优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1) Life is full of ___________.(多样性)

              (2)I have to _______________(递交) my report by next Wednesday.

              (3)Her hair was cut short for ____________(方便)rather than for fashion.

              (4)They are _____________(不愿意)to invest any more money in the project.

              (5) We can safely draw some __________(结论)from our discussion

              (6) I _______ (赞成) of your trying to earn some money, but please don’t neglect your studies.

              (7)The old man _________(责备) the little boy for breaking the window.

              (8)This book demanded all your _________. (集中注意力)

              (9) He got an __________(伤) to his arm when he fell off his horse.

              (10)She’s collecting ___________(材料) for a newspaper article.

            • 2.

              We’ll have an opportunity to ________ views _____ (交换)the manager tomorrow.

            • 3.

              (1) Iˈm sure he ignored you by accident and not by d       .

              (2)The baby was born with a heart problem and only s        for a few hours.

              (3)The kids watched as the sun s         slowly behind the hills.

              (4)The house must be w        quite a lot of money now.

              (5)At present we have no e        of life on other planets.

              (6)This company is more concerned with q        than with quantity.

              (7)It was most g        of you to lend me so much money.

              (8)The school has a system of r        and punishments to encourage good behavior.

              (9)When life became too difficult, he         (逃避) into a dream world of his own.

              (10)The organization works on the         (原则) that all members have the same rights.

            • 4.

              The metal can _____________(反应) with ____________(普通的)water.

            • 5.

              She_______(梦想)becoming a doctor at the age of five.

            • 6.

              It is his hard working that ____________(说明,做出解释) for his success.

            • 7.

              The old furniture should be ________(替换).

            • 8. 虽然克隆人类胚胎在许多国家是违法的,但一些科学家却已经在努力地进行研究以便克隆出一个人类婴儿。

              While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries,some scientists are already________ ________with research in order to produce a cloned human baby.

            • 9.


              (1) The boss asked him to take c       of the office for a few days while she was away. (2) The director won't see you unless you have an            (约见). (3) It's            (违法的). for people under 17 to drive a car in Britain. (4) If you h          too long, you will miss the opportunity. (5) The traffic accidents in the city           (减少) last year. (6) We need a foreign policy that is more          (灵活的). (7) The twins are so much alike that you could scarcely d         them. (8) The girl who won the scholarship was quite             (杰出的). (9) I was            (习惯) to take a walk before breakfast. (10) The memory of his mother            (启发) him to write his greatest poetry.
            • 10. There ____(be) a birthday party the day after tomorrow.
