优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              Who will teach the woman to drive?
              A.Her coach.                        
              B.Her mother.                           
              C.Her father.
            • 2.
              How does the woman feel about her child’s performance?
              A.It was perfect.   
              B.It could be better.    
              C.It was too difficult for her child.
            • 3.


              (1) How did the man sound at first?
              (2) What do we know about the Drama Club?
              A.He was a little tired.   
              B.He was very happy.      
              C.He felt bored.
            • 4.

              Four ways to Improve Your Memory

              Have you ever imagined the benefits that a good memory can bring to you? Being able to remember important pieces of information can give you a powerful advantage in your life.       (1)   Here are four ways to improve your memory:

              Make the most of your imagination.   (2)   For example, to remember where you have left your car keys, pretend to hold a camera to your eyes, focus on the scene, and click the image into your memory when you are leaving. This technique works with almost everything you want to remember, as the roll of films in your mind is endless.

              Try to practice. There are lots of ways to do this: try to remember which day of the week your last birthday was.   (3)  Try to remember all the ping-pong finalists and the winner. If you can try to remember the scores as well, it would be even better to practice. It won’t be long before your daily practice pays off, making your mind sharper and more adaptable.

              Get physical exercise. Physical exercise not only improves memory but also helps you think faster. A combination of mental and physical activity can protect your memory. It is known that the brain’s processing speed gradually slows as you age.   (4)      

                (5)   Mental exercises are as important as physical ones to keep one’s brain power. Take up word games like crossword puzzles. Memorize favorite poems and read challenging books or articles that encourage you to expand your interests. Any activity that requires you to think and concentrate will challenge your brain. And your brain will develop better on the challenge.

              A.(1) A. Exercise your brain.
              B.Play more games.
              C.Fortunately, staying physically fit can avoid some of the effects of age on the brain.
              D.In fact, the ability to remember things is necessary to your success.
              E.Then extend this to the birthdays of all your family members.
            • 5.
              What does the man want to do?
              A.Order a computer.    
              B.Have his computer fixed.    
              C.Do homework with the woman.
            • 6.
              What does the woman think of the film?
              A.Rather boring.   
              B.Very interesting.   
              C.A bit disappointing.
            • 7.
              Where does the conversation probably take place?
              A.In a supermarket.   
              B.In a restaurant.  
              C.In a cafeteria.
            • 8.
              How much should the woman pay for the food and drinks?
            • 9.
              Who is the phone from?
            • 10.

              The first day at school is very important for your child. ____  (1)  ____ That"s why you should make proper preparations for your child"s first visit to school. Here are some tips on how to make your child"s first day at school enjoyable.

                  The first day at school shouldn"t be the first. ____  (2)  ____ Give your child a chance to meet at least one or two of his or her classmates in advance. Entering a new place for the first time is always less scary if you know somebody there. ____  (3)  ____ Get the phone numbers of other parents from the school, and make several phone calls before the school begins. Arranging a meeting with their kids will contribute greatly to your child"s comfort on the first day.

                  Give your child an opportunity to comnmnicate. Social skills play an important part in your child"s ability to adapt to a new environment. If your child has attended preschool, he or she probably won"t have trouble getting along with people. ____  (4)  ____ Take your kid to a summer camp or a play group in order to develop his or her social skills.

                  Try to set your child"s mind at rest. ____  (5)  ____ Ask him or her what the main questions are that he or she would like to have answereD.You have to get your child to understand that there is nothing to worry about, whether it has to do with how often he or she will be able to use the bathroom, or which bus to take after school.

              A.(1) A. But if he or she doesn"t have such experience, then try to arrange it.
              B.Your child"s character decides whether he or she can get along well with others.
              C.Explain that there is nothing to worry about.
              D.Make a visit beforehand to get familiar witb the classrooms and teachers.
              E.First impressions play an important part in determining his or her desire to be there.
