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            • 1.

              “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough.If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually.

              First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services.Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection.Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back.For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness.But the recent scandal(丑闻)showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices.Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm.

              Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars.Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons.But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close.

              To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person.But image is only half of the equation.What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.

               _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    _____     _____   _____   _____  _____ 

            • 2.

              Commercial advertisement was once thought of as a technique of the marketers to inform the potential buyers about the availability of certain products. It was seen more as a medium to inform the buyers rather than persuade them to buy. The present day marketers see advertisement as a medium to damage the image of their competitors and their products. This indeed, is an undesirable and an immoral practice. Instead of speaking about their own products, these marketers speak about the drawbacks (often without any basics) of the competing products.

              People watching TV advertisements would notice that there has always been an advertisement war between the marketers of different consumer goods. A few such cases are given below.

              1 Parachute Coconut Oil vs. V.V.D. Gold

              Some time back, the producer of V.V.D Gold Coconut Oil claimed in their TV advertisement that only their products was superior and the one sold in blue colour bottles (the reference was to Parachute coconut oil) was suitable only for un-natural hair.

              2 Tata Salt vs. Captain Cook

              Tata salt was first iodised (碘处理) salt marketed by an Indian Company. It has been enjoying a good and steady market. Captain Cook, another producer of iodised salt, who entered the market later, had to adopt some strategy to get control of the market. The TV advertisement of Captain Cook stressed on ‘Free flow’ of their salt when transferred to a container. The producer of Tata Salt retaliated (报复) by saying that the claim of Captain Cook was a trick and those who were quality conscious should deal with it with caution.

              3 Pepsi vs. Coco Cola

              Coca Cola was selected as the official soft drink for the Wills World Cricket 1996. When the cricket series was on, the marketers of Pepsi constantly advertised on TV. Their advertisement gave the idea that the cricketers preferred only Pepsi and as a matter of fact there was nothing official about it.

              4 Horlicks vs. Complan

              Sometime back, the TV advertisement of Complan, a health drink directly attacked Horlicks, which has been in the market for several decades. The claim of Complan was that their brand (which according to them was Brand C) has a higher percentage of ingredients (材料) compared to Brand H (reference was nothing but to Horlicks).

              The above examples clearly show how the technique of advertisement is misused by some marketers to ruin the image of their competitors. This, certainly, is not a healthy trend.

              Any marketer should only speak about his products quality and not about his competitors’ products’. The awareness of consumers has certainly increased over the years and they are no longer easily taken in. There are many consumer products like salt, oil shaving blades etc. But one thing for sure is that offering the same product in a different container will not make the product different.

              Mass media like Radio, Television and newspaper should not allow advertisements that tell lies. Legal regulations, in this regard, should also be made stricter.

              Comparison of the past and the present

              In the past

              At present

              A technique mainly used for offering (71)  ▲

              A trick used as a means of unfair (72)  ▲  

              Unhealthy trend of the (73)  ▲  of advertisement

              (74)  ▲  given


              Wrong (75)  ▲

              V.V.D. Gold

               No product of the kind could (76)  ▲  it.

              Captain Cook

               Captain Cook stressed on their “free flow” when their product was put into a container.

              Tata Salt

               Tata salt warned consumers to be (77)  ▲ .


               Too much advertisement on TV seemed to say that Pepsi was the cricketers’ (78)  ▲ .


               Complan claimed that their product was much (79)  ▲   in ingredients.


              Only (80)  ▲  of products is allowed to be mentioned in the advertisement.

              Stricter laws should be made to protect every producers’ and consumers’ benefits.

            • 3.

              The latest attack on the Internet and on computers in general is Nicholas Carrˈs writing,“The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.”

              Carr and other digital alarmists make a case that seems reasonable, at least on the surface.  They argue that Internet communication tools trap us in a shallow culture of constant interruption as we crazily tweet, text and e­mail.  This in turn leaves us little time for deep reading, reflection and serious conversation—activities traditionally thought to build knowledge and wisdom.

              The alarmists use the concept of“neural plasticity(神经可塑性)”and talk of technology “reshaping” the brain to convince us that the new distractions make us not just less willing but less able, on a physiological level, to focus.

              Whenever you hear that something is changing your brain, you ought to be worried—or at least the person telling you wants you to be worried.  But does a cultural change like this necessarily lead to a fundamental change to the brain?

              The appeals to neural plasticity, backed by studies showing that new changes can reorganize the brain, are largely irrelevant.  The basic plan of the brainˈs “shaping” is genetically determined long before a child discovers Facebook and Twitter.  There is simply no experimental evidence to show that living with digital culture fundamentally changes brain organization in a way that affects oneˈs ability to focus.  Of course, the brain changes any time we form a memory or learn a new skill, but new skills build on our existing capacities without fundamentally changing them.  We will no more lose our ability to pay attention than we will lose our ability to listen, see or speak.

              The idea that the Internet might make us shallower has some instant appeal, because it is easy to see how the cognitive performance of people around us drops when they are distracted. But the notion that prolonged focus and deep reading mark the best path to wisdom and insight is just an assumption, one that may be an accidental consequence of the printing press existing before the computer.  To book authors like us it seems a weird notion, but it is possible that spending 10 or more hours engaged in a single text might not be the most favorable way for building brainpower.

              So donˈt be afraid of the digital era.  Google is not making us stupid, PowerPoint is not destroying literature, and the Internet is not really changing our brains.

              Title: Donˈt__  (1)  __ the digital era!

              Digital alarmistsˈ __  (2)  __ against the digital culture.



              ●Because of technology, we are__  (3)  __ in a shallow culture with a lack of knowledge and wisdom.

              ●We are constantly __  (4)  __ by Internet communication tools, which results in less deep reading, reflection and serious conversation.

              ●Our brain is reshaped into __  (5)  __ and inability to focus by technology. 

              ●The concept of “neural plasticity” shows that brain can be reorganized by new __  (6)  __. 

              Authorˈs point of view 

              ●Digital culture does not __  (7)  __ a fundamental change to the brain.

              ●The brainˈs “shaping”is determined by __  (8)  __ long before a child discovers the internet.

              ●__  (9)  __ the influence of new technology on the brain, no experimental evidence shows they will affect oneˈs ability to focus.

              ●The Internet does not make us shallower.

              ●It is just an assumption that wisdom and insight best arise from deep reading and focus.

              ●The assumption is just a result of the fact that books __  (10)  __ existed earlier than computers.

              (1) __         __
            • 4.

              This year, according to the last World Happiness Report, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden have been ranked as the five happiest countries in the world. So why are these countries so happy? Well, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEDC), the Netherlands was ranked as one of the best countries for jobs. Nearly 75% of residents have jobs to do, but they rarely work very long hours, which gives them more time at home to spend with their families. 94% of residents claim if they were ever in trouble, they would be confident in knowing they can turn to someone close to them for help at any time. In this country, colleges and universities are free, and young adults are given the opportunity to pick a career they’re passionate about.

              People of Switzerland value good work ethics(道德规范)and pride themselves on their ability to save money and spend wisely. Of all the OECD countries, Switzerland has the highest employment rate of 79% for people aged 18 to 65 and the average income per household is around $30,000. Citizens of Switzerland claim they tend to have happier thoughts and experiences over negative ones on a daily basis and feel entirely satisfied with their way of life.

              In Denmark, the government tries to ensure its residents are happy and healthy. If you lose your job, the government is there to support you for up to four years, covering up to 90% of your expense. In a nation of over five million people, healthcare is free. Its citizens go to college for free and are offered financial aid every month, even if they live at home with their parents. A third of Denmark’s residents ride their bikes to get around, making it one of the most environmentally conscious nations.

              Of all the nations measured, people in Sweden are among the healthiest. This might have something to do with their incredible air and water quality. Residents in Sweden enjoy around five weeks of paid vacation from work each year and understand the importance of spending time with their families. With the free education system, young people are given the chance to decide their future and pursue the career they want.

              In Norway, people can attend college for free. People of Norway claim they can trust almost anyone and are continually happy with their life choices. The employment rate in Norway is around 75% with a gross(粗略的)pay of $44,000 for full-time employees. If a mother chooses to stay home with her pre-school aged child, she’ll receive a monthly stipend (津贴) from the government to help support her. Norwegians care much about one another and often treat tourists and visitors in a very warm manner, making them feel at home. Freedom of expression is highly valued in this country and they strive to treat everyone fairly.

              Five Happiest Countries

              Paragraph outlines

              Supporting details

              The Netherlands

              l  Most citizens have jobs and their (86) ______________ working time allows them to spend time with their families.

              l  Nearly all its citizens are (87) ______________.

              l  Young adults can have (88) ______________ to free education and find their jobs easily.


              l  People feel (89) ______________ that they can save money and spend wisely.

              l  Its high employment rate ensures every family has a high income.

              l  People are quite pleased with their (90) ______________.


              l  (91) ______________ people will get much financial aid from the government..

              l  People can enjoy free healthcare and college education.

              l  There is strong environmental (92) ______________ among people.


              l  People are (93) ______________ because here air and water are of high quality.

              l  People enjoy about five weeks of paid vacation from work each year and they (94)______________ family time.

              l  Young people can attend school for free and have the chance to decide their future.


              l  A full-time mother with a pre-school aged child can get a monthly stipend from the government.

              l  There are harmonious interpersonal relationships in this country.

              l  People are allowed to express themselves (95) ______________.

            • 5.
              When it comes to being socially successful, the quantity of your relationships is irrelevant. The important thing is the quality of them. I would rather have a small team that works in concert than a big team so scattered(分散的)that nothing ever gets done. It’s better to have a few close friends who love you for who you are than a lot of acquaintances who you’re not so comfortable with.Here are five ways you can make people enjoy being around you.
              Be confident, but not cocky.There is a big difference between healthy confidence and arrogant(傲慢的)cockiness. A confident person, when complimented about a wonderful thing they did, would reply with a simple “thank you.” A cocky person would take the opportunity to perform an unscheduled Academy Award acceptance speech. A confident person would offer praise for everybody who contributed to their success. A cocky person would claim all the credit for themselves without a second thought. Cocky people might experience temporary perks, but long-lasting success is a prize reserved for the confident.

              Be approachable, but not a pushover.
              You should welcome your friends and coworkers with open arms. It’s hard to find a person who will offer a listening ear in time of need, so fulfilling that need will help you become a person people trust. But there can be too much of a good thing. If you find yourself with invitations you’re not that interested in, don’t be afraid to politely reject them. If your schedule becomes occupied by people desiring your attention, set some ground rules and prioritize(优先考虑). To take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

              Be direct in expression, but not nasty in delivery.
              Receiving honesty with no filter (过滤)is like finding a massive glass of ice water during a desert adventure. Speak words of truth, and people will be refreshed to hear them. Most people sugarcoat their opinions, so a willingness to tell it how you see it will win the appreciation of your friends and coworkers. But here’s the catch: delivery is everything. There is a big difference between “Your article sucks” and “I like the general concept, but I think it might play better if you try if from a different angle.” Truth is something you should aim for, but it isn’t a ticket to be nasty to people. To deliver honest and helpful feedback, use this sentence structure: “ I liked (insert positive quality), but I think it would be better if (constructive criticism/ suggestion for improvement).”

              Be mindful of your actions, but not absorbed in yourself.
              Have you ever found yourself nervous while fielding questions in a job interview or talking to a cute person you have a crush on? So eager to make a positive first impression that you can’t escape the constant stream of thoughts causing you to doubt if you’re saying and doing the right things? As a consequence, you might find yourself so self-absorbed that you can’t focus on what the other person is saying. The less time you spend questioning yourself and the more time you spend actively listening to the other person, the better off you will be.

              Be assertive, but not overbearing.
              There is a thin line between being assertive and overbearing, so let’s take a look at their definitions.
              assertive (adjective): having or showing a confident and forceful personally
              overbearing (adjective): unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering (专横的)
              An assertive person would confidently (and politely) ask friends or networking contacts for help if they needed it (and hopefully offer to return the favor). An overbearing person would force people to get what they wanted without a second thought about how their actions affected others. Being overbearing will make people avoid you because no one wants to help a pushy person. 
              Being assertive will attract people to you, if you can reflect confidence and enthusiasm.
                                                 Five Secrets of Socially Successful People
              Outline Details
              Brief introduction The quality of your relationship 72._________ whether you can be socially successful. Having a few truly close friends is what really 73. ________
              71._________ to make people enjoy being around you ●  The responses of confident and cocky people 74._________when they are    highly thought of for what they do. Learn to be confident.
              ●  Listening to others in need helps you win 75.__________.●  Turning down 76.__________ you show no interest in is acceptable
              ●  You will be appreciated if you express your opinions in a 77.___________   manner.
              ●  Be mindful of your actions. wanting 78.__________ to impress others will    cause you to fall into self-absorption.
              ●  By 79.__________ their definitions, you will see the differences between   “assertive” and “overbearing”. Being overbearing will make people avoid    you 80.__________ being assertive will attract people to you.

            • 6.


                  These changes only became possible as my memory improved.First it was stored in tubes,then on transistors and later on very small chips.As a result I totally changed my shape.As I have grown older I have also grown smaller.71.________And my memory became so large that even I couldn't believe it!But I was always so lonely standing there by myself,until in the early 1960s

              they gave me a family connected by a network.I was able to share my knowledge with others through the World Wide Web.

                  Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.I have become very important in communication,finance and trade.72.________I have even been put into space rockets and sent to explore the Moon and Mars.73.________I am no wtruly filled with happiness that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race!


                  Many musicians meet and forma band because they like to write and play their own music.74.________Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments.75.________Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires!

            • 7. Nelson Mandela, (1)__________was born on July 18, 1918, is(2)___________  first black president of South (3)___________(African). He wanted to be a  (4)______(law) after he left university. In 1944 he formed the ANC (5) __________(young) League. Then in 1952 he set up a law office to help poor black people. Because( 6)____________  fighting (7)____________ the government and anti-black laws, he was (8)____________(sentence) to five years hard labor. Fighters from ANC began to  blow  up buildings in 1963 and he was put in prison on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years (9)____________,he was freed by the white government. In 1993 he was (10)____________(make) president and the government by and for black people was  set up. Nelson Mandela is a great man.
            • 8. Do you ever feel like you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another? When things happen at such afastpace, it is easy to lose sight of what you are learning. It is important to stop every now and then to think about what you have been learning. 
                 Self-reflection means stopping the mad rush and calming yourself so that your brain can evaluate what it has already received. Some people prefer to do their self-reflections mentally, while others keep a journal. Either method can work, depending on what your own personal style is. 
                 School textbooks are often divided into units. This can make iteasyfor someone to begin the process of self- reflection. Watch for the times when you complete a unit of study. Sometimes you are reminded that the unit is finished because there is some kind of test or quiz. Use these naturalbreaksas opportunities to stop and reflect.
                You should find a quiet place—anywhere without noise is OK. This can even be sitting at your desk at school when you finish something early and the other students are still working. If you are going to take notes, take out your journal. Write down some notes on things that younewlylearned in this unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some connections.
                 Sometimes just pausing to think deeply allows your brain to make connections so that new information can quickly appear when you need it again. Next, think about things that you still wonder about. For example, maybe you learned about a certain body system, but you don’t know how it works with the other body systems. Maybe you learned a new way to solve a math problem, but you are not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to continue seeking answers the next time you come across the same topic. 
                Self-reflection is an essential skill for a successful student. If you have never taken the time to reflect, try it now. 

              Title : Self-reflection


              It meansstopping the mad rush and calming yourself so that your brain can make a(n)  (2)  _ of what it has already received.

              Some people are in _  (3)   to do their self- reflections mentally while others keep a journal but either method can work, depending on what your own personal style is. 

              _  (4)  _ for self-reflection

              It’s easy to   (5)   to see what you are learning if you are studying a mad rush of one subject after another at a fast pace.

              When to reflect

              Some natural breaks   (6)  test or quiz can be used as opportunities to stop and reflect.

              Process of self-reflection

              Find a quiet place even at school when you complete thing  (7)  _____ than others.

              Write down some notes on things that younewlylearned in this unit

              Think about the notes you have written and make some connections so that new information can be  (8)  _when necessary.

              Think aboutthings that you still wonder about, which will   (9)  _ you of seeking answers the next time you encounter the same topic. 


              It’s   (10)   for students who want to be successful to reflect themselves.

            • 9.

              Issues around children learning to read are rarely out of the news. which is hardly surprising—becoming a successful reader is of vital importance in improving a child’s life chances. Nor is it surprising that reading creates a virtuous circle: the more you read the better you become. But what may come as a surprise is that reading to dogs is gaining popularity as a way of addressing concerns about children’s reading.

              Underachievement (学业不良) in groups of children in the UK is recognized in international studies—and successive governments have sought to address the issues in a range of ways. Reading to dogs, so far, has not been among them, but it’s time to look at the strategy more seriously.

              Many children naturally enjoy reading and need little encouragement, but if they are struggling, their confidence can quickly decrease—and with it, their motivation. This brings about the destructive cycle, and therefore reading ability fails to improve.

              So how can dogs help?

              A therapeutic (疗法的) presence

              Reading to dogs is just that—encouraging children to read alongside a dog. The practice originated in the US in 1999.

              The presence of dogs has a calming effect on many people—hence their use in Pets as Therapy schemes (PAT). Many primary schools are becoming increasingly pressurized environments and children (like adults) generally do not respond well to such pressure. A dog creates an environment that immediately feels more relaxing and welcoming. Reading can be an independent activity, but can also be a pleasurable, shared social event. Children who are struggling to read benefit from the simple pleasure of reading to a loyal, loving listener.

              Children who are struggling to read, for whatever reason, need to build confidence and rediscover a motivation for reading. A dog is a reassuring, friendly audience who will not mind if mistakes are made. Children can read to the dog, uninterrupted; comments will not be made Errors can be addressed in other contexts at other times. For more experienced or capable readers they can experiment with intonation and “voices”, knowing that the dog will respond positive—and building fluency further develops comprehension in readers.

              For children who are struggling, reconnecting with the pleasure of reading is very important. As Marylyn Jager-Adams,a literacy (读写) scholar, noted in a seminal review of beginner reading in the US: “ If we want children to learn to read well, we must find a way to attract them to read lots.”

              Reading to a dog can create a helpful balance, supporting literacy activities which may seem less appealing to a child. Children having difficulty with reading, for example,need focused support to develop their understanding of the alphabetic code (字母代码). But this needs to be balanced with activities which support independent reading and social enjoyment or the child become less motivated.

              Creating a virtuous circle

              Breaking a negative cycle will inevitably lead to the creation of a virtuous circle—and sharing a good book with a dog enables children to apply their reading skills in a positive and enjoyable way.

              Research evidence in this area is rather limited, despite the growing popularity of the scheme. A 2016 systematic review of 48 studies—“Children Reading to Dogs: A Systematic Literature” by Hall, Gee and Mills—demonstrated some evidence for improvement in reading, but the evidence was not strong. There clearly is more work to do, but interest in reading to dogs appears to have grown through the evidence of case studies. The example, often given in the media, is that of Tony Nevett and his pet dog Danny. Tony and Danny’s involvement in a number of schools has been transformative, not only in terms of reading but also in promoting general well-being and positive behavior among children with a diverse range of needs.

              So, reading to dogs could offer many benefits. As with any approach, it is not a cure-all within a language-rich literacy environment, there appears to be little to lose and much to gain.

              Title: How Dogs Could Make Children Better   (1)  


              Reading is so important that issues around children learning to read

               remain hot. But  (2)  , reading to dogs becomes an increasingly

               popular way to address concerns about it.

              ● Struggling to read will decrease children’s confidence and motivation

               and gets in the  (3)   of their reading ability building.

              ● Governments in the UK haven’t employed the strategy of reading to dogs to help underachievers, which needs serious  (4)  in the near future.

              Benefits of

              reading to


              A therapeutic presence

              Reading to a dog can help children   (5)   down, feel relaxed and

               get pleasure, for dogs are loyal and loving listeners.

              Reading to a dog can help children build confidence, as children can read

               without being interrupted or being  (6)   on.

              Reading to a dog can also create a helpful balance, making children

                (7)   to participate in literacy activities.

              Creating a virtuous circle

              ● Sharing a good luck with a dog likely enables children to apply their

               reading skills positively and enjoyably, though more work remains to be

               done to   (8)   it.

              ● More case studies of reading to dogs indicate it might   (9)   both

               promoting children’s reading interest and positive life.


              With so little to lose and so much to gain, it   (10)   to read to dogs, although it is not a cure

            • 10.

              Shopping a Sale Gives You the Same Feeling as Getting High

                 For some of us, the signs shouting 50% off, one-day-only sale and clearance are not so different from the call for other types of addictions: the feeling of winning at shopping a sale is not unlike the addiction to alcohol, drugs or even food. Even the casual shopper finds it challenging to exercise self-control at the Double 11 Festival.

                 In fact, we typically decide on a purchase in a split second, without much thought. We don’t employ the usual process of weighing the outcome when it comes to the temptation (诱惑) of sale tags; instead, most of our decisions to buy something are made instantly.

                 The instant we decide to buy, we feel good and there’s a rush of positive emotion. But afterwards, similar to what happens to a drug addict or alcoholic, strong feelings of guilt can last for quite a long time. But we still need more. We have to have more. We need the high again. Then we go back for more.

                 If it all sounds so out of our control, it might not be. The key is to understand exactly what’s happening as the desire sets in.

              The excitement of the hunt

                 Entering a favorite store or logging onto our favorite shopping website is the catalyst (催化剂). This very action tells our body that it should start producing greater amounts of chemicals in the brain that make it feel good to keep shopping and searching for pleasure and rewards.

                 Most of the time, those impulses (冲动) are caused by our previous experiences with specific brands or spotting items already on our wish list. Most of us are not actually addicted to the things we buy. Rather, it’s the process of shopping that can become a tough habit to break in the same sort of way it’s hard to break free from eating disorders, drugs and drinking.

              Working against our inner desires

              There is still some hope. For starters, force ourselves to avoid the bargain (just like we’d avoid a pub if we no longer drink). And, rather than checking price tags first, we may look at the price tag after we are interested in the product to reduce “bargain craze”. Online, we are not supposed to click through to the sale section first. We have to calm ourselves down and force us to be logical about the whole thing.

              Never overestimate(高估) how much pleasure we get once we find the thing that we buy. And this is something to bear in mind when rushing to the sales this shopping season.

                            Shopping a Sale Gives You the Same Feeling as Getting High


              ·Things on sale are  (1)  _ to some people, whose addiction is (2)_ to that of alcohol, drugs or even food.

              ·It is a  (2)  _ to control oneself at a shopping festival, even for casual shoppers.


              ·People typically   (4)_ to make a decision to buy things (5)__ weighing possible results.

              ·  People will have a sense of satisfaction (6)__ they buy things.

              ·  People may feel (7)__ for quite a while, but can’t fight the temptation.


              ·  When people are ready to buy things, the greater amounts of chemicals

              produced in the brain account for the pleasure of shopping.

              · (8)___ of being addicted to things bought, the majority of people

              buy things out of    (3)  __.


              ·  Stay away from the bargain.

              ·  Don’t check price tags unless the product interests you.

              ·  (10)__ giving priority(优先) to shopping web pages when surfing the Internet.

              ·  Stay calm and logical when shopping.

              ·  Never overestimate the pleasure we get from shopping.

