优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              On 24 December, 1971, 17-year-old Juliane Köpcke got on a plane with her mother in Lima, Peru, to   (1)   to another city to meet her father.

              Over the Amazon jungle, there was a   (2)  . The rain fell heavily and there was a strong wind. And then   (3)   hit the plane at 3,000 metres, and it exploded. Juliane   (4)   quickly through the air in her seat and hit the trees hard. For three hours, she was   (5)   When she woke up, her right arm was  (6)  , and her shoulder hurt badly. She was alone,   (7)   she was alive!

              When Juliane was small, her father taught her how to survive in the  (8)  . She found a small river and walked slowly along   (9)  . “If I follow the river,” she thought, “I’ll   (10)   people.” The river also gave her clean water to drink. It was extremely   (11)  , but the river water kept her cool. Sometimes she had to swim in the river   (12)   it was too deep to walk in. There were crocodiles in the water but   (13)   they didn’t attack her! There were   (14)   on some trees but she didn’t eat them—she knew they were too dangerous.

              Juliane walked for   (15)   days. At night she stopped to sleep because it was too dark to walk. Ten days after the   (16)  , she found a small hut by the river. There were some woodcutters in the   (17)  . They cleaned her cuts carefully and the next day, they carried her down the river, and a plane took her safely back to the city of Pucallpa.

              Juliane was the only person who   (18)   the plane crash. The other 91 people, including her   (19)  , all died.

              The film director, Werner Herzog, had a ticket to travel on the plane but  (20)   it. Thirty years later, he made a film called “Wings of Hope” about Juliane and her incredible story.

              (1) A. drive           B. fly                   
              C. ride                  D. swim
              (2) A. performance B. fight               
              C. firework            D. thunderstorm
              (3) A. lightning      B. rain                 
              C. wind                 D. birds
              (4) A. ran                     B. cooled              
              C. rose                  D. fell
              (5) A. excited        B. safe                 
              C. unconscious       D. sensitive
              (6) A. cut                     B. long                 
              C. lost                   D. strong
              (7) A. so               B. or                    
              C. but                   D. therefore
              (8) A. earthquake   B. jungle              
              C. air                    D. mountain
              (9) A. it                B. him                 
              C. her                   D. them
              (10) A. help            B. save                
              C. avoid               D. find
              (11) A. dirty            B. hot                  
              C. smelly               D. interesting
              (12) A. even though B. as if                 
              C. before               D. because
              (13) A. seriously      B. hopelessly        
              C. luckily                     D. harmfully
              (14) A. fruits           B. nests                
              C. branches            D. monkeys
              (15) A. 7                 B. 10                   
              C. 17                    D. 24
              (16) A. discovery     B. flight               
              C. sinking              D. crash
              (17) A. hut                     B. plane               
              C. hospital             D. hotel
              (18) A. heard          B. caused             
              C. survived            D. predicted
              (19) A. father          B. mother                    
              C. director             D. dog
              (20) A. foresaw       B. ignored            
              C. missed              D. suspected
            • 2.

              I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was  (1)  and when I was 14, he said, “You’re never going to be  (2)  but a failure.”

              After five years of   (3)   jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best  (4)  that could have happened to me. I  (5)  I wanted to do something positive(积极的) with my life because I wanted to prove to  (6)   that what people said about me was  (7)  , especially her mother, who had said to me, “let’s  (8)   it; you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my  (9)  and went to college. My first novel   (10)   while I was at collage.

              After college I taught during the  (11)  in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a   (12)  in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of  (13)  that job to write full time when I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel  (14)   of myself——here was a working-class boy who’d  (15)  school early, now teaching at the university.

              My writer career(职业)  (16)  when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and  (17)  , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars.  (18)   what does it mean? I  (19)   wish all the people that have put me down had    (20)  : “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”

              (1) A. bright B. useless C. simple D. hopeful

              (2) A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

              (3) A. simple       B. poor         
              C. brilliant          D. useful

              (4) A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing

              (5) A. agreed B. decided C. misunderstood D. planned

              (6) A. me B. them C. her D. it

              (7) A. incorrect     B. amazing       C. stupid D. right

              (8) A. change B. avoid C. understand D. face

              (9) A. experiment B. impression C. writing D. attitude

              (10) A. came on B. came in C. came out D. came back

              (11) A. day B. night         C. class            D. year

              (12) A. technology B. pass C. diploma D. success

              (13) A. giving in B. giving away C. giving out D. giving up

              (14) A. tired B. embarrassed C. proud D. disappointed

              (15) A. attended B. left C. changed D. graduated

              (16) A. took off B. showed off C. turned off D. broke off

              (17) A. bored B. calm C. enthusiastic D. famous

              (18) A. And B. But C. However        D. Besides

              (19) A. just B. exactly C. previously D. quite

              (20) A. praised B. said C. answered D. advised

            • 3.

              During the winter of 1990, I was working at a construction site. It is not unusual for construction workers’ hands to become very   (1)   in winter from working with concrete and mud. Cracking open and bleeding at the finger joints, my hands were   (2)  exception that year. Stopping work   (3)  because of hurting hands is not a(n)   (4)  in the construction industry. You just grit your teeth, keep working and cause further  (5)  to your hands.

                    One morning I left for work at 5:00 a.m. and  (6)  a gas station to fuel up.  (7)  I got out of my truck, I noticed a newspaper delivery van and the driver  (8)  with bales(捆) of newspapers. Taking a second look, I was  (9)  to find that the man had no forearms.   (10)   he was doing a job that would  (11)  a very physically gifted person. On my way to pay for the  (12)  , I asked him if I could help in any way. He politely  (13)  my offer.

              Minutes later while I was refueling, he called, “Hey buddy, would you mind helping me tie my shoes?” I  (14)  agreed to help and he went on to explain that tying his shoes was the  (15)  thing he couldn’t do for himself.

                    He expressed his  (16)  as I got back into my truck and started to drive away.

                    I came to a full stop and looked back at him as he was getting into his van. I looked down at my hands. Suddenly it   (17)  me: I’d been   (18)   about the pain in my hands for weeks   (19)   that man back there would do anything, anything at all, to have my hurting hands. Just like magic, my hands   (20)  hurting.
              (1) A. uncomfortable         B. painful                      
              C. freezing                   D. numb
              (2) A. no                          B. an                        
              C. the                           D. such
              (3) A. especially                 B. rarely                   
              C. generally                  D. simply

              (4) A. habit                        B. option                
              C. means                   D. advice

              (5) A. danger                    B. trouble                      
              C. damage                    D. loss

              (6) A. pulled into              B. pulled out             
              C. pulled down             D. pulled over

              (7) A. Until                      B. As                       
              C. Unless                   D. Although

              (8) A. playing                   B. providing             
              C. struggling            D. operating

              (9) A. delighted                 B. annoyed               
              C. frightened            D. surprised

              (10) A. But                         B. Thus                    
              C. Even                     D. Since

              (11) A. acquire                   B. reflect                
              C. require                         D. employ

              (12) A. food                       B. newspaper          
              C. gasoline                   D. drink

              (13) A. ignored                   B. turned down         
              C. held up                    D. accepted

              (14) A. shyly                     
              B. casually                
              C. readily                       
              D. unwillingly

              (15) A. first                        B. other                    
              C. last                          D. only

              (16) A. regret                 B. gratitude               
              C. concern                  D. disappointment

              (17) A. reminded            B. got through         
              C. knocked into           D. struck

              (18) A. complaining        B. sensitive              
              C. talking                   D. cautious

              (19) A. even if                B. in case                  
              C. while                D. because

              (20) A. started                B. kept                    
              C. prevented            D. stopped

            • 4.

              The alarm clock was ringing! I got out of bed, walked over to my desk and   (1)  it off. It was 6:30 in the morning, and I was very tired. It was very   (2)   outside, and I couldn’t see anything! I walked over to the   (3)  , took a shower and then I came out, grabbed my towel and dried myself. Then I put all my   (4)   in my backpack so I wouldn’t forget them when I went to school.

              I went into the kitchen and ate the food my mother had cooked for me. But when I had finished, my   (5)   still wasn’t downstairs to drop me off at the school bus, so where was she? I went to my parentsˈ bedroom and saw my mother   (6)  !She must have gone back to bed! I woke her up and said, “I’m going to be late for   (7)  !”She looked at me and said, “Go and look   (8)  .”

              I felt   (9)   so I immediately went to the window and opened the   (10)  . It was lighter now and I could see outside. But I didn’t see the green grass or the black road. Instead, I saw white   (11)  . I couldn’t believe it when I   (12)   that my mother had tricked me! She wasn’t   (13)   sleeping just now; she was just pretending.

              It was a snowy day,   (14)  there was no school! I ran up to my mother and   (15)  her because I was so happy. She   (16)   me a jacket, boots, and a pair of gloves and told me to play in the snow for a little while. It was really  (17)   but really cold, and I came inside after an hour.

              My dad was sitting at the table with two cups of hot   (18)  , and one was for me! I drank my hot chocolate   (19)   so that it would last longer, and I felt warm again. It was a wonderful day!   (20)   the weather when you think there could be some snow, because you never know what could happen!

              (1) A. bent                      B. turned                 
              C. took                     D. counted

              (2) A. noisy                    B. bright                 
              C. quiet                    D. dark

              (3) A. kitchen                 B. bedroom             
              C. bathroom             D. study

              (4) A. cash                      B. books                  
              C. toys                     D. pills

              (5) A. mother                  B. grandma              
              C. brother                 D. father

              (6) A. singing                 B. cooking               
              C. sleeping               D. reading

              (7) A. church                  B. work                   
              C. dinner                  D. school

              (8) A. outside                  B. back                   
              C. upstairs                D. aside

              (9) A. terrible                 B. strange                
              C. energetic              D. angry

              (10) A. boxes                    B. branches              
              C. bags                     D. curtains

              (11) A. somewhere            B. everywhere          
              C. nowhere               D. anywhere

              (12) A. understood          B. advised               
              C. looked back          D. turned out

              (13) A. normally               B. properly              
              C. really                   D. peacefully

              (14) A. because                 B. unless                 
              C. if                         D. so

              (15) A. respected               B. kissed                 
              C. lent                      D. asked

              (16) A. paid                      B. allowed               
              C. gave                    D. earned

              (17) A. boring                  B. fun                     
              C. challenging           D. fair

              (18) A. coffee                   B. tea                      
              C. chocolate              D. milk

              (19) A. happily                 B. comfortably         
              C. excitedly              D. slowly

              (20) A. Check                  B. Select                 
              C. Limit                   D. Inform

            • 5.


              Two weeks earlier. my son . Ben ,had got in touch , he’d moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since I’d   (1)   seen him . So imagine my   (2)   when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.

              I was   (3)   ! I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to   (4)   . The bay was   (5)   in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little   (6)   .I realized one kayak(皮划艇)was in   (7)   . “Something’s not   (8)   !” I took off my T-shirt and   (9)   into the water. I saw there were two instructors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was   (10)   violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors . I helped   (11)   the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something   (12)   to me. Those brown eyes were very   (13)   . “What’s his name ?” I asked the instructor. “Ben,” he replied, and immediately I   (14)   . That stranger was my son!

              The instructors called for an ambulance.   (15)    ,after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to     (16)     and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben     (17)     to me. “I just want to say thank you,” he said, “You     (18)    my life !”

              I still can’t believe what a   (19)   it was. I’m just so glad I was there  (20)   to help my son.

              (1) A. also                       B. often                  
              C. even                    D. last

              (2) A. delight                   B. relief                  
              C. anger                   D. worry

              (3) A. scared                    B. shocked              
              C. thrilled         D. ashamed

              (4) A. talk                        B. stay                    
              C. meet                    D. settle

              (5) A. bathed                    B. clean                  
              C. deep                    D. formed

              (6) A. faster                     B. closer                 
              C. heavier          D. wiser

              (7) A. trouble                   B. advance              
              C. question               D. battle

              (8) A. real                        B. right                   
              C. fair                     D. fit

              (9) A. stared                     B. sank                   
              C. dived                   D. fell

              (10) A. arguing                  B. fighting             
              C. shouting              D. shaking

              (11) A. lead                       B. persuade             
              C. carry                   D. keep

              (12) A. happened         B. occurred             
              C. applied               D. appealed

              (13) A. sharp                     B. pleasant              
              C. attractive             D. familiar

              (14) A. agreed                    B. hesitated             
              C. doubted               D. knew

              (15) A. Fortunately             B. Frankly              
              C. Sadly                  D. Suddenly

              (16) A. return                    B. relax                  
              C. speak                   D. leave

              (17) A. joked                     B. turned                
              C. listened          D. pointed

              (18) A. created                   B. honored              
              C. saved                   D. guided

              (19) A. coincidence            B. change         
              C. pity                    D. pain

              (20) A. on board B. in time
              C. for sure               D. on purpose

            • 6.

              Out in the garden Mary sat sewing a handkerchief, and there came a little insect running in such a hurry across the small stone table by her side. The   (1)   was not done, for Mary liked doing nothing best, and she thought it would be fun   (2)   her thimble (顶针,套筒) over the little ant. Then Mary ran away, for her mother called her, and she   (3)   all about the ant under the thimble.

              There he was, running round and round and round the dark prison, with little horns on his head   (4)  , little perfect legs bending as beautifully as those of a race-horse, and he was in quite as big a fright as if he were an elephant.

              Mary went to bed, and in the night the rain   (5)  . The handkerchief was wet through as if somebody had been   (6)   very much, when she went out to fetch it as soon as the sun   (7)  . She remembered who was under the thimble. But when she lifted up the thimble the little tiny thing lay stiff and   (8)  .

              “Why did you do that, Mary?” said her father, who was close by, and who had guessed the truth. “See! He moves one of his legs. Run to the house and   (9)   a small taste of honey from the breakfast-table for the little thing you   (10)  .”

              “I didn’t mean to,” said Mary.

              She touched the honey in the spoon with a piece of leaf, and   (11)   put a drop of it   (12)   the little ant. He put out a fairy   (13)   to lick up the sweet stuff. He grew well and stood up, trying to run.

              “He wants to run   (14)  ,” said father. “I know where he lives. In a little round world of ants, under the apple tree.”

                  “And has he got a wife and children—a lot of little ants at home?”

              “The baby ants are little helpless things, and must be   (15)   by their big relations. There are father ants and mother ants, and lots of other ants who are   (16)   to the little ones.   (17)   knows his own children, but all the grown-up ones are kind to all the babies. This is a little nurse ant. See how he hurries off! His babies at home must have their faces washed.”

              While they were talking, the little ant was soon lost among the grass. In a little while back came the ant with a troop of friends.

                  “He has been home and told them the good news about the   (18)  ,” said father. “Do you think that all children are as kind as that?”

              Mary said, “No, they’re not. I don’t run to call all the others when I find a good place for blackberries.” “Then,” said father, “don’t be   (19)   to the ant, who is kinder than you,   (20)   he is only a little tiny thing.”

              (1) A. sewing                    B. handkerchief        
              C. table                      D. insect

              (2) A. to know            B. to see               
              C. to drop                   D. to hang

              (3) A. did                   B. forgot                   
              C. had                        D. found

              (4) A. sounding           B. holding            
              C. nodding             D. trembling

              (5) A. fell                     B. poured          
              C. came                      D. dropped

              (6) A. crying               B. cleaning           
              C. sleeping             D. laughing

              (7) A. set                     B. arose              
              C. shone              D. fell

              (8) A. still                    B. dead             
              C. sleepy              D. hungry

              (9) A. buy                  B. fetch             
              C. take                 D. make

              (10) A. starved                B. dropped                
              C. killed               D. caused

              (11) A. hurriedly            B. tenderly                
              C. casually          D. excitedly

              (12) A. on                    B. over            
              C. after                 D. before

              (13) A. horn                 B. leg                 
              C. tongue             D. foot

              (14) A. back                  B. out                 
              C. home               D. around

              (15) A. worried about       B. cared about        
              C. concerned about    D. carried about

              (16) A. nurses                 B. friends           
              C. children            D. parents

              (17) A. Everybody            B. Nobody            
              C. Somebody          D. Anybody

              (18) A. honey                
              B. accident                                            
              C. grass               
              D. story

              (19) A. rude               B. nice                
              C. unkind              D. good

              (20) A. for                  B. but             
              C. and                  D. though

            • 7.

                A kindergarten teacher decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told the children in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few__  (1)  ___. Each potato will be given the name of the person that the child ___  (2)  __, so the number of potatoes that the __  (3)  ___ will put in their bags will ___  (4)  __ the number of people they hate.

              So when the day came, every child __  (5)  __some potatoes with the names of the person they hated. Some had two potatoes; some  three __  (6)  ___ some up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to___  (7)  _ with them the potatoes in the plastic bag___  (8)  ___they went(even to the toilet) for one week.

              Day after day went by, and the children started to__  (9)  ___ due to the unpleasant___  (10)  __ let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having five potatoes also had to carry___  (11)  __ bags. After one week, the children were relieved(放松的)___  (12)  ___ the game had finally ended.

              The teacher asked, “How did you__  (13)  _ while carrying the potatoes with you for one week?” The children let__   (14)  _their  frustration and started complaining of the___  (15)  __ that they had to go through having to carrying the heavy and ____  (16)  __ potatoes wherever they went. Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the__  (17)  __

              The teacher said,“This is exactly the__  (18)  __ when you carry your hate inside your heart. If you can't___  (19)  __ the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you ___  (20)  __what it is like to have the stench(恶臭)of hate in your heart for you


              (1) A. potatoes          B. names           
              C. cards              D. boxes
              (2) A. respects          B. admires          
              C. dislikes            D. prevents
              (3) A. teachers          B. giants            
              C. children           D. heroes
              (4) A. turn out           B. look up to        
              C. call on             D. depend on
              (5) A. took             B. contained         
              C. served             D. brought
              (6) A. while            B. as               
              C. when              D. though
              (7) A. attend            B. guard            
              C. observe            D. carry
              (8) A. whenever         B. wherever         
              C. whatever           D. however
              (9) A. disappoint        B. puzzle           
              C. apologize           D. complain
              (10) A. appearance        B. taste             
              C. shape            D. smell
              (11) A. dirtier            B. heavier           
              C. older              D. thicker
              (12) A. because          B. but              
              C. before              D. so
              (13) A. experience        B. mind            
              C. understand          D. feel
              (14) A. alone            B. in               
              C. up                 D. out
              (15) A. chance           B. way             
              C. trouble             D. pressure
              (16) A. nice             B. smelly           
              C. huge               D. delicious
              (17) A. person           B. drink            
              C. week               D. game
              (18) A. situation         B. meaning          
              C. rule                D. difficulty
              (19) A. ignore           B. tolerate           
              C. undertake           D. keep
              (20) A. imagine          B. bear             
              C. determine           D. stand
            • 8.

              At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it to   (1)   bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. Worried about my health, I tried many different kinds of   (2)   but nothing worked. I came to believe that I could do nothing about my   (3)  .

                     When I was 50, my weight problem began to affect me   (4)  . I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this   (5)   weight any more.

                     That year, I   (6)   a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world. A seminar leader shared her   (7)   story —she had not only 125 lost pounds, but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

                       (8)   by her story, I created the As We Heal(痊愈), the World Heals project. My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 in support of a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. This combination of healing myself and healing the world   (9)   me as the perfect solution.

                       (10)   I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I would run into the same difficulties that beat me before. While the fear hung over my head, there were also signs that I was headed down the right   (11)  . I sent letters to everyone I knew, telling them about my project. It worked perfectly. Donations began   (12)   in from hundreds of people.

                     Of course, I also took some practical steps to lose weight. I consulted with a physician(内科医生), I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and   (13)   meals. My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise   (14)  .

                     A year later, I reached my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is   (15)   and enormous.

              (1) A. add                         
              B. mix                          
              C. kill                            
              D. share

              (2) A. diets                          
              B. drinks                      
              C. fruits                         
              D. dishes

              (3) A. height                       
              B. ability                        
              C. wisdom                     
              D. weight

              (4) A. temporarily                B. recently                   
              C. seriously               D. secretly

              (5) A. ideal                       
              B. extra                        
              C. normal                      
              D. low

              (6) A. attended                  B. organized                
              C. recommended            D. mentioned

              (7) A. folk                        
              B. success                     
              C. adventure                
              D. science

              (8) A. Surprised                 B. Amused                  
              C. Influenced                D. Disturbed

              (9) A. scared                      B. considered             
              C. confused                   D. struck

              (10) A. As                           
              B. Until                       
              C. If                           
              D. Unless

              (11) A. row                        
              B. hall                          
              C. path                       
              D. street

              (12) A. breaking                   B. flooding                  
              C. jumping                  D. stepping

              (13) A. heavy                     
              B. full                         
              C. expensive                
              D. healthy

              (14) A. regularly            B. limitlessly              
              C. suddenly                 D. randomly

              (15) A. stressful                   B. painful                  
              C. meaningful             D. peaceful

            • 9.

              It was a few weeks ago when I fell behind in my lessons and I was full of ____36____ and sad thinking.While on the Internet,I met many new friends,but ____37____ in particular stands out.His nickname is Colorful Day and we ____38____ on the Web .He told me:He lost his ____39____ at age 15,and felt the whole world had closed its door to him.

                  He was ____40____ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind!But he continued to ____41____:Five years ago,I realized it was time to change my life.I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and ____42____.So I developed a website about her life ____43____ mine called Three Days to See.

                  I visited his website which was ____44____ by a blind but so nicely operated.

                  I asked,“How did you ____45____ to build such a website?”he said:“Owing to the new technology,I can use software specially ____46____ for the blind.____47____ I point the cursor(光标),it will just read it out to me.We can do far more things and ____48____ more information than we could before.”

                  I then asked,“Didn't you have great difficulty with it?”

                  He hesitated and then began his ____49____ with a smiling face,“Yes,but I have faith in myself to ____50____ my colorful day.And modern technology gives me this medium and ____51____ to do it.”

                  His ____52____ attitude towards life made me believe that our world offers not the cup of disappointment,____53____ the bowl of opportunity.I returned to my lessons,and this time with a smile on my face and with ____54____ of a colorful future.

                  The Internet,which opened to me to ____55____ different lives and cultures,has a charm you couldn't find in another wise non-virtual world.

              (1) A. employment    B. amazement   
              C. instrument     D. disappointment
              (2) A. one     B. it     C. this     D. she
              (3) A. bargained     B. explored    
              C. chatted     D. attached
              (4) A. confidence     B. eyesight    
              C. appearance     D. happiness
              (5) A. typing     B. performing    
              C. removing     D. surviving
              (6) A. signal     B. respond     C. admit     D. write
              (7) A. brief     B. hardships    
              C. evidence     D. applications
              (8) A. according to     B. in search of    
              C. as well as     D. because of
              (9) A. set up     B. sorted out    
              C. relied on     D. taken apart
              (10) A. prefer     B. schedule     C. manage     D. pretend
              (11) A. replaced     B. inspected    
              C. fancied     D. designed
              (12) A. Whether     B. Wherever     C. Whatever     D. However
              (13) A. get     B. form     C. simplify     D. decrease
              (14) A. words     B. motto     C. character     D. calculation
              (15) A. contain     B. deserve     C. create     D. reward
              (16) A. guidance     B. opportunity     C. fee     D. quality
              (17) A. hopeless     B. fierce     C. legal     D. optimistic
              (18) A. also     B. but     C. still     D. even
              (19) A. receptions     B. responsibilities    
              C. expectations     D. invitations
              (20) A. trap     B. organize     C. recognize     D. experience
            • 10.

              As I held my father’s hands one night,I couldn’t help but notice their calluses (老茧) and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a    41   , including all his struggles.

              One summer,I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit our hometown, turning it into a    42    desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last

                 43   from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which    44   took twenty minutes. That morning,however, the process didn’t    45    quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field,we    46    needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated(有挫折感) and    47   . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared,“If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves! ” Dad    48   , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’ve    49  .” Such is Dad. Whatever problem he    50  , he never gives up.

                 51   , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country. It was a challenging time for everyone, but Dad remained    52    . He   53   to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to    54   Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.

              Dad is also a living example of real    55   . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to    56    our family. He always puts our happiness    57    his own, and never fails to cheer me up at my sports games    58    his tiredness after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and    59   , putting others first.

              Dad, the life   60   I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.

              (1) A. teacher                   B. gardener                
              C. farmer                  D. driver
              (2) A. stormy                   B. lively                     
              C. disappearing          D. burning
              (3) A. order                      B. form                      
              C. gap                      D. position
              (4) A. repeatedly              B. normally                
              C. finally                   D. really
              (5) A. go                         B. begin                    
              C. occur                   D. change
              (6) A. yet                              
              B. still                        
              C. even                    
              D. nearly
              (7) A. surprised                      
              B. nervous                 
              C. angry                   
              D. frightened
              (8) A. apologized              B. cried                      
              C. complained           D. laughed
              (9) A. lost                        B. done                      
              C. gone                    D. touched
              (10) A. come across           B. brings up               
              C. thinks about           D. works out
              (11) A. Thankfully             B. Hopefully              
              C. Unfortunately        D. Strangely
              (12) A. happy                    B. upset                    
              C. disappointed          D. optimistic 
              (13) A. happened                B. seemed                 
              C. continued              D. aimed 
              (14) A. face                             
              B. appreciate              
              C. examine               
              D. question
              (15) A. love                       B. pride                      
              C. friendship              D. honesty
              (16) A. support                  B. settle                     
              C. start                     D. impress
              (17) A. after                      B. before                    
              C. beside                   D. under
              (18) A. in spite of               B. in terms of            
              C. in control of          D. in place of
              (19) A. careful                   B. regretful                
              C. considerate           D. humorous
              (20) A. history                   B. motto                    
              C. patterns                 D. lessons
