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            • 1.

              I wish there would be a way to describe China in simple terms but that’s impossible. For the most part Chinese people are friendly, easy-going and optimistic. They are curious and unusually patient and they are also the hardest-working people I have ever met.

              In China, family is everything. In my English classes when the students were asked what they would do if they only had a few hours to live, most students told me how they would spend their last few hours with their families and parents. Many times the subjects in the classes center on families and friends. I teach many students a year, talking to them freely.

              The cost of living here is very low compared with that of the US. The city of Xiang Fan I live in isn’t large and I live better. Non-imported(非出口的) foods are very cheap, so are clothing and articles of everyday use. The cost of public transportation is very low, too. Chinese value education. However, it is reported that many children can’t afford the expenses of schooling and are forced to leave school in some poor areas in China. But they organized Project Hope many years ago. It creates conditions for the poor children to go back to school. In my opinion, Project Hope is of great importance to the development of the rural education.

              When we read news of China in the west, rarely, if ever, will we see anything mentioned of the positive changes China has gone through. While it is true that economic miracles have not reached many areas of China, but we also have the same problems.

              When I am asked which country I consider better, China or the US, my answer has always been the same, “We are not worse or better than each other, we are only different.

            • 2.

              Samuel de Champlain was a French explorer, navigator (航海家), and mapmaker. He explored much of eastern Canada and became known as the “Father of New France”.

              Born into a family of sailors, Champlain, while still a young man, began exploring North America. In 1603, he sailed up the Saguenay River and the St. Lawrence River. From 1604 to 1607 Champlain joined in the exploration and settlement of the first permanent (永久的) European settlement north of Florida. Then, in 1608, he established the French settlement that is now Quebec City. He also made the first accurate (精确的) map of the Canadian coast.

              Champlain spent most of the rest of his life going between France and Canada. His goals were to map North America and find a quicker way to get to the Pacific Ocean.

              In 1629 Quebec was controlled by the English and Champlain was taken to England as a prisoner. When Canada was returned to France in 1633 Champlain returned to Canada as governor of Quebec and remained in Quebec until his death on Christmas Day in 1635.

              Champlain was the first European to explore and describe the Great Lakes, and published maps of his journeys and reports of what he learned from the natives and the French living among the natives. Champlain was memorialized as the “Father of New France”, and many places and streets in North America use his name. The most famous of these is Lake Champlain, which lies between northern New York and Vermont.

            • 3.
              “Folk singers are more like poets than singers,” Li Yahe, a music businessman, once told China Youth Daily.

              That saying perfectly describes Zhang Lei, the 34-year-old champion of the fourth “Voice of China” singing competition, which ended on Oct 7.

              Critics thought Zhang’s  success as a victory for folk singers. The Voice of China used to attach great importance to singing skills and vocal techniques, which are not necessarily what folk singers are good at. “Folk songs are more about emotions and storytelling,”said Li.

              Folk is one of the oldest musical styles. It dates back to ancient times, when people sang about their everyday lives and the society around them.

              Folk music became popular again in the Western world in the 1960s. During social revolutions, many young Westerners turned to the simple rhythms of folk. Pioneers included US singer Bob Dylan, whose songs are reflections of some social issues like the Vietnam War. Singers at that time used traditional folk instruments like the banjo, the upright bass, the mandolin and the piano.

              In the late 1970s, folk music was introduced to Taiwan. The rise of singers like Lo Tayu and Chyi Yu popularized folk music, particularly among young Chinese people.

              At that time, folk tunes were based on simple song structures, with pleasant chord progression and pretty lyrics, just like during old times. But they focused more on the dreams and sorrow of youth than on politics.

              This continued to be the case when the folk “wave” swept Chinese mainland in the 1990s. 

              Sadly, it didn’t last long in China. Folk gave way to pop in the late 1990s, when people started living more fast-paced lives. But that didn’t mean folk music had disappeared from the music world entirely.  “The drop in the popularity of folk songs is because the business mode of the music industry is outdated, not because of the music itself,” folk singer Song Ke once said.   He was right. Recent years have seen folk songs gaining popularity, with the appearance of singers like Li Jian and Song Dongye.

               “The popularity of the Internet has shocked the traditional profit model in music industry,” Lu Zhongqiang, manager of 13-Month, a music recording and publishing company, told Tencent Entertainment.  “Not-so-well-known music starts showing its strength when the production of mainstream music is declining,” he added.

              (1) Which would be the best title of the passage?
              A. The History of Folk Music.              
              B.  Folk Music Pioneers
              C.  The Folk Music Industry.                        ​
              D.  The Voice of China
              (2) The underlined world “it” in the last but five paragraph means________.
              A. the popularity of folk music.                    
              B.  the focus of folk music.
              C.  the tradition of folk pioneers.                      ​
              D.  the new model of pop music.
              (3) Which statement is true according to the passage?
              A. The Voice of China is very popular among young Chinese people.
              B.  Folk music once was a way to voice opinions about social issues.
              C.  Folk songs are more about expressing emotions than storytelling.​
              D.  Outdated music mode is what leads to the decline of folk songs.
              (4) Which word can best describe the attitude of Lu Zhongqiang towards folk music?
              A. Objective                                
              B.  Confident.    
              C.  Critical.                                    ​
              D.  Worried
            • 4.

              There was a woman in Detroit, who has two sons. She was worried   (1)  them, especially the younger one, Ben,   (2)   he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class   (3)  fun of him because he seemed so  (4)  .

              The mother   (5)  that she would, herself, have to get her sons to do better in school. She   (6)   them to go to the Detroit Public Library to read a   (7)   a week and do a report about it for her.

              One day,in Ben’s  (8)   the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben   (9)  up his hand and the teacher let him  (10)  . “Why did Ben raise his hand?” They wondered. He   (11)    said anything; what could he possibly want to say?

              Well, Ben not only   (12)   the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew   (13)  the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were  (14)  . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book (15) .

              Ben later went on to the (16)  of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University  (17)  at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.

              After Ben had grown up, he   (18)   something about his mother that he did not know as a  (19)  .

              She, herself, had never learned how to   (20) .

              (1) A. about              B. on            
              C. with            D. over
              (2) A. because            B. so            
              C. but             D. though
              (3) A. played             B. got           
              C. took            D. made
              (4) A. clever             B. hard          
              C. slow            D. quick
              (5) A. asked              B. decided       
              C. forgot          D. heard
              (6) A. made               B. let           
              C. told            D. considered
              (7) A. notice             B. message       
              C. book            D. question
              (8) A. class              B. room          
              C. office          D. lab
              (9) A. looked             B. gave          
              C. took            D. put
              (10) A. think             B. leave         
              C. stand           D. speak
              (11) A. always            B. even          
              C. quickly         D. never
              (12) A. found             B. played        
              C. knew            D. threw
              (13) A. whether           B. when          
              C. where           D. why
              (14) A. afraid            B. surprised     
              C. worried         D. unhappy
              (15) A. pictures          B. exercises     
              C. shops           D. reports
              (16) A. top               B. end           
              C. back            D. side
              (17) A. so                B. and           
              C. or              D. however
              (18) A. learnt            B. remembered    
              C. understood      D. guessed
              (19) A. doctor            B. child         
              C. student         D. teacher
              (20) A. read              B. work          
              C. teach           D. show
            • 5.
              Music can make us feel happy or peaceful, or move us to tears. As an orchestra conductor(管弦乐团指挥), Amy Anderson allows people to experience many   (1)   that music can give. Anderson fell in love with   (2)   as a child. She began playing the piano at seven. She bought many videos   (3)   by the world’s great orchestras and conductors and   (4)   listened to them for hours. During a concert, the audiences see the   (5)   of a conductor and the arm movements he or she uses. What audiences do not see is all the work the conductor has done before the   (6)  . However, a few months before a concert, Anderson studies the music by   (7)   it on the piano. She listens to recording, reads about the musician’s life, and reviews some   (8)   events that would have influenced the musician. Her goal is to present the music as the musician   (9)  . While conducting, Anderson uses her whole body to   (10)   how the music should sound and feel. Her   (11)   are strong when the music is   (12)   and gentle when the music is peaceful. As she conducts, Anderson listens out for the   (13)   with the balance of different kinds of instruments or voices. To   (14)   young musicians to understand how to play the music, Anderson tells them to imagine a   (15)   and relaxing walk or a ship being tossed(颠簸) by waves. “It is music’s ability to   (16)   people that I like most,” says Anderson. She has seen audiences at her concerts clap their hands together.   (17)  , listeners are moved to tears by the music. After one concert in Serbia, the audiences   (18)   around the orchestra’s buses and showed their   (19)   for the musicians. Anderson is happy to be a conductor, because music can   (20)   people’s spirits and bring joy into ordinary days.
              (1) A. feelings                   B. characters              
              C. thoughts                 D. changes
              (2) A. painting                 B. art                         
              C. music               D. dance
              (3) A. kept                       B. recorded                 
              C. praised                    D. directed
              (4) A. never                      B. gradually               
              C. finally                     D. always
              (5) A. face                        B. head                       
              C. look                        D. back
              (6) A. schedule                 B. performance           
              C. task                        D. meeting
              (7) A. putting                   B. beating                   
              C. playing                   D. repeating
              (8) A. important               B. strange                   
              C. meaningless             D. unpleasant
              (9) A. designed                 B. expected                 
              C. impressed                D. ordered
              (10) A. prove                      B. recognize                
              C. learn                       D. express
              (11) A. ideas                       B. accents                   
              C. movements              D. voices
              (12) A. energetic                 B. magical                  
              C. wonderful        D. lively
              (13) A. signals             B. problems                
              C. sounds                    D. challenges
              (14) A. encourage               B. force                      
              C. remind                    D. help
              (15) A. short                      B. quick                     
              C. calm                        D. heavy
              (16) A. influence                B. tell                         
              C. watch               D. meet
              (17) A. Firstly             B. Frequently             
              C. Fortunately             D. Lately
              (18) A. ran                        B. drove                     
              C. walked                    D. gathered
              (19) A. kindness                
              B. care                        
              C. appreciation           
              D. understanding
              (20) A. lift                          B. follow              
              C. show                       D. bring
            • 6.

              A family in Guelph,Ontario is spending a year living “in 1982”. They’re doing it so that their kids can see what life was like before technology like iPads, computers and even coffee machines was part of their everyday life.

              They have stopped using all technology at their home and are depending on the things people would have used back in the 1980s. There is a box at the front door where people can put their cell phones in, while they’re visiting the family.

              Blair McMillan and his wife Morgan want their kids—Trey, 5, and Denton, 2—to have a year without technology.

              Instead of reading e-books, they are reading books. Instead of using a GPS, they used paper maps. The home the family is living in was built in the 1980s. Even the way they dress and style their hair is from the 80s.

              The whole idea started when young Trey was called to come outside. He didn’t because he was busy playing on the iPad. That’s why his dad thought of the idea of living “in 1982” for a year. The family plans to live like “it’s 1982” until April next year. To them, one of the hardest things is giving up their cell phones.

              (1) What will the visitors do when they come to see the family?
              A. They will put their cell phone outside before entering the room.
              B. They must leave their cell phone at home.
              C. The way they dress and style their hair must be from the 80s.
              D. They can use the phone prepared by the family.
              (2) What is mainly talked about in the fourth paragraph?
              A. Reasons and results. B. Dos and don’ts.
              C. Advantages and disadvantages. D. Advice and plans.
              (3) Who made the family have the idea of living “in 1982”?
              A. The reporter. B. Blair McMillan.
              C. Young Trey. D. Morgan.
            • 7.

                Music can make us feel happy or peaceful, or move us to tears. As an orchestra conductor(管弦乐团指挥), Amy Anderson allows people to experience many   (1)   that music can give.

                     Anderson fell in love with   (2)   as a child. She began playing the piano at seven. She bought many videos   (3)   by the world’s great orchestras and conductors and   (4)   listened to them for hours. During a concert, the audiences see the   (5)   of a conductor and the arm movements he or she uses. What audiences do not see is all the work the conductor has done before the   (6)  . However, a few months before a concert, Anderson studies the music by   (7)   it on the piano. She listens to recording, reads about the musician’s life, and reviews some   (8)   events that would have influenced the musician. Her goal is to present the music as the musician   (9)  .

                     While conducting, Anderson uses her whole body to   (10)   how the music should sound and feel. Her   (11)   are strong when the music is   (12)   and gentle when the music is peaceful. As she conducts, Anderson listens out for the   (13)   with the balance of different kinds of instruments or voices.

                     To   (14)   young musicians to understand how to play the music, Anderson tells them to imagine a   (15)   and relaxing walk or a ship being tossed(颠簸) by waves. “It is music’s ability to   (16)   people that I like most,” says Anderson. She has seen audiences at her concerts clap their hands together.   (17)  , listeners are moved to tears by the music. After one concert in Serbia, the audiences   (18)   around the orchestra’s buses and showed their   (19)   for the musicians. Anderson is happy to be a conductor, because music can   (20)   people’s spirits and bring joy into ordinary days.

              (1) A. feelings                     B. characters              
              C. thoughts                 D. changes
              (2) A. painting                   B. art                         
              C. music               D. dance
              (3) A. kept                        
              B. recorded                 
              C. praised                   
              D. directed
              (4) A. never                        B. gradually               
              C. finally                     D. always
              (5) A. face                         
              B. head                       
              C. look                       
              D. back
              (6) A. schedule                   B. performance           
              C. task                        D. meeting
              (7) A. putting                    
              B. beating                   
              C. playing                  
              D. repeating
              (8) A. important                 B. strange                   
              C. meaningless             D. unpleasant
              (9) A. designed                   B. expected                 
              C. impressed                D. ordered
              (10) A. prove                       
              B. recognize                
              C. learn                      
              D. express
              (11) A. ideas                        
              B. ac cents                   
              C. movements             
              D. voices
              (12) A. energetic                   B. magical                  
              C. wonderful        D. lively
              (13) A. signals               B. problems                
              C. sounds                    D. challenges
              (14) A. encourage                 B. force                      
              C. remind                    D. help
              (15) A. short                        B. quick                     
              C. calm                        D. heavy
              (16) A. influence                  B. tell                         
              C. watch               D. meet
              (17) A. Firstly               B. Frequently             
              C. Fortunately             D. Lately
              (18) A. ran                         
              B. drove                     
              C. walked                   
              D. gathered
              (19) A. kindness                  
              B. care                        
              C. appreciation           
              D. understanding
              (20) A. lift                            B. follow              
              C. show                       D. bring
            • 8.

              Where do you go when you want to learn something?School?A friend?A tutor?These are all (1) places of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want (2) somewhere else instead.I had the (3) of seeing this first hand on a (4) 

              My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did very well this season and so (5) a tournament,which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some  (6) experiences on Saturday as they played against teams (7) trained. Through the first two games, her (8) did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I (9) seeing my daughter playing her best,  (10) still defeated. 

              It seemed that something clicked with the (11) between Saturday and Sunday.When they (12) for their Sunday game,they were (13) different.They had begun to integrate(融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had (14) the day before into their  (15) .They played aggressively and (16) scored a goal. 

              It (17) me that playing against the other team was a great (18) moment for all the girls on the team.I think it is a general principle. (19) is the best teacher.The lessons they learned may not be (20) what they would have gotten in school,but are certainly more personal and meaningful,because they had to work them out on their own. 

              (1) A. public             B. traditional                
              C. official                 D. special

              (2) A. passes              B. works                       
              C. lies                       D. ends

              (3) A. dream             B. idea                          
              C. habit                    D. chance

              (4) A. trip                  B. holiday                     
              C. weekend              D. square

              (5) A. won                 B. entered                    
              C. organized           D. watched

              (6) A. painful             B. strange                    
              C. common              D. practical

              (7) A. less                 B. poorly                     
              C. newly                   D. better

              (8) A. fans                B. tutors                      
              C. class                     D. team

              (9) A. imagined         B. hated                        
              C. avoided               D. missed

              (10) A. if                     B. or                              
              C. but                       D. as

              (11) A. girls                 B. parents                      
              C. coaches               D. viewers

              (12) A. dressed         B. showed up                
              C. made up             D. planned

              (13) A. slightly         B. hardly                        
              C. basically             D. completely

              (14) A. seen               B. known                       
              C. heard                   D. read

              (15) A. styles              B. training                      
              C. game                   D. rules

              (16) A. even                B. still                             
              C. seldom                D. again

              (17) A. confused       B. struck                         
              C. reminded             D. warned

              (18) A. touching       B. thinking                      
              C. encouraging       D. learning

              (19) A. Experience   B. Independence            
              C. Curiosity               D. Interest

              (20) A. harmful to     B. mixed with                
              C. different from     D. applied to

            • 9.

              Yesterday I popped into a supermarket on my way home to buy a few items.So there I was,in the 15 items or less line.waiting to be   (1)   when I noticed a young lady with a baby in front of me.She was really   (2)   her items,which was probably what   (3)   my attention to her.So there I was staring,and I watched   (4)   the checkout girl told her the total.She began to search the   (5)   and then looked up,her face almost white.

              Intuitively(凭直觉)I knew what was wrong.She was   (6)   of money.As her total came to $ 8.80 I assumed she was low on the   (7)  .So I opened my purse,reached in,and   (8)   a few of my own coins,saying “How much do you need honey?” She looked at me   (9)   and said “Like all of it”.Without even   (10)   and putting my own coins back into my purse,I told the checkout girl to add it to my   (11)  .The lady could barely speak.She told me she had $ 10 in her purse but had no   (12)   what happened to it.I told her it was no accident today that of all the checkouts I could   have lined up at I   (13)   at this one,right behind her.I wished her a   (14)  day,and paid for the total.

              The lady never did   (15)   me or even so much as look back.She walked away   (16)  digging through her bag looking for what I supposed was her   (17)   $10 note.Yet it doesn’t matter at all.What I love most about a11 this is that the checkout girl saw.  (18)   the five or so other people behind me.What I hope is that they will   (19)   what they saw.Someday,somewhere,perhaps they or the people they tell,may too be   (20)   to do the same.

