优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              Upon arriving home, I was surprised to find the paper I ________________ was missing.

            • 2. (1)多久一次_________________________






























            • 3. The athletes will ________ (代表) China in this year's Special Olympics.
            • 4. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

               He thought that the key to ________(feed) people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.

              It took me a few weeks to get used to my new ________ (surround).

              This kind of animal is __________(edge) of dying out

              When I returned home, I found a note on the door ________(read), “Wish you a good journey.”

              He lay upon his stomach, his head _______(rest) on his left arm.

               ________ you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay health.

               I am so hungry that I ______ eat two bowls of rice now.

              I would like ________(read) the article, but I was very busy then.

              It ________(rain) last night, for the ground is wet.

              There are many ________ (mystery) creatures which people claim to see around the world.

            • 5.

              Please _________ _________ that the door is locked before you leave the room.

            • 6. 完成句子 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

              1. To be honest, a lot of people ___________ great importance _______ ________ rich.


              2. As some of these singers could not sing well enough, they had to ______ ______ others ______ help them. (依靠,依赖)

              3. Alice doesn’t want to go shopping with her mother, because she thinks that her clothes and books need _________ __________. (整理)

              4. About four meters long, the Amber Room ________ ________(充当) a reception hall.

              5. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, _______ _______ ______ _______ ________ ________ ________. (这样他们可以得到现金)(要求:使用定语从句)

              6. Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation a         .

              7. But I was always so lonely ________ _______ (站在那儿) by myself until they gave me a family _________(联系) by a network.

              8. The design of the Amber Room was ______ ______ _______ ______ popular in those days. (当时流行的风格)

              9. This was a time _______ the two countries _______ _______ _______(两国交战)

              10. Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere ________ _______ ________.(不被跟踪)

            • 7. afternoon by finish get in it on phone Sunday touch we will with when we you


            • 8.


              be determined to, dream up, according to, sort of, by the time, put up, on purpose, wave goodbye to, try out, make it to, be deep in thought, hold one’s breath,

              ____(1)________I went to bed, I had finished my homework.

               You can’t _(2)___________ the other bank in this weather.

               Paper cuts are usually ______(3)______during holidays to bring good luck.

               ---Sorry, I didn’t break the plate ___(4)____________?

              ---It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.

              The new kind of medicine must _____(5)_______ before they come into the market.

                What’s wrong with him? He is ______(6)_______ strange today..

               ______(7)__ these figures, our company is doing well.

                 While you aim, you’d better ___(8)__________.

                 Tom _________(9) to realize his dream at any cost.

                Sorry, I didn’t hear you. I __(10_)________just now.

              (1)  ___________ (2)  ___________ (3)  ___________ (4)  ___________ (5)  ___________ (6)  ___________ (7)  ___________ (8)  ___________ (9)  ___________ (10)  ___________
            • 9.


              (2)很明显,水对于生命的发展是非常重要的。(be fundamental)




            • 10.


              (1). They were hard times and his parents had been s__________ to raise their family.

              (2).His answers to my questions have only added to my c___________.

              (3). He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else’s __________(占领).

              (4). Your own personal __________ (行为) as a teacher, outside of school hours, reflects on the school itself.

              (5). Please __________(查阅) the dictionary if you don’t know how to pronounce the word.

              (6). __________(幸亏) the support from the local government, they could rebuild their houses soon after the earthquake.

              (7).Bears __________(聚集) fat stores throughout summer and fall to have enough energy to last them through their winter sleep.

              (8). Based on the well-established o__________, the children will stare longer if they do not see what they expect to see.

              (9).One of the most effective ways to r__________ stress is to talk about your feeling with someone you trust.

              (10).The vice president insisted that he s__________ the hard-working people of New York.

