优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

               They paid a visit to ________used to be a factory.

                     A. where            B. what            C. which               D. that


            • 2.

               He kept a little notebook, in which        the names and addresses of his friends.

                     A.wrote                  B.writing                C.was written         D.were written


            • 3.

               The two pupils are different           degree         they’re interested in studies.

                 A. in, to which   B. from, in which   C.from, that   D. with, which


            • 4.

               This big room        the roof is flat now functions     a meeting room.

              A. whose, for   B. where, as   C. of which,  as   D. in which, for


            • 5.

               Though       money, his parents managed to send him to university.

              A. lacked        B. lacking of       C. lacking      D. lacked in


            • 6.

               I strongly recommend that the information______ in my report____to our headmaster without delay.

                A. to be referred to; to be e-mailed    B. referring to; e-mail

                C.referred to; be e-mailed           D.being referred to; being e-mailed


            • 7.

               ______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to “Avatar” three times.

              A. If it is not          B. were it not      C. Had it not been    D. If they were not


