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              Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun. And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime . Starting your collection of stamps are easy became they are everywhere.Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world. So once you’ve started collecting seriously, you will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors’Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection.                        

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              When I was having supper last summer, I saw white cat in the yard. It was so cute that I couldn't help play with it. It was nervous at first, and soon we became good friends. One day when it jumped to my room, I decided to gave it a warm bath, because it fur was dirty. As time goes by, the weather turned to cold gradually. It had to leave to find a warmly place, and it would continue its journey. Whenever I wish to see it, that I must do is to close my eye and it will appear in front of me.

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              1. The book is belonged to me.                             ____________________

              2.    —What’s that noise?

              —Oh. Let me see. The new machine is tested.                 ____________________

              3. I was about to sleep while there was a knock on the door.     ____________________

              4. The motto of the Olympics is “Swift, Higher and Stronger”.   ____________________

              5. They may start as a group of high-school students, with whom practicing their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame.               ____________________

              6. I put the letter in an envelope, attaching a stamp to it and mailed it.


              7. As we all know, smoking do harm to our health.       ____________________

              8. The teacher was telling us such interesting a story that we all forgot the time.


              9. The book is real bargain at two yuan.               ____________________

              10. His illness resulted in his hard work.              ____________________

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              (1)They don’t visit their parents as much as they ought to visit.

              (2)How beautiful picture he has drawn !

              (3)My first visit was to a space station considering the most modern in space.

              (4)John was studying in his room while he heard screaming.

              (5)Only if you ask many different questions you acquire all the information you need to know.

            • 5.

              Luck plays part in our success, but hard work is necessary, too.

            • 6.
              Is there interesting anything in today’s newspaper?     (  ) ___________
                    A                         B                            C              D
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              In the morning of November 18th 1755, an earthquake shook Boston. John, a professor at Harvard College, felt a quake and woke up. “I rose and found to be fifteen minutes past four.” He hurried to downstairs to the clock. It had stopped three minutes ago. Besides stop the clock, the quake had thrown a key from the mantel (壁炉架) to the floor. The clock had stopped because John put some long glass tube he was using for an experiment into the case for safekeeping. The quake had been knocked the tubes over and blocked the pendulum (钟摆) . So John had the exactly time of the earthquake.

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              Chinese students celebrates their birthdays in different ways, and the most common way was to hold a birthday party, on which friends get together to have a fun drinking, singing,and dancing. On the birthday, one usually accepts nice gifts and good wishes from friends and parents. Sometimes parents will prepare for a special dinner or a cake to show their love for their children. Therefore, most children are looking forward to spending their own birthdays and enjoy themselves. Though birthday celebration is one of the important activity in oneˈ s life, it can be done in some more meaningful way. For example, we can buy some flowers or cook a delicious meal for our mothers. Only in this way we express thanks to our parents in return for their love and care.

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              One day when we were playing the basketball, I saw Tim wearing a pair sneakers of my style. I thought they were my shoes, so I shouted angry and blamed him for using my personal possessions without permit. Then I went back to the dorm after he could say anything. I opened the door only to find mine own sneakers just under my bed. For a while, I stood there still, shocking and guilty. When realizing my act must have hurt him, immediately I rush to the court to apology to him sincerely. Fortunately, though he was angry and sad, he pardoned me. With my relief, the conflict ended happily.

            • 10.


              I always have a dream to be a fluency speaker. Therefore, I am too shy to say a word in public. That is just beyond my wildest imagination is that fortune should bless me with a chance to realize my dream. One day, my English teacher asked me to go to her office and told us that I was gave an opportunity to participate in an English speaking competition. Hear this, I could hardly hide my excitement. When making preparation for the competition, I write my speech heart and soul. After I finished the composition, I discussed it with my teacher and got much advice how to improve it. With the help of my English teacher, I made a great progress.

