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            • 1.

              Are you feeling more of your true self when no one else is around than when someone else is around? Young children seem to get it right better than adults when it comes to being their true authentic self. They sing, laugh, dance and live with an abundance of energy and no worries of whether anyone else is watching them or what anyone else is thinking of them. However, adults are more on guard than children in social situations because conversations with others can lead them to feel mixed emotions with many shades of gray in between.

              In social situations, since you have a desire to be accepted by other people, you care too much about what you say and wonder whether it is agreeable. In addition, you study the other person’s body language to assess the authenticity of the person and focus on how the conversation is making you feel at that particular moment.

              There are certain types of people with a stronger personality, who tend to make others feel inferior by delivering more of an intense negative vibe. They simply can’t make others feel welcomed. Besides, some people who aren’t pleased with themselves sometimes have a way of characterizing other people in a negative light they themselves are hiding behind. Anyway, if someone that you’re talking to is miserable, then that can be contagious to you, making you miserable as well.

              There are some key factors that affect the way other people can make you feel. These factors include whether they are positive or negative about things, whether they’re delivering a sense of fear or love to you, whether their personality is intensive or not, whether they want to make you feel inferior or accepted and whether you can protect your emotions from another person’s negative vibe.

              You may not have the total control of how another person’s energy can make you feel at any given moment, but you can shield yourself by protecting your authenticity. If necessary, when you’re around certain people that you know can drain your energy, either physically or emotionally, put up an invisible protective shield around yourself to guard against other people’s negative input or vibe. Moreover, you have a choice of whether or not to accept the belief of what others think of you. Actually, what others think of you are simply their thoughts or feelings, but not facts. So it’s up to you to make the decision to dismiss it and don’t let it have any impact on you. More importantly, you’re perfect just the way you are!

              Feeling like Your Authentic Self in Social Situations

              A phenomenon

              Compared with children, adults are less likely to be their true authentic self in the  (1)   of others.

              Causes of your   (2)   of authenticity

              ·You desire other people’s acceptance while conversing, so you   (3)   watch what they say.

              ·During the conversation, you devote yourself to making   (4)   about the other person’s authenticity and focusing on your own feelings.

              ·You are not likely to feel as   (5)   as the other person due to his or her strong personality.

              ·You may be negatively influenced by someone who is miserable.

              Factors affecting your authenticity

              It can be influenced by some factors, including other people’s  (6)   towards things, the feelings they want to pass to you, the   (7)   of their personality intensity, their desire to control your feelings, and your   (8)   to protect your emotions.

              Tips on protecting your authenticity

              ·  (9)   to let others’ negativities affect you by erecting an invisible barrier against them.

              ·Don’t care too much about others’  (10)   of you.

              ·Keep in mind that you are original and incomparable.

            • 2.

              Have you ever gone   (1)   (travel) abroad?   (2)   (actual), it is interesting to visit another country,   (3)  can broaden our mind and make us have an unforgettable experience, but sometimes there   (4)   (be) some problems when we don’t know the language very well. It may be   (5)   (difficulty) to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which we are   (6)   (visit). We may not know how to buy the things we need. In a strange country we may not know where to eat   (7)   what to order in a restaurant. It is not easy   (8)   (decide) how much money to tip waiters or taxi drivers. When we are helpless, we may not know how to ask   (9)   help. After a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to say. We learn to enjoy   (10)   (live) in another country, and then we may be sorry to leave both the place and the people. It’s a pity, isn’t it?

            • 3.

              Philip is sometimes not welcomed by other third graders. He was tricked sometimes, not because he was older,   (1)   because he was “different”. Philip,   (2)   suffered from Downs Syndrome(唐氏综合症), was “different”, with his strange   (3)    face) characteristics, slow responses and mental problems.   (4)   a beautiful spring morning, the children were to go out and discover   (5)   symbol of “new life” for themselves, which they would place inside plastic eggs.

              After the children returned to the classroom, the teacher opened their eggs one by one,   (6)   (encourage) each child to explain the meaning of “new life” in his or her egg. The first opened egg contained a flower. In another was a butterfly.   (7)   the teacher opened the last egg, it was empty. “That’s stupid. Whose is it?” said someone. The teacher felt a pull at his shirt. It was Philip. Looking up, Philip said, “It’s   (8)   I did it. It’s empty. I have new life, because the tomb(坟墓)is empty.” At that time, not a sound   (9)   (hear) in class at all. From that day on, Philip became a real part of the group. They forgot his disease and welcomed him, and   (10)   made him “different” was never mentioned again.

            • 4.
              I’m a rock-climbing guide . Climbing the rocks and mountains in Yosemite National Park   (1)       (be) my life’s passion since I was 13   More than ten years ago I started seeing a lot of waste ,   (2)   toilet paper , beer cans , and empty boxes , around the area .   (3)   was beyond me why visitors started respecting the place less and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way . I   (4)   (try) picking up trash myself , but I would spend an hour or two on the job , only   (5)   (find) the area trashed all over again weeks   (6)   . I decided something had to change . I set a date for a cleanup together with some other climbers .   (7)   (expect) , more than 300 people showed up . We collected about 6,000 pounds of trash over three days . It was   (8)   (amaze) how much we were able to accomplish—the park looked clean ! I often hear people complain about their surroundings . I want to say the only way to change things is by doing rather than   (9)  (complain) . We need to teach by example . We cannot blame others   (10)   we start with ourselves .
            • 5.

              Crying marriage?    (1)  (surprise),isn’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China’s Sichuan Province,and      (2)   (remain) in fashion     (3)   the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a     (4)   ( necessary) to marriage procedure.

              It is very much    (5)   same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding      (6)   , the bride’s neighbors would look down upon       (7)   as a poorly cultivated girl and she would become the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases      (8)   which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony.

              In a word, crying at the wedding is a     (9)    by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the     (10)   (arrange)marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life.

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