优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. ___________
            • 2.

              I believe doing good deeds can bring me happiness. I"ve been making breastpins (胸针) and gifting them to everyone possible and if you ask me why I do it, it"s because   (1)   the joy which just bursts forth from my inner heart. The smile that lights up at the sight of the breastpin is worth anything you"d wish for and it goes much   (2)   (far). From that moment on, there"s a   (3)   (connect) between gifting breastpins and happiness.

              We exchange warm hugs, smiles and a million "thank you". This hobby that has so at-traded me has opened my heart and brought me out of my cocoon (茧). Now, I don"t mind   (4)   (start) a conversation with a stranger, wishing him or her well and gifting a breastpin because I know that this little piece of art will do   (5)   (it) magic of breaking all barriers. We unite and share many   (6)  (story). And next time our paths cross, we greet   (7)   smile, which is enough   (8)   (brighten) the day.

              This morning, I received   (9)   heart-warming post on Instagram (照片墙) from a friend who I   (10)   (give) a blue and white spotted breastpin before. She shared it along with the shells collected from the beach. She loved sea shells and the colors blue and white. So, here"s why I make breastpins.

            • 3.           
            • 4.

              Every winter in Alaska a race is held. But this is no ordinary race. Teams of dogs pull sleds(雪橇)along the snow and ice,   61   (carry) up to 500 kg of supplies. A single driver is in charge of each team, and stands on the sled. This race   62   (know) as Iditarod runs from the town of Anchorage to the village of Nome, a journey of more than l,800 kilometers. It usually takes the teams about ten days to complete the course.

              The Iditarod is usually run in   63   (extreme) difficult weather conditions. Daytime   64  (temperature) range from zero to minus 40 degrees. Visibility(能见度)is often very poor,   65  drivers never allow   66   (them) to become separated from their team of dogs. Indeed, the drivers depend almost entirely   67   the dogs for their survival.

              The origin of the race   68   (go) back many years to a time   69   some medicine needed to be taken from Anchorage to Nome, a very remote village. Because of severe weather, the only way to send the medicine was to use dogs. Happily, the medicine was delivered just in time to save lives. To celebrate the heroic journey, Alaskans   70   (develop) the Iditarod.

            • 5. What should you do if you are not able to sleep? The best thing is to try to avoid bad habits.   61   you always go to bed and get up at about the same time, this sets a__ 62 (health) rhythm in your life.  Donˈt drink caffeine drinks in the evening. Smoking and alcohol can also  keep you awake. You may have trouble__   63   (sleep)if you have a heavy meal just  before you go to bed
                  You may also find it difficult__   64 (get)to sleep if you have a problem or something else on your mind. This is__   65 you need to relax. As you lie in bed ,tense the muscles in your feet and    66  relax Continue up the body, tensing and relaxing the muscles until you reach the head Start with the feet again if you are still tense ,If you   67 (think) about a problem or about something exciting that is going to happen the next day, get up and write about It That will help to take it off your mind. You can also get up and  read,but be sure to choose_ 68  book that is not too difficult .__   69 ,you may get so interested that you wonˈt want to go to sleep even when you feel sleepy.
                  Sleep well Sweet__   70  (dream)!
            • 6.

              A long time ago, there was a British king. One day, the king asked his three daughters how much they loved him, two of 61.________ said they loved him more than anything on the earth.  The third daughter chose not to flatter (奉承) her father with dishonest claims and told him she loved him only as much as her duty as 62.________ daughter required. The king believed the two dishonest daughters and gave them 63.________ kingdom. He told the honest daughter that she was ungrateful and made her leave his kingdom so she travelled 64. ________ the sea to France.

              The king then went to live with his eldest daughter, 65. ________(bring) a hundred soldiers to look after him. But the eldest 66. ________(demand) that he should reduce the number of soldiers to fifty. The king was angry and went to live with his second daughter instead. But the second daughter was no different, and even 67. ________(far) reduced his soldiers to twenty-five. The king then went backwards and forwards between the two daughters 68. ________ he had no soldiers at all.

              The youngest daughter, hearing 69. ________ had happened to her father, gathered an army and defeated her two sisters. She then put the old king back on his throne. When the king died 70. ________ (peaceful) in his sleep, the honest daughter became crowned queen.

