs all round. The young woman rushed up to the nearest   (6)   and buried her face in the flowers. Carefully, she   (7)   some. Finally, they returned to their car for the   (8)   home. The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her   (9)  .

              When they were near home, she shouted “Stop,” got out quickly and   (10)   to a nearby nursing home. She went to the end of the porch (门廊), where a(n)   (11)   patient was sitting in her wheelchair, and put the flowers into her lap. The two   (12)  , bursting into laughter now and then. Later the young woman turned and ran back to her   (13)  . As the car pulled away, the woman in the wheelchair   (14)   with a smile, and held the lilacs   (15)  .

              “Mom,” the kids asked, “  (16)   did you give her our flowers?” “It is Mother’s Day, and she seems so   (17)  while I have all of you. And anyone would be  (18)   by flowers.”

              This satisfied the kids, but not the husband. The next day he   (19)   some young lilacs around their yard. I was the husband. Now, every May, our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mother’s Day our kids   (20)   purple lilacs. And every year I remember that smile of the lonely old woman. And that has become a lasting touching memory of my life.

              (1) A. moved            B. worried               
              C. angry                   D. depressed

              (2) A. learned                 B. imagined           
              C. mentioned         D. realized

              (3) A. now that         B. so that                 
              C. as if                      D. even if

              (4) A. missed            B. grew                  
              C. watered               D. showed

              (5) A. cars                 B. kids                     
              C. clothes                 D. lilacs

              (6) A. bush                B. hill                      
              C. yard                            D. door

              (7) A. bought            B. picked                 
              C. sent                      D. raised

              (8) A. break              B. holiday               
              C. trip                       D. dinner

              (9) A. friends            B. memory              
              C. flowers                D. honor

              (10) A. responded      B. pointed               
              C. drove                   D. hurried

              (11) A. loving             B. elderly                
              C. serious                 D. sensitive

              (12) A. hesitated         B. waited                
              C. sat                        D. chatted

              (13) A. family             B. mother                
              C. path                     D. home    

              (14) A. nodded           B. waved                 
              C. left                       D. continued    

              (15) A. sadly          B. politely              
              C. quickly                D. tightly

              (16) A. why                B. when                   
              C. how                     D. where   

              (17) A. quiet               B. confused             
              C. alone                    D. patient

              (18) A. calmed            B. persuaded           
              C. disappointed        D. cheered 

              (19) A. arranged         B. dried                   
              C. planted                D. hid 

              (20) A. find                B. gather                 
              C. receive                 D. sell

            • 4.
              On a cold November afternoon,my mother and I were walking home from a   (1)  .We were dressed   (2)  .I was feeling a little   (3)  as I was carrying our shopping,and decided to throw away something.So I started to walk towards a   (4)  when I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us.He   (5)   over to another nearby dustbin and started looking through it. I suddenly felt very guilty because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was   (6)  .I walked up to him and handed the   (7)   and some snacks(小吃)over to him.The man looked up   (8)  and took what I gave him.A huge smile   (9)  across his face and this   (10)  me to feel indescribable satisfaction.I felt I couldnˈt be happier   (11)   myself.But then he said:"Wow,this is my sonˈs lucky day!"  With that,he thanked me happily and started off on his bike,I   (12)  heard him whistling a song as he rode away.
                  I got a warm   (13)  inside.I now understand   (14)  is meant by the saying "giving is getting".Although it only   (15)   a little action and a few words,I gained and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month.Everyone in the world needs   (16)  ,everyone can   (17)   help and everyone will be helped by   (18)   kindness.
                  The image of that manˈs happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every   (19)  I have the chance to do something nice.
              This is the   (20)  of charity(慈善行为).

              (1) A. store           B. school       
              C. hospital        D. factory

              (2) A. poorly          B. coldly       
              C. warmly         D. expensively

              (3) A. glad            B. interested    
              C. bored            D. tired

              (4) A. street            B. dustbin       
              C. toilet           D. corner

              (5) A. walked          B. looked       
              C. thought         D. took

              (6) A. cheap           B. heavy        
              C. tasteless        D. full

              (7) A. money          B. toys          
              C. drink          D. clothes

              (8) A. in silence        B. in surprise     
              C. in interest      D. in a hurry

              (9) A. spread           B. came         
              C. went          D. ran

              (10) A. forced           B. helped        
              C. made          D. caused

              (11) A. with            B. to              
              C. at           D. for

              (12) A. still             B. never           
              C. even         D. ever

              (13) A. opinion          B. mind           
              C. idea          D. feeling

              (14) A. which           B. what            
              C. that          D. it

              (15) A. cost             B. took            
              C. spent         D. asked

              (16) A. 1ove            B. money           
              C. help         D. drink

              (17) A. receive          B. send             
              C. offer         D. have

              (18) A. showing         B. expressing        
              C. 1ending       D. saying

              (19) A. moment         B. day              
              C. minute        D. time

              (20) A. aim             B. meaning          
              C. strength       D. power

            • 5.

              When my students ask me why I live in a tiny house, they actually ask about all the “sacrifices (牺牲)” I am making. They know that I have moved from a large apartment in the city to a small home on wheels in the backyard woods. They know I forego running water, Internet connection, and reliable phone reception.

              However, it was possible for me to be truly happy while living with very few material things. My body responded well, in health, fitness and mood. Watching the daily sunset, hosting friends for days at a time, reading, writing letters to my families and friends and exploring natural wonders in my spare time all were free and invaluable experience.

              What was necessary to my survival proved to be a rather short list—healthy food, clean and drinkable water, heat source, weather-protecting shelter, weather-suitable clothing, equally important friends and mental and physical stimulations (刺激).

              When I returned to life in the US, I couldn’t help but sense a deep and uneasy belief that life suddenly changed. I felt disconnected with many things—the earth, others, my food source, my waste disposal, the natural cycle of my body and the productive interests. These are the things I once loved but now find myself too busy to enjoy. How was it that I was earning 40 times my Peace Corps salary and was less healthy and satisfied in my daily schedule? I found myself asking—what is it to be rich anyway? Therefore, last August I let go of most of my belongings and moved into a tiny house on wheels because I wanted to see if I could live a more enjoyable lifestyle.        

              So far so good. I believe that I have made the right decision.

              (1) What does the underlined word “forego” in the first paragraph probably mean?
              A. Give away.         B. Take along.      
              C. Care about.               D. Go after.
              (2) What interested the author most when living in the tiny house?
              A. The natural living schedule.                 
              B. Busy and invaluable experiences. 
              C. The happiness of the simple life.          
              D. The very few material belongings.
              (3) What did the author feel when he returned to the US?
              A. He felt he was out-of-date.        
              B. He wouldn’t enjoy the modern life.  
              C. He was rich enough to enjoy the city life.     
              D. He was disconnected with the outside world.
            • 6.

              In our whole life, we will come across different kinds of people and things.   (1)   , our views of the world, life and value have been changing all the time. To be honest, one of my English teachers has made a great   (2)   on me.

              Although she was short, old and ugly, she was talented,  (3)   and passionate(热诚的).Thus, we called her “a crazy stone”. She didnˈt mind it   (4)  ; instead, she seemed to love her   (5)  very much. In addition, she was so   (6)  with students that she knew how to raise our   (7)  and get along well with us. Therefore, we studied English well and   (8)  her.

              To be honest, I am fond of listening to   (9)  told by others in my daily life. Maybe I have heard so many that it is__(  (10)  __for me to laugh. But she was a(n)__(11)__. Her jokes were always so funny, for she always led you to the scenes of them and__(12)__an interesting atmosphere. Although I_(13)__the university ten years ago, I still remember several jokes, one of which I would like to__(  (11)  __with you.

              Before having an English lesson, there was a handsome boy who made a self­introduction. He said that he was able to do__(15)__and finally made a conclusion that he was rather untalented. After hearing that,Stone__(16)__the teacherˈs desk and said an old saying: “Innocence is the virtue(美德) for__(17)__”. Hearing this we all burst into laughter.

              Although I met several good teachers when I was in the high school and during my college, “a crazy stone” is the best teacher in my__(18)__. It was she that made me get__(19)__in English. It was she that educated me how to fight for success and__(20)__difficulties.

              (1) A. But    B. Although     C. Because     D. Therefore
              (2) A. expression     B. promise          
              C. influence   D. reputation
              (3) A. humorous      B. serious          
              C. active               D. bright
              (4) A. after all         B. at all              
              C. above all       D. in all
              (5) A. description    B. occupation        
              C. nickname       D. students
              (6) A. strict             B. friendly             
              C. popular         D. familiar
              (7) A. force             B. enthusiasm        
              C. inspiration         D. power
              (8) A. respected      B. agreed               
              C. pushed              D. thanked
              (9) A. lessons          B. experiences       
              C. tales                      D. jokes
              (10) A. impossible     B. easy                  
              C. difficult         D. likely
              (11) A. model           B. teacher              
              C. laughter         D. exception
              (12) A. enjoyed         B. came                 
              C. created               D. reduce
              (13) A. lived in         B. came into          
              C. left for        D. graduated from
              (14) A. spend            B. communicate        
              C. share             D. talked
              (15) A. anything       B. nothing                    
              C. everything         D. something
              (16) A. stood on       B. walked to         
              C. broke down     D. pushed away
              (17) A. men               B. students            
              C. women             D. teachers
              (18) A. heart             B. city                   
              C. school              D. world
              (19) A. hurt               B. down                
              C. interested         D. rewarded
              (20) A. ignore           B. overcome          
              C. escape              D. face
            • 7.

              Billboard Music Awards of the Year 2015 goes to Taylor Swift,a singer-songwriter,who has shaped and inspired the American music industry with her success.

               When Taylor Swift first came to public notice,she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar.She was far more enthusiastic than skilled,but apparently threw spark of superb talent.

                Four years’ later,Swift has become a multi-awards winner,with the biggest selling albums.

              For her consummateperformance,Taylor Swift was named Billboard magazine’s woman in 2011.She is the youngest artist to receive honors and several Billboard Music Awards,among them Top Country Album for the five-time platinum(白金) selling Speak Now,her third album that was released that year.
               “Taylor has shown the power of good songwriting with music of styles.”said Bill Werde,Billboard’s editorial director, “And at such a young age,Taylor has already made a major impact on music and has been an unbelievable role model for promising artists and young woman everywhere.”

               Swift is used to breaking chart records and winning honors since her career started.She followed that up in 2008 with Fearless,which established her as a skilled songwriter with

              several hits,including Love Story,You Belong With Me and White Horse.
                Not surprisingly,the 6-time platinum Fearless is the most awarded album in country music history in the US and her overall worldwide sales now reach 20 million albums and 40 million songs downloads.Swift has spent the past year on the Speak Now World Tour in support of her third album,and now she’s getting ready to go further.
               According to a recent interview with The New Yorker magazine,Swift has so far written about 10 songs for a 2016 album.She said the new album is about feelings of growing up and becoming an adult.
               “They’re sad if Iˈm being honest.”Swift told The New Yorker.“They’re about my heartbreaks and my moving on.But more importantly,they are about achieving contentment.You’re not always going to be ridiculously happy as you grow up.”

              (1) As a newcomer in the show business,Taylor Swift was considered to be_______.
              A. an energetic director B. an outstanding artist
              C. a promising talent D. a skilled songwriter
              (2) The underlined word “consummate” in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by______.
              A. confident B. professional C. different D. excellent
              (3) What can we learn from the passage?
              A. Fearless marked the beginning of Swift’s career.
              B. Speak Now is Taylor Swift’s third album
              C. Swift’s new album is about feelings of grown-ups.
              D. Swift has gained Billboard magazine’s woman twice.
              (4) Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
              A. Billboard Music Awards in America
              B. Taylor’s Heartbreaks in Growth
              C. An Interview with Taylor Swift        
              D. A Rising Music Genius   
            • 8.

              A Heroic Driver

                    Larry works with Transport Drivers Inc. One morning in 200, Larry was  (1)  along 165 north after delivering to one of his  (2)  . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on.  (3)  he got closer, he found  (4)  vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed  (5)  shooting out from under the  (6)  vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and  (7)  the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

              The man who had his bright lights on  (8)  and told Larry he had  (9)  an emergency call. They  (10)  heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle.  (11)  the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay  (12)  until the emergency personnel arrived,  (13)  she thought the car was going to  (14)  . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move  (15)  she injured her neck.

              Once fire and emergency people arrive, Larry and the other man  (16)  and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the  (17)  if he was needed or  (18)  to go. They let him and the other man go.

              One thing is  (19)  —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His  (20)  most likely saved the woman’s life.

              (1) A. walking          B. touring             
              C. traveling              D. rushing
              (2) A. passengers      B. colleagues          
              C. employers             D. customers
              (3) A. Since                  B. Although           
              C. As                   D. If
              (4) A. each           B. another            
              C. that                  D. his
              (5) A. flames         B. smoke              
              C. water                D. steam
              (6) A. used           B. disabled            
              C. removed              D. abandoned
              (7) A. got hold of     B. prepared           
              C. took charge of         D. controlled
              (8) A. came down     B. came through       
              C. came in               D. came over
              (9) A. returned        B. received           
              C. made                 D. confirmed
              (10) A. then           B. again              
              C. finally                D. even
              (11) A. Starting        B. Parking            
              C. Passing               D. Approaching
              (12) A. quiet           B. still               
              C. away                 D. calm
              (13) A. for            B. so                
              C. and                   D. but
              (14) A. explode         B. slip away           
              C. fall apart              D. crash
              (15) A. as if           B. unless              
              C. in case              D. after
              (16) A. stepped forward   B. backed off           
              C. moved on            D. set out
              (17) A. woman           B. police                
              C. man                 D. driver
              (18) A. forbidden          B. ready             
              C. asked                D. free
              (19) A. for certain         B. for consideration   
              C. reported              D. checked
              (20) A. patience                     B. skills                
              C. efforts                D. promise
            • 9.

                My wife Julie and I were out on the road that runs around where we live, when we saw an old worn-out dog stumbling (蹒跚) painfully up the road. We stopped, bent down, talked gently to the dog and patted it. I checked and there was a collar with a phone number. I called but no one answered.

                 The dog was painfully thin. So Julie ran home to get some of our dog's food while I tried to encourage the dog. After Julie came back, we sat down on the sidewalk while our new friend made short work of the food. Eventually we got her home.

                 After trying for many times we got a response from the number. A lady came around with a bunch of flowers for us. She explained that Tara had been her father's dog. She was very old and got lost that morning. So, Tara was safely returned home.

                 Here is the truth of the story:

                 Actually Julie and I were out that morning because I was leaving. She was trying to persuade me to come back, but I wasn't hearing anything that made that sound likely.

                 I was about to turn and go when an old black dog walked between us and almost fell down. Suddenly we had something more important than our problem to worry about. There was a creature in need right before us and we had to work together to help it.

                 We did help it. And here I am writing the story in my own home, in my own family.

                 In the song "Love Is Not a Fight" Warren Barfield talks about marriage. At one point he sings, "And if we try to leave, may God send angels (天使) to guard the door." Sometimes angels come disguised (伪装) as dogs.

              (1) How was the dog when found?
              A. Too weak to walk.    B. Thin and worn out.
              C. Unable to eat food.    D. Homeless but gentle.
              (2) We can infer from Paragraph 2 that ________.
              A. the writer had his own pet dog
              B. the dog didn't go with the writer
              C. the dog didn't eat any of the food
              D. Julie bought some food for the dog
              (3) The underlined part "our problem" in the passage refers to the fact that ________.
              A. an old black dog appeared in front of them
              B. the writer didn't want to take Julie's advice
              C. the couple had some trouble with their marriage
              D. Julie disagreed with the writer's travel on business
              (4) What would be the best title for the passage?
              A. A Helpful Couple    B. A Famous Song
              C. Saving the Dog    D. An Angel Dog
            • 10.

              After the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theater’s 75-year history. This time, however, the cleanup was a little different. As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment because this theater will come to an end.

                    The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater. Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say good-bye to the old building. Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed suitable. The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.

              Bradfordsaid that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete. He added that the theater’s location(位置) was also a reason. “This used to be the center of town,” he said. “Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.”

              Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of financial problems.Bradfordsold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.

              The theater audience said good-bye asBradfordlocked the doors for the last time. After 75 years the Plaza Theater has shown its last movie. The theater will be missed.

              (1) In what way was yesterday’s cleanup at the Plaza special?
              A. It made room for new equipment.
              B. It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.
              C. It was done with the help of the audience.
              D. It meant the closedown of the theater.
              (2) Why was The Last Picture Show put on(放映)?
              A. It was an all-time classic.
              B. It was about the history of the town.
              C. The theater owner found it suitable.         
              D. The audience requested it.
              (3) What will probably happen to the building?
              A. It will be repaired by the local government.          
              B. It will be turned into a museum.
              C. It will be sold to the city government.               
              D. It will be replaced by a shopping centre.
              (4) What can we infer about the audience?
              A. They are disappointed withBradford.                    
              B. They are eager to have a shopping center.
              C. They are supportive of the city officials.                   
              D. They are sad to say goodbye to the old theater.
