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            • 1.

              Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg  61 (recent)surprised Chinese students when he spoke to 62   in Chinese.In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing,Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes.63 his Chinese was far from perfect,students and teachers cheered his effort.

              C1ayton Dube is the head of the US--China Institute at the University of Southern California.He praises Zuckerberg’s effort and thinks more American CEOs should learn foreign  64 (1anguage).

              “To speak Chinese  65  (mean)you begin to think as Chinese people do.You begin to understand how Chinese speakers have their thoughts  66  (organize),and how they understand things.And that is a vital step if you’re going to be culturally qualified.”

              Zuckerberg’s talk raises a larger question:Is Chinese the language of the future? Could it replace English 67   the world’s international language? Chinese already has the most native speakers of any language.And,China may soon pass the United States as the world’s  68   (1arge)economy.

              The study of  69   Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the  world.In 2009,about 60,000  70   (America)college students were studying Chinese.That is three times as many as in 1990.

            • 2.

                  Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person,we ____61____ (know) how to be grateful for that gift.

                  When the door of happiness closes,another opens,but often we look so long ____62____ the closed door that we don't see the one which ____63____ (open) for us.

                  The best kind of friend is the kind you can communicate with mentally when sitting on a porch(门廊),never say a word,and then walk away feeling ____64____ it was the best conversation you've ever had.

                  It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose____65____.It's also true that we don't know what we ____66____ (miss) until it arrives.

                  Giving someone all your love does not ____67____ (necessary) mean an assurance that they'll love you back!Just wait for it ____68____ (grow) in their heart,but if it doesn't,be content with its growing in yours.It takes only a minute to get a crush(短暂的迷恋) on someone,____69____hour to like someone,and a day to love someone,but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

                  Don't go for looks;they can be deceptive(欺骗性的).Don't go for wealth,____70____will probably get lost.Go for someone who makes your heart smile because only a smile can make a dark day seem bright.

            • 3.

              How do you usually buy what you need, shopping on line or going out to shop in person? With the help of the Internet, shopping is ___  (1)  __(easy) than before. We can just click our mouse to choose the items(物品) we like, pay for them online, and the shopping ___  (2)  ___(finish). It is easy and quick. It helps save money, too. We can save thousands a year if we compare the prices of similar items before deciding ___  (3)  ___ to buy.

              However, there are always traps in shopping online. If we are ___  (4)  __(care), we may get into trouble. For example, we may find the color of the item different from ___  (5)  ___ in the picture online. Sometimes, the size of the item we receive can be too big ___  (6)  __ too small. ___  (7)  ___(avoid) such troubles, we should compare similar items on different online stores and pay more attention to what other customers say. From their ___  (8)  ___(comment), we can know better about an item’s color, size as well as ___  (9)  ___ (it) shortcomings. In this way we increase our chance of buying ___  (10)  ___ more satisfactory item. 

            • 4.

              If you are a man living in China and smoke, you may want to stop. That   61  (be)because one in three of all the young men in China will die from smoking cigarettes   62   other tobacco(烟草)products.

              Researchers reported their findings in The Lancet medical journal.

              The report says, “About two-thirds of young Chinese men become cigarette   63   (smoke), and most start before they are 20 years old. Unless they   64  (stop), about half of them will be killed by   65   (they) habit in the end.”

              The researchers conducted two large, countrywide studies on the health effects of smoking. The first study took place in   66   1990s and involved about 250,000 men. The   67   (two) study was carried out only recently and is continuing. This study involves about 500,000 adults, both men and women.

              Researchers say that in China, the number of deaths each year resulting from tobacco use

                68   (rise) from about one-million in 2010 to two-million in 2030. They warn that the number will rise to three-million by 2050.

              Researchers say   69   is no good way to make these numbers go down, which means there is no easy answer to make the problem   70   (go) away.

            • 5.

                   Lake Titicaca, a famous lake in South America,       61      (locate) on the border between  Bolivia and  Peru. But the lives of the ancient people who once lived around the lake and      62       culture was thought to be      63      (high) advanced, have long remained a secret. Recently      64      , scientists taking part in an exploration project at the lake have found      65      ​ they believe to be a 1000-year-old temple under the water.

                     Divers from the study group have discovered      66      building scientists think is the remains of a temple built by the people who once lived beside the lake. The project leaders hope to begin raising important materials from the site later this week      67       bad weather forces a change in their plans.

                     "The scientists have not yet had the opportunity to study the materials carefully," said project director, John Aubi. "But some      68      (put) forward the idea that the remains date from this period because of their      69      (similar) to those found elsewhere."

                     The research team has so far this year made more than 200 dives into water 30 metres deep. During these dives, they have been recording the ancient remains on film. There will be a meeting,     70       (start) later this year to review the film.

            • 6. His Dark Materials in one of the 56.__________(great) fantasy stories every written. There are three books in the series, Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. The heroine is a young girl called Lyra and the hero is a boy 57. _______ name is Will. In the first book, Lyra’s scientist father makes it possible 58.___________(enter) other worlds, The children have many extraordinary adventures in these different worlds, and play 59._________ important part in a war that could destroy the universe. It‘s an exciting novel with witches, 60._________(talk) bears and other strange creatures.
            • 7.

              We may be very _1_____(please) with the rapid progress we have made in every field of study, but we have almost done nothing to improve our present _2____(exam) systems which focus _3___ testing the students’ memory instead of their_4___ (able). As soon as a child begins school, he enters a world of examination,_5____will decide his future of job. In fact a good examination system should encourage students to think for themselves. But the examination now does anything but that. It forces the students to remember _6____is taught to get high marks. Thus the students who come out first in the examination often may be the _7___(good) in their studies. In addition, such an examination system often _8__ (drive) teachers to cram all the time and forces them to train students what to do with the _9_____(come) examination.
                  There must be _10_____  better way to test a student’s true ability as well.

            • 8.

              In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. Firstly, we must understand the language when we hear  ______61________ spoken.. Secondly, we must be able to speak it correctly with confidence and without hesitation. _____62_______ ,we must be able to read the language , and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

              There is no easy way to success _____63_______ language learning. _____64________ good memory is of great help, but it is not enough only _____65________(memorize) rules from a grammar book. It is not much use learning by heart long list of words and ______66_________meaning, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. _______67_______we are satisfied with only a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of _____68______(advise) for those ______69______are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and ____70____(write) the language whenever we can.

            • 9.

              Great inventions change the way we live ,The first great invention was one that is still very important today—the wheel. This made  36  easy for men to carry heavy things and to travel long distances, for  37 (century)after that,there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel.Then in the early 1800’s, the world started to change  38   (great). In the second half of the 19th century, many great inventions  39  (make).  Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio, all of  40  have become a big part of our life today. The first part of the 20th century saw many great inventions,  41  (include)the helicopter, movies with sound and the computer. It was also  42  time when a new world was made. Men began looking for ways to go into space. Russia and the US made the first step,  43  (follow)by Europe and Japan. China has also made great contributions to  44    (explore)outer space these years, but we still have a long way to go. New inventions are being made all the time. Who  45  (know)what the world will be like in the future?

            • 10.

              Have you ever heard “Tuhao, let’s be friends?” Are you puzzled, wondering   (1)   it means? Then you’re possibly out of date.

              Nowadays, the Chinese words “tuhao” and “dama” have become so familiar with many Chinese people that they often play jokes   (2)   each other when chatting about the daily life. For example, if you take out your new   (3)   (fashion) mobile phone, your naughty friends may call you “tuhao”, laughing loudly and happily.

                (4)  (amaze), the two wildly popular words have become hot words in English too. Recently, the BBC produced a program to introduce “tuhao”,   (5)   can be considered as “new money (暴发户)” in English.

              Besides, The Wall Street Journal has also borrowed “dama” from the Chinese pinyin   (6)   (describe) bargain-hunting middle-aged Chinese women   (7)   (call) “a force in the global gold market”.   (8)   (expert) say the Chinese language’s influence on English will continue during   (9)   entire 21st century,   (10)   it is expected that “tuhao” will be welcomed by the Oxford University Press to appear in the new word lists.

