优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


                 "Got your cellphone? Glasses? Wallet? ID?" I asked.

                 "Yes," my husband Avraham smiled. "Can we go now? You've got to meet your interview before I go to see my patient at one o'clock."

                 "Right. Got your medical bag?"


                 Even years after moving from North America, we still loved the half-hour drive to Jerusalem (耶路撒冷). The blue sky above the mountains, the trees, and the journey up to the Holy City always filled us with gratitude for living in Israel.

                 As we sped along, we came to our favorite part of the journey, where a wonderful view of Jerusalem suddenly appeared above the roadway. We had had a good time and arrived at my meeting with time to spare.

                 After my interview, I met Avraham at our favorite cafe. Avraham ordered his daily iced coffee and a bag of fresh bread. Glancing at the clock, I suggested we go to see his patient.

                 Avraham had to visit an elderly woman in Jerusalem because her daughter had called the day before to arrange the appointment. As there are very few foot specialists in Israel, Avraham would travel all over the country to see patients requiring specialized foot care. He searched his pockets for a note on which he had written the address.

                 But the note was nowhere to be found.

                 "I don't believe it! I must have left the address at home."

                 "Do you remember any part of the address?" I asked.

                 "I remember that there was a number 17 in it, because it was part of my birth date."

                 "Do you know the street name?"

                 "No. Just that it's in this neighborhood."

                 I had heard the family name mentioned the day before and remembered it sounded like a European name. "Let's try looking at buildings and see if the mailboxes can give us some help," I offered.






              Paragraph 1:

                 We scanned the mailboxes at number 17 and nearby buildings.



              Paragraph 2:

                 We quickly went upstairs and knocked on a door.



            • 2.


              从小到大,有些经历肯定让你终身难忘。请你用Anunforgettable experience为题写一篇词数100左右的英语短文,要求包含下列要点:




              An unforgettable experience

                  Life is full of various experiences, some of which are unforgettable. I still remember

            • 3. 假如你叫李华,是校报的一名英语小记者。请根据自己的经历写一篇英语稿件,介绍你参加的一次志愿者活动。内容包括:

              1. 参加活动的原因;

              2. 描写该活动的过程;

              3. 活动之后的感受。


            • 4.

              "Got your cellphone? Glasses? Wallet? ID?" I asked.

                 "Yes," my husband Avraham smiled. "Can we go now? You've got to meet your interview before I go to see my patient at one o'clock."

                 "Right. Got your medical bag?"


                 Even years after moving from North America, we still loved the half-hour drive to Jerusalem (耶路撒冷). The blue sky above the mountains, the trees, and the journey up to the Holy City always filled us with gratitude for living in Israel.

                 As we sped along, we came to our favorite part of the journey, where a wonderful view of Jerusalem suddenly appeared above the roadway. We had had a good time and arrived at my meeting with time to spare.

                 After my interview, I met Avraham at our favorite cafe. Avraham ordered his daily iced coffee and a bag of fresh bread. Glancing at the clock, I suggested we go to see his patient.

                 Avraham had to visit an elderly woman in Jerusalem because her daughter had called the day before to arrange the appointment. As there are very few foot specialists in Israel, Avraham would travel all over the country to see patients requiring specialized foot care. He searched his pockets for a note on which he had written the address.

                 But the note was nowhere to be found.

                 "I don't believe it! I must have left the address at home."

                 "Do you remember any part of the address?" I asked.

                 "I remember that there was a number 17 in it, because it was part of my birth date."

                 "Do you know the street name?"

                 "No. Just that it's in this neighborhood."

                 I had heard the family name mentioned the day before and remembered it sounded like a European name. "Let's try looking at buildings and see if the mailboxes can give us some help," I offered.






              Paragraph 1:

                 We scanned the mailboxes at number 17 and nearby buildings. _______________________________________________________


              Paragraph 2:

                 We quickly went upstairs and knocked on a door. _______________________________________________________


            • 5.

              假设你目前在英国参加语言培训班,住在Mrs. Smith家。你需要完成培训老师布置的作业:用英语描述你的房东。内容要点如下:

              (1)40岁左右.身材不高; (2)容易相处,爱好广泛:(3)对中国感兴趣。



            • 6. 光阴似箭,高中三年一晃而过,丰富多彩的校园生活一定给你留下了美好而深刻的印象。假设你是光明中学的高三学生李华,你校校报英语栏目正在征集以“The Most Impressive School Activity”为题的英语短文,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文向校报投稿。




              The Most Impressive School Activity

                  How time flies!Three years have passed before I knew it.Looking back on the school life,the most impressive activity I took part in was_____________________________________________

            • 7. 请仔细观察图片内容,以“Dreams and reality”为题,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,谈谈你对梦想与现实的理解。

            • 8.

              几个月后你将从高中毕业,去大学深造。请你以“My Ideal Major”为话题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你最理想的大学专业及选择该专业的理由。内容包括:





              Time flies. I have been studying at my high school for more than two years and will graduate in a few months.

            • 9. 假设你是李华,参加某英文网站征文活动,请根据以下要点介绍你们社区(community)的儿童之家(Children’s Home):

              1   照顾无人看管的儿童;

              2    提供学业辅导;

              3   组织各类活动。


              注意:1   词数100左右;

              2   可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

              3   开头已给出,不计入总词数。

                    A Children’s Home was founded in our community last year.                                                                                                                                                        

            • 10. 学校正在举办“明星学生”(star students)网上评选报名活动,为广大中学生提供展示自我的舞台,树立学习的楷模。欢迎全体同学参与,活动于6月15日截止。请向你的美国朋友Linda介绍此次活动,并阐述你心目中“明星学生”的标准。




              The selection registration named Star Students is under way in our school. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

