优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                In 1922, German-born scientist Albert Einstein was traveling to Tokyo when he found out he had earned the Nobel Prize in Physics.

                  While in Japan, Einstein stayed at Tokyo's Imperial Hotel. During his stay, a hotel worker came to Einstein's room to make a delivery. Einstein found himself without any money to give the man as a tip for his services. So, instead of money, the famous scientist handed the hotel worker a signed note with a sentence he wrote in German. It read: "A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it."

                  He gave him another note that read: "Where there's a will, there's a way." Both notes were written on the Imperial Hotel's notepaper. Einstein reportedly advised the man to keep the notes, saying they may one day be worth more than any tip he could give him.

                  The hotel worker must have listened to Einstein's advice. Ninety-five years later, the hotel worker's nephew contacted Winner's Auctions and Exhibitions, an auction company in Israel. On Tuesday, the notes were put on auction in Jerusalem. The price for the happiness note started at $ 2,000. About 25 minutes later, it sold to the highest bidder. That person, who was not named, agreed to pay $1.3 million. The second signed Einstein note sold for over $ 200,000.

                  Einstein may be best known for his theory of relativity. In fact, the winners of 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics earned the award for measuring gravitational waves—an important part of Einstein s theory. But now, his one-sentence theory of happiness in a famous, as well.

              (1) Why did Albert Einstein give the worker a signed note?

              A. The worker offered him a prestion.

              B. Einstein wanted to thank him for his services.

              C. The worker was kind to Einstein.

              D. Einstein wanted to encourage him in his ambition.

              (2) What has actually brought the hotel workers nephew wealth?

              A. A calm and humble life.

              B. Einstein's advice.

              C. An auction company in Israel.

              D. Einstein's signed notes.

              (3) How much money were the two signed Einstein notes sold in total?

              A. Over $ 2,000.

              B. Over $ 20,000.

              C. Over $1.5 million.

              D. Over $1.3 million.

              (4) Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

              A. Einstein's tip

              B. Einstein's theory

              C. Einstein's traveling

              D. Einstein's happiness

            • 2.

              "When can I get a cell phone?"The answer is when your parents think you need one,though many kids seem to be getting them around age 12or 13.Some younger kids may have them because their parents see it as a matter of safety and convenience.For example,a kid can call mom and dad when sports practice is over.And a cell phone can give kids almost instant access(快捷通道) to their parents if something goes wrong or they need help.It can give parents quick access to their kids so they can check on them and make sure they're OK.

              If you do get a cell phone,make some rules with your parents,such as how many minutes you're allowed to spend on the phone,when you can use your phone,when the phone must be turned off,and what you will do if someone calls you too often,and so on.You'll also have to learn to take care of the phone in your life.Keep it charged(充电) and store it in the safe place so it doesn't get lost.And whatever you do,don't use it in the bathroom.I know someone who dropped her phone in the toilet!

              (1) Parents buy cell phones for their kids because ______.
              A. they think it is necessary              
              B. they think their kids are old enough
              C. they have asked the author for advice 
              D. they want to follow their kids wherever they are.
              (2) Which of the following is true? ______
              A. It is too young for kids of 12or 13to get a cell phone.
              B. A cell phone is useful for kids and their parents.
              C. The author is against the idea of kids to have cell phones.
              D. Most kids are considering having cell phones.
              (3) Who is the passage most probably written by? ______
              A. Parents who have bought phones for their kids.
              B. Someone who does cell phone business.
              C. A teacher who cares most about school safety.
              D. Someone who works for children's education.
            • 3.

               I was standing in the checkout line behind a woman who looked to be in her 60s. When it was her turn to pay, the cashier (收银员) __  (1)  _. her by name and asked her how she was doing. The woman looked down, shook her head and said, "Not so good. My husband just lost his job and my __  (2)  son is up to his old tricks again. The truth is, I don't know how I'm going to _  (3)   the holidays. " Then she gave the cashier food stamps.

                 My heart __  (4)  __. I wanted to help but didn't know how. Should I offer to _  (5)  __ her groceries or ask for her husband's situation?

                 ___  (6)  __ I walked into the parking lot, I spotted the woman returning her shopping cart. I remembered something in my purse that I thought might help her. It wasn't a handful of cash or an _  (7)  _ of a job for her husband, but maybe it would make her life _  (8)  __ .

                 My heart beat faster as I _  (9)  the woman. "Excuse me," I said, my voice trembling a bit. "I couldn't help overhearing what you said to the cashier. It sounds like you're going through a really __  (10)  _ time right now. I'm so sorry, but I'd like to give you something. "

                 I took a small card out of my purse and _  (11)  _ it to her.

                 When the woman read the card's only two words, she began to cry. And through her _  (12)  __, she said, "You have no idea how much this __  (13)  __ to me. "

                 I was a little _  (14)   by her reply. Having never done anything like this before, I didn't know what kind of __  (15)  _ I might receive. All I could think to respond was, "Oh, my ! Would it be OK to give you a   (16)  _ ?"

                 After we hugged _  (17)  _, I walked back to my car—and began to cry too.

                 The words on the card?

                 "You Matter. "

                 A few weeks earlier, a colleague gave me a similar card as _  (18)  _ for a project I was working on. When I read the card, I felt a _  (19)  ___ glow (喜悦) spread inside of me. Deeply touched, I came home and ordered my own box of You Matter cards and started _  (20)  __ them.

              (1) A. called    B. greeted    C. recognized    D. heard
              (2) A. confident    B. independent  
              C. hopeless    D. stubborn
              (3) A. think about    B. give up    C. go on    D. get through
              (4) A. ached    B. failed    C. beat    D. broke
              (5) A. send for    B. provide for   C. pay for    D. beg for
              (6) A. As    B. Though    C. Unless    D. Since
              (7) A. excuse    B. offer    C. experience    D. opinion
              (8) A. easier    B. wealthier    C. simpler    D. better
              (9) A. touched    B. found    C. passed    D. approached
              (10) A. happy    B. tough    C. regular    D. long
              (11) A. handed    B. showed    C. spread    D. explained
              (12) A. thanks    B. fears    C. tears    D. beliefs
              (13) A. brings    B. means    C. values    D. contains
              (14) A. worried    B. excited    C. moved    D. shocked
              (15) A. reaction    B. feeling    C. expression    D. answer
              (16) A. present    B. promise    C. hug    D. ride
              (17) A. wildly    B. tightly    C. gently    D. eagerly
              (18) A. progress    B. effort    C. encouragement    D. praise
              (19) A. warm    B. rich    C. soft    D. fierce
              (20) A. gathering    B. enjoying    C. preparing     D. sharing
            • 4.

              Have you been told you have penicillin allergy(过敏)? Did your parents tell you that you had a reaction as an infant or child, so you should never takeit again? Hasit been solong since you had a reaction to penicillin that you donˈt remember what happened? If you fit any ofthese descriptionsorare just not sure if you have penicillin allergy, thereˈs good news for you: Chances are,you probably don’t have.

              Between 10 to20 percent of Americans believe they have a penicillin allergy, but a recent study at MayoClinicfound that only10percent of those people are truly penicillin allergic. Inotherwords, 9 out of 10 people who think they have penicillin allergy are avoidingit for no reason. Evenin people with documented allergy to penicillin, only about 20 percent are still allergic 10 years aftertheir initial allergic reaction. It’s not necessarily a permanent condition.

              Why is this important? Aren’t there many other antibiotics you can use if you have penicillin allergy? Penicillin has been around since 1928. Penicillin and its related medicines include amoxicillin,methicillin and amoxicillin-clavulnate. These medicines are highly effective treatments for many bacterial infections, such as strep throat and ear infection. Of course, there are alternativeantibiotics, but these arc often much more expensive and carry a higherrisk of side these alternative antibiotics are broad-spectrum, meaning they fight many types of bacteria, both good and bad. That can lead to development of drug-resistant bacteria, or deadly“superbugs” . This increases the risk for all of us in the future of not having an effective antibiotic to treat our infection.

              How do you find out if you have penicillin allergy? Board-certified allergists can test you. Fist, the allergist will get a history from you about your possible allergy. Typical questionsinclude: How long ago did you have the reaction? What type of reaction occurred, and how soon after you took the penicillin did the reaction appear? The testing is done on the forearm by pricking the skin with a needle. If the results are negative and there is no reaction, penicillin will beinjected in the skin. These tests are not painful, and results are available in 15 minutes. A positive reactionmay lead to some swelling and itching where the test was placed, which usually goes away within an hour.

              In very rare cases, an allergic reaction occurs. This can include hives, swelling, wheezing and/or difficulty breathing. The allergist is trained to treat this rare condition quickly if it happens. If all skin testing is negative, you may be given an oral dose of penicillin in the office. The oral drug challenge is used toverifythat you donˈt have penicillin allergy. Usually. youˈll be observedin theoffice for 30 minutes to make sure you have no problems.

              If you find out you donˈt have a penicillin allergy, notify your physicians that it’s now safe foryou to take penicillin. They can take“penicillin allergy" off your chart for good!

              (1) What are the questions in the first paragraph used for?
              A. To ask for otherˈs help.          
              B. To summarize the main idea.
              C. To share the writerˈs opinion. 
              D. To introduce the topic of the passage.
              (2) Which is NOT the drawback of the alternative antibiotics?
              A. They also fight good bacteria when used.             
              B. They can treat many bacterial infections.
              C. They can result in drug-resistantbacteria.             
              D. They cost much more than penicillin
              (3) If you have a positive reaction in skin tests,       .
              A. youˈll be given an oral dose of penicillin               
              B. your skin is supposed to swell and itch
              C. it is not safe for you to take penicillin                 
              D. you canˈt leave the office within an hour
              (4) Which can replace the underlined word “verify”?
              A. confirm.    B. admit        C. swear.       D. examine.
            • 5.

              Mondays are generally pretty busy for me. On one of these  (1)  Mondays. I get ready to go to work thinking about all the things I have to  (2)  on that day and walk down to get to my car scolding myself for being late to work, but  (3)  the car was nowhere to be found. I  (4)  right across my apartment the previous night but it wasnˈt there that morning.

                  This was at S.00am in the morning. I made   (5)  to all the towing places, police stations all the time thinking that it was towed(拖) by  (6)  . By around 10.00am, I couldnˈt find it anywhere  and the policemen decided that it was  (7)  stolen. Alter filing a report with them, I finally get to work thinking how my day was completely  (8)  .

                  Later in the day I went to pick up a rental car at enterprise  (9)  to realize that my license was missing too along with my car. I told the enterprise guy the whole  (10)  and he was so sorry for me that he  (11)  to take me to the nearest DMV(车管局) and get a duplicate (副本句)  (12)  , I was totally dumbstruck. I didnˈt know why this complete stranger would want to   (13)  some time off his day to help me. He actually took me to DMV, got a duplicate and then  (14)  me a car. I was  (15)  the whole day because of the sequence of events that happened to me but somehow this simple act of kindness from a complete stranger made it all  (16)  it. It cheered me up and made me forget all the misfortunes of the day, I was so  (17)  by this kind act that the next day I made sure someone else got a similar  (18)  . I took some smiley shaped chocolates and  (19)  them on some of my colleagueˈs desks.

                  There is still a lot of goodness out there in the world. We just need to take the time to  (20)  it.

              (1) A. typical      B. ordinary        
              C. strange            D. pleasant.

              (2) A. make        B. explain          
              C. accomplish.            D. arrange

              (3) A. excitedly     B. surprisingly     
              C. interestingly      D. hurriedly

              (4) A. stayed        B. looked        
              C. walked            D. parked

              (5) A. calls         B. trips           
              C. surveys           D. contributions

              (6) A. policemen   B. doctors              
              C. thieves                D. officials

              (7) A. normally     B. eventually     
              C. actually           D. finally

              (8) A. made up      B. took up         
              C. put up          D. messed up

              (9) A. still          B. even          
              C. quite            D. only

              (10) A. message       B. secret         
              C. story            D. process

              (11) A. declined      B. offered          
              C. hesitated          D. approved

              (12) A. license      B. card           
              C. paper           D. ticket

              (13) A. spend       B. leave          
              C. take             D. get

              (14) A. lent          B. presented       
              C. purchased        D. rented

              (15) A. delighted      B. annoyed        
              C. disappointed      D. amused

              (16) A. worth        B. worthy          
              C. personal          D. special

              (17) A. moved       B. changed        
              C. turned          D. appealed

              (18) A. honour     B. respect              
              C. alarm           D. surprise

              (19) A. forgot        B. threw         
              C. left              D. exposed

              (20) A. make        B. discover        
              C. live              D. realize

            • 6.

               This story took place a long time ago. But it has been repeated time and time again. Everyone is moved by the true story.

                 An old man was knocked down by a car and was taken to hospital. He was badly hurt, and during his few returns to consciousness (知觉), he repeatedly called for his son.

                 None knew where his son was. A dirty letter was found in his pockets. The nurse learned that his son was a soldier in North Carolina.

                 The hospital called the Red Cross office to find the young man. The young soldier was rushed to the airport in time to catch the plane.

                 It was evening when the young soldier walked into the hospital. A nurse took him to the bedsides of the old man.

                 "Your son is here," she said to the old man. She had to repeat the words several times before the old man's eyes opened. He dimly saw the young man and got great comfort. He reached out his hand. The soldier held the old man's hand and offered words of hope.

                 All through the night the young soldier sat beside the bed. The nurse offered to watch instead of him for a while, he refused.

                 At dawn the old man died. The nurse started to comfort him but the soldier asked her, "Who was that old man?" He was your father, "she answered." No, he wasn't. I never saw him before. I knew right away there was a mistake, but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here. I realized I was needed. So I stayed."

              (1) What is true about the old man?
              A. He was seriously injured and would die soon.
              B. He knew quite well what had happened to him.
              C. He once and again wanted to call his son.
              D. He was knocked dead near a hospital.
              (2) When the old man and the young man met, ________.
              A. The old man wished the young man good luck in the future.
              B. The young man said something to comfort the old man.
              C. The doctors and nurses felt it hopeful to save the old man.
              D. They both recognized each other at once.
              (3) We know from this passage ________.
              A. the Red Cross is something for people to find persons.
              B. the young man knew he was wrongly called when he got on the plane.
              C. the hospital had meant to save the old man with the young man's coming but failed.
              D. The young man might have the same name as the old man's son.
            • 7.

               Hetty Robinson learnt all about money when very young. As a child, she read the financial pages of the newspaper to her rich father. Her father died when Hetty was 30, and she inherited $1 million. When she herself died in 1916, she left almost $100 million to her two children. 

                Hetty made her money on the New York stock(股票) exchange. She was a financial genius. She made money so easily that people called her the Witch of Wall Street. But although she was one of the richest women in the world, she counted every cent and spent as little as possible. She didn’t own a house, because she didn’t want to pay taxes. So she and her children lived in cheap hotels. She spent almost nothing on clothes, and always wore the same long black dress. She washed it herself, but to save soap she only washed the bottom of the dress, where it touched the ground. Other people had their own offices, but Hetty used a desk in the bank where she kept her money, because it didn’t cost anything. She sat in the bank and ate her sandwiches while she bought and sold stocks and shares. If the bank complained, she just moved all her money to another bank. 

                Hetty’s family paid the price for her meanness. When she was 33 she married a millionaire, Edward Green, and they had two children. But Green lost all his money, so she left him. When her son, Ned, injured his knee, Hetty didn’t want to pay for a doctor, so she took him to a free hospital for poor people. Unfortunately the doctor knew Hetty was rich and he asked for money. Hetty refused and took the boy away. His leg got worse and two years later doctors removed it. 

                But eventually Ned got his revenge. At the age of 81, Hetty had an argument with a shop assistant about the price of a bottle of milk. She became so angry that she had a heart attack and died. So Hetty’s meanness finally killed her. Ned inherited half his mother’s fortune, and he spent it all on parties, holidays and expensive jewellery. 

              (1) What fact can be learned about Hetty Robinson from the passage?
              A. She was nice to her son.           
              B. She worked for a bank.
              C. She came from a poor family.
              D. She died from extreme anger.
              (2) Why was Hetty Robinson called the Witch of Wall Street?
              A. She turned out to be the richest woman in New York.
              B. She liked wearing the same long black dress every day.
              C. She made a huge fortune easily through stocks and shares.
              D. She was fond of reading financial pages of the newspaper. 
              (3) Which of the following best describes Hetty Robinson?
              A. Talented but not generous.      
              B. Wealthy and selfless.
              C. Easy-going but selfish.
              D. Curious and lucky.
              (4) Which is the best title of this passage?
              A. A Mean Genius B. A Financial Success
              C. A Lifelong Bad Luck D. A Good Way to Earn Money
            • 8.

              The Two-Dollar Bill

                 Returning from a trip to Washington D. C., I arrived in Anchorage at about 2:00 A.M. At 9:00 A.M., I was ____  (1)  ____ to talk at local high school to students in a ____  (2)  _____ designed to educate the troubled kids in school.

                 The school is well ___  (3)  _____ because most of the kids are troublemakers who become involved with the law. I found it very _____  (4)  _______ deliver a speech to the multi-cultural ____  (5)  ______ and talk about things that could stimulate them for their ____  (6)  ______. I wasn't making any headway ____  (7)  ______ I started talking about what I do so well, helping people with money.

                 I _____  (8)  ______ a stack (堆) of $2 bills and started giving them out. The kids started to ____  (9)  ______ because it was free money. The ____  (10)  ______ thing I asked them was to spend it on ____  (11)  ____ people. Some of them asked me for my signature. I think I ___  (12)  ____ some of them with my honesty. I started _____  (13)  _____ a copy of the book I had written for the dollar bills. Then I told them that my grandfather's care had always ____  (14)  ___ me to go forward. ____  (15)  ____ I closed with telling them no matter what happens, someone out there ____  (16)  ____ cares about them and is pulling for their ____  (17)  ___.

                 This is not the ___  (18)  __ of the story. When I left the classroom, I told them to call me _____  (19)  _____ they ever had problems.

                 Three days later, I received a thank-you letter with a new $2 bill in it ____  (20)  ____ by a girl who heard my talk.

              (1) A. permitted    B. recommended    
              C. scheduled    D. persuaded
              (2) A. program    B. report    C. performance    D. situation
              (3) A. praised    B. known    C. trained    D. secured
              (4) A. comfortable    B. challenging    
              C. unforgettable    D. impressive
              (5) A. races    B. group    C. girls    D. players
              (6) A. future    B. 1essons    C. families   D. cities
              (7) A. before    B. unless    C. until    D. because
              (8) A. took out    B. picked up    
              C. put away    D. found out
              (9) A. stand up    B. rush out    C. line up    D. wake up
              (10) A. happy    B. only    C. sad    D. exciting
              (11) A. all    B. other    C. any    D. some
              (12) A. recognized    B. shook    C. excited    D. touched
              (13) A. paying    B. changing    C. exchanging    D. taking
              (14) A. begged    B. motivated    C. allowed    D. forbade
              (15) A. Finally    B. Therefore    
              C. Suddenly    D. Surprisingly
              (16) A. normally    B. immediately    C. really D. quickly
              (17) A. jobs    B. success    C. comfort    D. desire
              (18) A. symb01   B. value    C. meme    D. end
              (19) A. if    B. wherever    C. though    D. since
              (20) A. struck    B. guaranteed     C. addressed D. promised
            • 9.

              In 1973,I was teaching elementary school. Each day,27 kids  (1)  “The Thinking Laboratory”.That was the  (2)  students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too  (3)  

              Freddy was an average  (4)  ,but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would   (5)   the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyoneˈs   (6)  

              Before the school year  (7)  , I gave the kids a special  (8)  ,T­shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your  (9)  ” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词) may seem dull,most of the   (10)  things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.

              Through the years, Iˈd run into former students who would provide   (11)   on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his   (12)  from high school and remained the same  (13)  person I met forty years before. Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man   (14)   in his truck. Another time,he  (15)   a friend money to buy a house.

              Just last year,I was  (16)  a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman  (17)  the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and  (18)  it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a   (19)  from Freddyˈs mother. “Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”

              I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldnˈt help smiling. Although Freddy was taken from us,we all  (20)   something from Freddy.

              (1) A. built             B. ran                       
              C. decorated          D. entered
              (2) A. brand             B. rule           
              C. name               D. plan
              (3) A. dull                     B. dark           
              C. strange             D. small
              (4) A. scholar           B. citizen          
              C. student            D. worker
              (5) A. speak            B. laugh          
              C. question             D. sing
              (6) A. mistake              B. disbelief       
              C. dishonesty                D. misfortune
              (7) A. ended             B. approached     
              C. returned            D. changed
              (8) A. lesson            B. report                    
              C. gift                    D. message
              (9) A. Awards         B. Friends                 
              C. Masters               D. Tasks
              (10) A. simple           B. unique                    
              C. fun                  D. clever
              (11) A. updates             B. Comments            
              C. instructions            D. assessments
              (12) A. resignation       B. retirement           
              C. separation             D. graduation
              (13) A. daring            B. caring                    
              C. modest               D. smart
              (14) A. sleep            B. wait                      
              C. study                D. live
              (15) A. paid             B. charged                  
              C. lent                 D. owed
              (16) A. observing         B. conducting            
              C. designing             D. preparing
              (17) A. excused              B. avoided                 
              C. .regretted             D. ignored
              (18) A. held              B. packed                 
              C. gave                  D. opened
              (19) A. picture          B. note                     
              C. bill                    D. diary
              (20) A. chose           B. borrowed       
              C. expected             D. took
            • 10.

              On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a  41.___beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench and opened the door for us.Regardless of his  42._____ , he greeted us in a friendly way.
                   Once inside, my daughters whispered, "Mom, he  43.___   " After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look  44.____the dirt.We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many  45.___him.Seeing this rudeness truly upset me.The day I became a mother, I had decided to set a good  46.___for my children.Yet sometimes when things didn't go right, being a good example was  47.___. When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the car-sick pills in the truck.With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I 48.___myself from the meal and went to get them.
                    Just then, the "doorman" was opening the door for a couple.They rushed past him without even acknowledging his  49.___. Letting them in first, I said a loud "thank you" to him as I  50._____   . 

              When I returned, we talked a bit.He said he was not allowed inside 51.____ he purchased food.I went back and told my family his 52.____ . Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked 53.____  as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the "doorman" , they smiled.When it was time to  54.____ our trip, I noticed the "doorman" enjoying his meal.Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily.He then 55.____  his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted.I suddenly noticed the tears in his eyes—tears of  56.____ .What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the " doorman" a  57.____.  He ran away, with tears  58.____  down his face.
                   Back in truck, I fell into deep thought.While we can't choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude.I said thanks to a man who had  59.___ open a door for me, and also said thanks for that  60____to teach my children by example.

              (1) A. heavy     B. clean     C. bright    D. messy
              (2) A. service     B. appearance   C. status    D. attitude
              (3) A. smokes     B. smiles    C. sniffs       D. smells
              (4) A. beyond     B. over     C. around       D. into
              (5) A. hated     B. ignored    C. Missed      D. refused
              (6) A. target      B. rule      C. record      D. example
              (7) A. stressful    B. accessible   C. awkward    D. tough
              (8) A. excused    B. freed    C. prevented     D. withdrew
              (9) A. company   B. presence    C. effort      D. attempt
              (10) A. quitted     B. marched   
              C. exited        D. approached
              (11) A. before     B. unless    C. though          D. since
              (12) A. story      B. deed    C. experience       D. demand
              (13) A. concerned   B. shocked    C. puzzled        D. bored
              (14) A. make       B. start       C. take          D. continue
              (15) A. extended    B. washed    C. raised      D. waved
              (16) A. approval    B. affection    C. sympathy   D. gratitude
              (17) A. hug        B. nod         C. lift          D. clap
              (18) A. slipping    B. streaming   C. rushing    D. breaking
              (19) A. firmly     B. constantly   C. simply    D. politely
              (20) A. journey    B. wisdom    C. opportunity   D. coincidence
