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            • 1.

              Holi ( 洒红节) is a spring festival, also   (1)   ________ (know) as the festival of colours or the festival of love. It is an ancient Hindu religious festival   (2)   ________ has become popular in and outside Asia. It is celebrated at the end of winter   (3)   ________ the night and the day are of equal length. The date of the festival is different every year. According to the Hindu calendar, it   (4)  ________ (usual) comes in March, sometimes in late February.

              The celebration   (5)   ________ (start) with a bonfire ( 篝火) on the night before Holi, where people gather, sing and dance. The next morning is a carnival of colours, where anyone, children or elders, friends or   (6)   ________ (strange), chase and colour each other with dry powder and coloured water. Everyone is happy to be made fun   (7)  ________. Groups carry drums and musical instruments,  (8)  ________ (go) from place to place. After a(n)   (9)   ________ (excite) day, people visit their friends and share the delicious food after cleaning up and dressing up.

              The purpose of the festival is to celebrate the beginning of the new season, spring. Hindus believe   (10)   ________ is a time for enjoying spring's rich colours and saying goodbye to winter.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________ (10) ________
            • 2.

              Yangshuo , China

              It was raining lightly when I  61     (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didn’t care. A few hours  62    , I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with  63      (it) choking smog(烟雾). Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.

              I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River  64        are pictured by artists in so many Chinese  65      

              (painting). Instead, I’d headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away   66       car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.

              Yangshuo  67       (be) really beautiful. A study of travelers  68       (make) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it  69          (regular) arranges(安排) quick getaways here for people  70      (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

            • 3.

              One of the hottest buzzwords in China right now is no doubt tuhao, a sarcastic(讽刺的), light-hearted term referring to rich people of little education, bad taste or lacking self-awareness.

                This is yet another example of smart Chinese Internet users applying their creativity to an aged phrase and giving it new life and meaning. The term, which literally means "country bully", has been around since ancient times, when it was used to refer to rich and powerful rural landlords.

                  However, the meaning of the word changed significantly when it was used a few years ago by Chinese players of the wildly popular computer game "World of Warcraft" to refer to rich players who spend big money buying powerful virtual weapons. Because they don't improve their skills by playing, these players are considered silly, uncultured, and unprofessional.

                  But that is not the end of tuhao's new life story. The renewed popularity of the term also coincides with(同时发生)the emergence(出现)of the Chinese "nouveaux riches"一a generation of businessmen and women, property owners and entrepreneurs who have rapidly accumulated large amounts of wealth in recent years.

                  Similar to the many rags-to-riches stories in human history, many Chinese billionaires who are on the global rich list do not come from well-educated or prestigious(声望很高的)backgrounds. Rather, they achieved financial success through powerful connections, smart investments, and by benefiting from China's economic boom. Many of them don't shy away from throwing their money around, yet we are often reminded of their lack of manners, taste and cultural sensitivity.

                  As a result, a term that was popularized in the gaming world has now also been introduced into daily conversation.

                  Trendy, young Internet users, who see themselves as the opposite of tuhao一not wealthy, but well-educated and cultured一have further popularized the term by using it in various comic situations. For example, the phrase "let's be friends, tuhao," became hot after it appeared in an online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk.

                 When Apple released its much anticipated iPhone 5S in September, Chinese Internet users accurately predicted the great popularity of the new golden-colored models among the Chinese consumers , and named it “ tuhao gold” , to make fun of the taste of rich Chinese people.

              66     in meaning

              In 67    times

              “Country bully”68     to rich and powerful landlords who oppressed others

              In the 69     world

              Rich but unprofessional players, meaning players who would rather buy powerful 70       weapons than improve skills by playing  

              In recent daily


              Tasteless “nouveaux riches”, indicating those rich people who have 72     from the bombing economy of China but are 73.    for their lack of manners, taste and cultural sensitivity

              74     of its application

              “Let’s be friends, tuhao.”

              An online joke about a conversation between a rich young man and a wise monk

              “Tuhao gold”

              A term 75    to tease the taste of rich Chinese people

              (1) ____ (2) ____ (3) ____ (4) ____ (5) ____ (6) ____ (7) ____ (8) ____ (9) ____ (10) ____
            • 4.

              As Chinese President Xi Jinping leaves on Friday on his first overseas tour, which includes stops in Moscow and three African countries, Beijing’s media is very interested in Xi’s famous wife Peng Liyuan, who will be traveling with him.

              China’s new First Lady, one of the country’s most famous folk singers and a World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador(亲善大使) for Tuberculosis(结核病) and HIV/AIDS, has long been as well known as her husband.

                  The news that she would come along with her husband on the t rip has already attracted widesp read attention on China’s micro-blogging service, where expectations(期望) are high about her ability to promote China’s image abroad.

                  “Each country’s First Lady has her own style and charm, and the thing that the world loves is color and difference,” says Tsinghua University political scientist Tang Xiaoyang.

                  As Peng and President Xi start their trip to Moscow, Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of Congo, the outing is the president’s first chance to shape his image as China ’s new leader before foreign audiences.

                  Renmin University journalism professor Zhong Xin says there are high expectations that Peng will help her husband pass on a friendly image of China.

              “Mrs. Peng is beautiful and popular.” Zhong said, explaining that the new First Lady will not only have a good effect on herself, but the president and the whole country.

              Peng Liyuan—China’s New First Lady

              A brief(71)__________

              ● Beautiful and popular.

              ● Famous for her folk (72) __________.

              ● Well-known (73) __________ a World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.

              Her overseas tour

              ● Setting out with her (74) __________—President Xi. 

              ● Starting her overseas tour on Friday, (75) __________stops in Moscow and three African countries.

              Widespread attention on her

              ● Beijing’s media is (76) __________ in her.

              ● On China’s micro-blogging service, people express that they look forward to her (77) __________ China’s image abroad.

              ● The world expects her to be colorful and (78) __________ from other countries’ First Ladies.

              Possible effects

              ● Peng will help President Xi pass on a(n) (79)__________ image of China.

              ● Peng will not only have a good (80) __________ on herself, but the president and the whole country.

            • 5.

              This year, about 2,300 teenagers from all over the world will spend about 10 months in US homes. At the same time about 1,300 American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and learn about the rest of the world.

              Here is a 2-way student exchange program in action. Fred, 19, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.

              Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived. But after 2 months of studying, the language became easy for him. School was completely different from what he had expected and it was much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took 14 subjects instead of 6 that usually taken in the US.

              Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was the law. All the activities were done with the family rather than individually. Fred found the food to be too simple at first. He also missed having a car.

              “Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out to have a good time. In Germany, you walk but you soon learn to like it.”

              At the same time, in America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his own ideas. “I suppose I should criticize American schools,” he says. “It is far too easy for our level but I have to say that I like it a lot. In Germany, we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many other activities. I think that maybe American schools are better in training their citizens. Besides, each school holds certain activities for the entire school body, such as homecoming, prom night, holiday celebrations, etc. so in my opinion, there ought to be some middle ground between the two.”

              Differences between American school life and German school life


              American students

              German students

              Class rules

              They don’t have to stand up

              They have to   75   and show respect for their    76  

                _71__ life

              They do their own things individually.

              They have to listen to their  77  . All the activities are done with the family rather than individually.

              School   __72__

              They have 6, which are very

                  73   to learn.

              They have   78  which are much more difficult.

              Going out

              They can go out with friends in a car.

              They have to    79   all the way.

              School activities

              They have 74  other activities, including certain activities for the entire school body.

              They have to do nothing but  80    hard all the time.

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 6.

              Yuan Longping is one of the most famous scientists in the world. He    61    (struggle) for the past five decades for the Chinese farmers. He grows    62    is called super hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes    63    possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.   64    (use) his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

                   Finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal since he graduated from college in 1953. At that time, hunger was    65    disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside. Therefore he wanted to help his motherland rid of hunger    66  increasing the rice output without ____67   _ (expand) the area of the fields, and he finally made it .

                       68     a great scientist, he lead a very simple life. He believes that a person with too much money has more rather than    69    troubles. He has another dream    70    his rice can be grown around the globe and no hunger is in the world.

            • 7.

              Silly Fred was a little surprised when he saw his mother in his house.

              “ I got your ___61___ (invite) to come for dinner, said Mother.

              “ I did,” said Silly Fred, ___62___ (try ) to think of why he had invited his mother for dinner and then thinking that it ___63___ be her birthday. “ Happy Birthday!”

              “It isn’t my birthday,” said Mother. “It is Mother’s Day.”

              “ Well then,” said Silly Fred. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

              “Thank you,” said Mother. “Now, ___64___ is for dinner?”

              “Dinner?” shouted Silly Fred.

              “Oh dear,” said Mother. “You ___65___ (forget) about cooking me dinner?”

              “Well actually,” said Silly Fred, not able to lie ___66___ his mother. “I did forget to prepare for the dinner. ___67___, there is a nice restaurant down the street. How about going out dinner?”

              “Sure,” said Mother.

              Silly Fred and Mother had ___68___ nice supper together. Silly Fred went to pay for the meal but he couldn’t find his wallet.

              “Are you looking for ___69___?” asked Mother, handing Silly Fred his wallet, ___70___ she saw him put on the counter at home.

              “Yes,” said Silly Fred, a little embarrassed. “Thank you.”

              (1)            ​ (2)            ​ (3)            ​ (4)            
            • 8.

              It was a busy day at the grocery store and an old couple were in line behind me with birthday balloons.

              From ___61___they said, I knew their nephew had a twin and something bad happened to the baby at birth. Though they did all they could ___62__(help)them but times were tough for them.

              They seemed to be too nervous and were too ____63___(anxiety) to leave, so I asked ___64__they wanted to go ahead of me or not. They didn’t understand what I ___65__(mean) at first. After knowing it, they were very appreciative. But they stood behind me.

              At that time I knew it had to be a significant day to them. Nothing could be __66__(good)if someone offered to help them. So I told the cashier to add the balloons to my purchases. The old couple refused at first __67___I insisted. I said, “You tell your sweet nephew that there are still nice people left who wanted to give them __68__hand in this world.” They thanked me over and over and the cashier was moved to tears, __69__(say)there was an angel in her line today.

              That little act of __70__(kind) made everyone who saw it feel good---but it made me feel the best of all!

            • 9.

              Tony:Hey, did you see China’s women’s volleyball team __  (1)  __ television last night?

              Kate:Yes, the game was so __  (2)  __(excite)! I usually watch basketball, but that was great last night!

              Tony:Definitely a good effort! If anything, I was disappointed that the __  (3)  __ team didn’t put up much of a fight. They made a lot of bad mistakes, __  (4)  __ they always seemed to be hitting the ball out of bounds.

              Kate:I just enjoyed how China celebrated after every point they won. Volleyball seems so much more passionate __  (5)  __ (compare) to other sports.

              Tony:Well, their victory means they __  (6)  __ (compete) in the Olympics next year, __  (7)  __ was their goal. I just hope they can pick up at __  (8)  __ (little) a bronze medal.

              Kate:Bronze? You mean gold, right?

              Tony:Well, that would be great, but there are a couple of very strong teams that beat China in a recent competition.

              Kate:I saw those matches — they were __  (9)  __ (extreme) close! China can beat them next year for sure!

              Tony:We’ll see. I hope you’re right. But you never know __  (10)  __ will happen in sports.

              Kate:Exactly! They might surprise you! Then what will you say?

              Tony:Ha ha, OK, let’s just wait and see.

              (1) __________ 42.__________ 43.__________ 44.__________

              45.__________ 46.__________ 47.__________ 48.__________

              49.__________ 50.__________

            • 10.

              The Internet is an       61      (amaze) information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as      62      investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the     63     (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating  64   family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from__65__  countries and cultures. However, while there are many positive developments _____66    (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control over      67     appears on the Internet, With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are     68      (restrict)on other aspects, for example, what kinds of programs can___69___   (broadcast) and at what time of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable for their children     70    (see).

