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            • 1.

              Get ahead by taking advantage of summer

              Summer provides the best opportunity for future college applicants to separate themselves from the crowd. As the number of students who apply to colleges continues to rise, so too does the need for students to make an effort to distinguish themselves. Here are some great options to get you off to a head start:

              A taste of college at home

              Some universities and colleges offer a variety of advanced classes during the summer. Students can find a class that is not offered at their high school, which can help them find the pace of the real class more comfortable when they eventually start to take it.

              Recently, online classes for credit(学分)are gaining popularity. One resource students can access is the Virtual High School – my.vhslearning.org. It is a nonprofit organization for online education that offers 24 AP courses, as well as dozens of other classes.

              A taste of college far away

              Experiencing a real college campus during a one-week or multi-week summer program is a great way to get a better understanding of whether the college is a good fit. Many of these programs offer hands-on experiences or guest lectures from experts.

              Some are under the mistaken impression that attending a summer program at a good school gives them an advantage in the admissions process. “I don’t know that they are impressive just because a student did an academic program,” Greg Zaiser, head of admissions at Elon University, told The Charlotte Observer. “What impresses us the most is that students have identified something they want to study after the program.”

              Community service

              Volunteering is a great way to show interest in something you care about. It also lets you give back to your community, explore a career path and grow personally. Find ways to volunteer what matches your interests. Check out opportunities at hospitals or libraries; teach your favorite sport to disadvantaged youths; or work with animals.

              Passage outline

              Supporting details

              ___(1)__ for taking advantage of summer

              ◇ There is no better chance than summer for the students ___(2)__ to colleges to separate themselves from the crowd.

              ◇ With the number of college applicants increasing, students need to make more efforts to make themselves __(3)___ from others.

              Some great options to help you start ahead of others


              A taste of college at home

              ◇ Students can make the most of ___(4)___ advanced classes offered by some universities and colleges in summer to make good __(5)__ for the real class in the future.

              ◇ More than one resource online is __(6)__ to students.

              A taste of college far away

              ◇ Students can spend one week or more in experiencing a real college campus and attend some lectures, which can help them better ___(7)___ whether the college is fit or not.

              ◇ What really ___(8)___ students by attending a summer program at a good school is that they can make it clear what they want to study after the program.

              Community service

              ◇ Being ___(9)__ can not only make you explore a career path, but allow you an opportunity to __(10)_ back your community.

              ◇ Catch hold of all kinds of opportunities to volunteer to do what matches your interests.

              (1) _____________

              (2) _____________
              (3) _____________
              (4) _____________
              (5) _____________
              (6) _____________
              (7) _____________
              (8) _____________
              (9) _____________

              (10) _____________

            • 2. Americans spend a lot of money in their daily lives. Working people spend money on transportation to and from work and on various expenses throughout the day, Americans enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want,(1)______They buy sports equipment, go to movies and do many things that cost money.
                  However, many Americans don't pay cash or write checks for these things.(2)______Credit cards are small, rectangular plastic cards, It is very convenient to carry them about.
                  (3)______When the customer buys something at a store, he shows his card at the store. This permits the store to charge the bank for the customer's purchase, The bank collects all the charges for each customer, Then once a month the bank requires the customer to pay the charges for that month.(4)______It allows the customer to pay for the charges in several payments over a period of time,However, the bank requires the customer to pay interest(利息)on the unpaid part of the charges. In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot afford at one time. People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time,(5)______.

              A. It brings great benefits to the rich.
              B. Banks give these cards to their customers.
              C, They spend a lot of money on entertainment.
              D. They also do not need to carry a lot of money.
              E. People may spend less money in this way.
              F. More and more Americans pay for things with credit cards.
              G. The bank does not force the customer to pay the full amount.
            • 3. ______ But in the States you get married where you like, in your home, in a hotel, or in a park or garden.
              Married people wear their rings on the third finger of the left hand. Most married women wear wedding rings, but married men often do not.

              A: The guests usually leave after the bride and groom.
              B: The guests write as soon as possible to say if they can or cannot come.
              C: People don't take their presents to the wedding.
              D: In Britain you have to get married in a church, or a registry office (never both).
              E: Many people like to get married in church.
            • 4.

              The Nobel Prize is a series of awards given to people excelling (胜出) in scientific,  literary and social fields. The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 to those who stand out in their field of expert knowledge or skill,and specifically those who make great progress in the advancement of these fields. The best known prize is the Nobel Peace Prize,but there are also awards for physics,chemistry,medicine and literature. Nobel Prize nominees arenˈt told about their nomination(提名),only the winners are announced publicly. Winners are announced every October and the ceremony is in December. Each prize is made up of a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor(1.4 million US dollars).

              If you want to win one of these awards,you must stand out in your field and earn the

              nomination. Therefore,first focus your studies in one of the Nobel Prize fields. The categories are peace,physics,chemistry,physiology,economics and literature. Get a background education in one of these fields.

              Then find a world problem and try to solve it. Curing diseases,discovering new things or

              even just attempting to fix a problem may attract the attention of a Nobel nominator. Find one issue you think you can solve and work on that. It may take years before your work gets anywhere,but you should stay focused and work toward a solution.

              Network(沟通)with others in your field. Since you canˈt nominate yourself for a Nobel Prize,you must make other people know your work. Attend conferences and write articles to newspapers and magazines about your work. The more you make your work known,the better your chances of earning a nomination. If your work gets the attention of a Nobel Prize nominator,he or she may nominate you.

              Ignore frustration. It can take years or even decades for your work to gain recognition,so

              donˈt give up if you havenˈt won a prize. In some scientific categories the Nobel Prize selection

              committee actually delays giving a prize for several years,just in case a theory is discredited(不足信的). Keep at your work and realize that even if you donˈt win a Nobel Prize youˈll still be doing the world some good.


              The Nobel Prize

              General description

              ●It is given to people  76________ out in their expertise or those who make great progress in the fields of science,literary or society.

              ●It  77________ in 1901.

              ●It contains the prizes in peace,physics,chemistry,medicine and literature.

              ●Who is nominated is kept a secret but the winners are announced in  78________.

              ●Winners are announced every October and the ceremony is  79________in December.

              ●Each prize  80________of a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor.

              81______on winning the Nobel prize

              Focus your 82________ in one Nobel Prize field.

              Get a background education in one of the fields like peace,physics,chemistry,physiology,economics and literature.

              Find a world problem and try to solve it.

              To attract a Nobel nominatorˈs attention,find one issue you can solve and work on it until you find a 83________

              Network with others in your field.

              Make your work  84 __________ to others by attending conferences and writing articles about your work.

              Ignore frustration.

              85________your work though you havenˈt won a prize.

            • 5.

                When Steve Jobs was born on Febuary24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, his unmarried mother decided to put him for adoption because she wanted a girl. So in the middle of the night, his mother called a lawyer named Paul Jobs and said, “We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?” But his mother told his future parents to promise that they would send Jobs to college. After Steve Jobs graduated from high school, he went to college but decided to drop out because it was so expensive that he had to sleep on the floor in his friends’ rooms.
                  At 20, he and a friend(Steve Wozniak) started a company in a garage on April 1, 1976. Jobs named their company-Apple in memory of a happy summer he had spent as an orchard (果园) in Oregon.
                  After 10 years of hard time and failures, starting from two kids working in a garage, Apple computer eventually grew into a big company with over 4000 employees.
                  At 30, Jobs, however, was fired from the company he co-founded. But after he had to leave the company, Apple was under heavy pressure from rival-Microsoft and in 1996 posted billions of dollars in losses. Apple needed Steve Jobs and he was appointed as Apple’ CEO in1997. Under his leadership, Apple returned to profitability introducing new products such as the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.
              Steve Jobs once said, “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, Don’t lose faith. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You’ve got to find what you love. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking.”

            • 6.

              The Nobel Prize is a series of awards given to people excelling (胜出) in scientific,  literary and social fields. The Nobel Prizes have been awarded annually since 1901 to those who stand out in their field of expert knowledge or skill,and specifically those who make great progress in the advancement of these fields. The best known prize is the Nobel Peace Prize,but there are also awards for physics,chemistry,medicine and literature. Nobel Prize nominees arenˈt told about their nomination(提名),only the winners are announced publicly. Winners are announced every October and the ceremony is in December. Each prize is made up of a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor(1.4 million US dollars).

              If you want to win one of these awards,you must stand out in your field and earn the

              nomination. Therefore,first focus your studies in one of the Nobel Prize fields. The categories are peace,physics,chemistry,physiology,economics and literature. Get a background education in one of these fields.

              Then find a world problem and try to solve it. Curing diseases,discovering new things or

              even just attempting to fix a problem may attract the attention of a Nobel nominator. Find one issue you think you can solve and work on that. It may take years before your work gets anywhere,but you should stay focused and work toward a solution.

              Network(沟通)with others in your field. Since you canˈt nominate yourself for a Nobel Prize,you must make other people know your work. Attend conferences and write articles to newspapers and magazines about your work. The more you make your work known,the better your chances of earning a nomination. If your work gets the attention of a Nobel Prize nominator,he or she may nominate you.

              Ignore frustration. It can take years or even decades for your work to gain recognition,so

              donˈt give up if you havenˈt won a prize. In some scientific categories the Nobel Prize selection

              committee actually delays giving a prize for several years,just in case a theory is discredited(不足信的). Keep at your work and realize that even if you donˈt win a Nobel Prize youˈll still be doing the world some good.


              The Nobel Prize

              General description

              ●It is given to people  1________ out in their expertise or those who make great progress in the fields of science,literary or society.

              ●It  2________ in 1901.

              ●It contains the prizes in peace,physics,chemistry,medicine and literature.

              ●Who is nominated is kept a secret but the winners are announced in  3________.

              ●Winners are announced every October and the ceremony is  4________in December.

              ●Each prize  5________of a medal,a personal diploma and a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor.

              6______on winning the Nobel prize

              Focus your 7________ in one Nobel Prize field.

              Get a background education in one of the fields like peace,physics,chemistry,physiology,economics and literature.

              Find a world problem and try to solve it.

              To attract a Nobel nominatorˈs attention,find one issue you can solve and work on it until you find a 8________

              Network with others in your field.

              Make your work  9 __________ to others by attending conferences and writing articles about your work.

              Ignore frustration.

              10________your work though you havenˈt won a prize.

            • 7.

              根据短文内容,从下边的A—F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。E涂AB,  F涂AC

              A. Wash yourself as often as possible

              B. Avoid being in hot sun

              C. Keep away from smoke and alcohol

              D. The importance of skin

              E. Have a balanced diet

              F. Be sure to have enough water

              (1) __________

              When it comes to your skin, there is an important fact that you must keep in mind: Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Therefore, skin health and protection is important. Your skin does everything for you. It can keep your body hydrated (含水的) and regulate your body’s temperature.

              Now, here are some helpful tips for you to protect your skin:

              (2) __________

              Protection against harmful rays from the sun is one of the most important steps that you need to take. With this in mind it is necessary for you to avoid strong sunlight as often as possible. As for sunscreen you need to buy products that contain UVA-1, UVA-2 and UVB protection. 

              (3) _________

              Your diet also has a direct impact on the health of your skin. The most important aspect of your diet in relation to the health of your skin is to make certain that you eat a proper amount of food items that contain the proteins and nutrients necessary for cellular maintenance, repair and regeneration.

              (4) __________

              Water is also important to the health of your skin. While you certainly have heard it before, it actually is true that you should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fresh water every day. There are many health benefits to be derived from drinking water daily, including maintaining healthy skin.

              (5) _________

              Finally, when it comes to the health of your skin today and into the future you should avoid smoking all together. In addition, you should drink alcohol only in moderation. Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact the health of your skin in significant ways.

