优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)The pickpocket______        _(挣脱) the policeman who was holding him and ran away.

              (2)It was a good concert and I enjoyed the last song__       ____(尤其,特别)

              (3) No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t ___    ___(说得通,有道理)

              (4)Many students ____         __(沉溺于) computer games and leave their studies aside.

              (5)He _____      __(为...惭愧) having done so little work.

              (6)They still went out for a picnic ____    ___(尽管) bad weather.

              (7) I still admire those who are_____   ___(反对) my ideas.

              (8)The pigs would be too heavy to fly,___       ___(即使) they had wings.

              (9) Mr Thompson spoke____     ___(代表) his country at the conference.

              (10) The building was_____­­­­         ___(烧为平地) in the fire.

            • 2.

              Complete the adverbs of frequency.




















            • 3.

              Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the water sports.

              (1) w _ n d s _ r f _ n g (2) s c _ b _ d _ v _ n g (3) s _ _ l _ n g (4) S _ t _ r d _ y (5) T h _ r s d _ y (6) W _ d n _ s d _ y
            • 4.


              (1)I owe you an a ________ for my rudeness last night.

              (2)The thief ________(承认) that he had stolen the bike.

              (3)It's bad ________(礼貌)to talk with your mouth full.

              (4)Fathers of families should have a more sense of ________ (责任)than mothers in China.

              (5)Students should be educated to pay more attention to ________ (环境)problems.

              (6)People should be positive and learn to a ________ what they have had in life.

              (7)If we learn to ________ (回收利用)materials, our natural resources will last longer.

              (8)Sally was ________ (收养) by a local family when she was four.

              (9)We are very ________ (印象深刻)with the children's excellent work.

              (10)With the i________ (目的) of making a large amount of money, many Chinese came to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.

            • 5.

              Complete the conversation with the words in the box

              closed    closes    open    opens    time

              Cathy: John, we___(1)__don’t_ have any coffee for breakfast. Can you go and get some? Please!

              John: It’s midnight. The shop are__(2)___.

              Cathy: No, the supermarket __  (1)  ___at one o’clock.

              John: Hm. What __  (2)  ___ does it ___(5)___?

              Cathy: It ___(6)___at half past six. Why?

              John: You can go in the morning. Now go to sleep.













            • 6.

              1). He wants to be one of the __________(教授) of Beijing University.

              2). You need ________(耐心) if you want to make progress.

              3). People used to think the earth was ________(平坦的).

              4). People have been enjoying the ________(益处)of cycling in Amsterdam for years.

              5). First _________(印象)is very important especially when you come to a job interview.

              6). Without food ,water, or a map, their situation was_________(没有希望的).

              7). ________(太阳的) cars are cars that use the sun’s energy for power.

              8). He  ________(承认) his mistake and apologized for his behaviour to the teacher.

              9). The happiest people are those who can ________(欣赏、感激) the beauty of life. 

              10). He became _______(沉溺于…)to video games and devoted almost all of his spare   time to them.

            • 7. 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

              1.  It is impossible for people to p______ the future accurately.

              2.  She was u_____ by the news that her grandfather had passed away.

              3.  Olympic-style games for athletes with ______(残疾) were organized for the first time in Rome in 1960.

              4.  This kind of work _____(要求) too much patience and enthusiasm.

              5.  In case of an _____(紧急情况), press the button and call for help.

            • 8. 单词拼写

              He _______(宣布) his loyalty to the government.

              His daughter has a ________(才干)for painting.

              He got great _______(满足)from helping people learn. 

              The theatre has very good access for the _____ (残疾人).

              We test your ______(视力)before giving you a driving license.

              The reporter was accused of unprofessional c___________.(行为)

               The company is looking for an o______________(外向的)person to do the job.

            • 9. 词组填空。(每小题2分,满分10分)                

              (1)It seems ___________________ it will rain.

              (2) Dick __________________________ (厌倦)his new toy, after playing with it for a week.

              (3) As a student, we should ___________________________ (利用)our time to study.

              (4)When I was ill, my mother ___________________________ (关心,挂念)my health very much.

              (5) ___________________ a heavy rain, we had to put off the sports meeting.

            • 10.


              (1). They were hard times and his parents had been s__________ to raise their family.

              (2).His answers to my questions have only added to my c___________.

              (3). He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else’s __________(占领).

              (4). Your own personal __________ (行为) as a teacher, outside of school hours, reflects on the school itself.

              (5). Please __________(查阅) the dictionary if you don’t know how to pronounce the word.

              (6). __________(幸亏) the support from the local government, they could rebuild their houses soon after the earthquake.

              (7).Bears __________(聚集) fat stores throughout summer and fall to have enough energy to last them through their winter sleep.

              (8). Based on the well-established o__________, the children will stare longer if they do not see what they expect to see.

              (9).One of the most effective ways to r__________ stress is to talk about your feeling with someone you trust.

              (10).The vice president insisted that he s__________ the hard-working people of New York.

