优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The plane crashed, killing all 200 people ___________(在飞机上).

            • 2.

              He explained ___________(科学) the most important questions of political economy.

            • 3.

              My father walked _____ in the room as if he was thinking about something very important.

              A.little by little
              B.up and down
              C.more or less
              D.sooner and later
            • 4.

              Those who let children who are ________ go swimming in the river are foolish.

              A.so young
              B.too young to
              C.not old enough to
              D.young enough
            • 5.

              Sales director is a position ________ communication ability is just as important as sales skills.

            • 6.

              (1)I’ m going to the bank to open a new a________.

              (2)He often b________ a 1ot of money on horses.

              (3)The s_______ is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.

              (4) Students are not _________ to enter the Net Bar.(允许)

              (5)The fans s _______ with excitement when they saw him.

              (6)The singer ________ (鞠躬) to the excited audience once again and went off the stage.

              (7) Many young people went to s____their fortune abroad .

              (8) All of us were impressed by his polite m ______at the party.

              (9)Lost in London and having no money on him, he was        (游荡)in London streets.

              (10)We can now easily __________(解释) many things which were thought to be mysterious.

              (11)After dinner, she presented some homemade ice cream for d______. 

              (12) Henry was given an    5   (信封)with money in it and asked not to open it until two p. m.

              (13) It is very , very strong evidence_______ (确实).

              (14)These animals consumed large a______  of vegetation(植被),which reduced plant diversity in the park.

              (15)It is r_____ not to say “Thank you” when you are given something.

              (16)The boss made a _______ (真诚的) attempt to improve the employees’ working condition.

              (17)He gets into a situation ______it is hard to decide what is right and wrong.

              (18)They decided to ______(发行) more banknotes to overcome the financial difficulties.

            • 7.

              The novel ________ you’re interested was written by Mark Twain.

            • 8.

              下面10个英语句子各有一出错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。1.增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。2.删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。 3.修改: 在错词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

              (1) Some fish can produce sounds nearly three times as louder as your voice.
              (2) Children under ten years old enjoy playing trick on each other.
              (3) Please tell me the reason which you were late for the class.
              (4) There are many famous attraction in this city that you can visit.
              (5) Eventually, I escape from punishment with his help.
              (6) Polar bear is one of my most favorite animals.
              (7) I worried about the car break down on the way.
              (8) The vase which price is low looks very beautiful as well.
              (9) She stood still in face of danger, holding his breath.
              (10) Every year many famous architects all over the world comes here to attend the meeting.
            • 9.

              The door was open, from ________ he could see everything outside.

              B.after which              
              C.behind it                       
            • 10.

              Do you think there’ll be _____ time _____ we can beat all diseases?

              A.a; that             
              B.the; that        
              C.a; when                 
              D.the; when
