优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              (1)The pickpocket______        _(挣脱) the policeman who was holding him and ran away.

              (2)It was a good concert and I enjoyed the last song__       ____(尤其,特别)

              (3) No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t ___    ___(说得通,有道理)

              (4)Many students ____         __(沉溺于) computer games and leave their studies aside.

              (5)He _____      __(为...惭愧) having done so little work.

              (6)They still went out for a picnic ____    ___(尽管) bad weather.

              (7) I still admire those who are_____   ___(反对) my ideas.

              (8)The pigs would be too heavy to fly,___       ___(即使) they had wings.

              (9) Mr Thompson spoke____     ___(代表) his country at the conference.

              (10) The building was_____­­­­         ___(烧为平地) in the fire.

            • 2.


              (1)I am just ________(好奇)about what would be the end of the story.

              (2)We don't know why he ________(行为举止)like that at the party.

              (3)As a famous saying goes,a friend in ________(需要)is a friend indeed.

              (4)In our school there are ninety foreigners,________(其中包括)fifteen Americans.

              (5)________(担心)about the time available,he has made a list of the sites he will visit.

            • 3.

              Complete the adverbs of frequency.




















            • 4.

              Add the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) to complete the water sports.

              (1) w _ n d s _ r f _ n g (2) s c _ b _ d _ v _ n g (3) s _ _ l _ n g (4) S _ t _ r d _ y (5) T h _ r s d _ y (6) W _ d n _ s d _ y
            • 5.

              (1)It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______(使平静下来) down myself.

              (2)In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e________(平等的)to men.

              (3)After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________(严重受损;破旧不堪).

              (4)Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r__________(辨认出)him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

              (5) Did he a_______(承认)breaking the window?

              (6)Mr. King has r_______(取代)Mike as captain of the team.

              (7)There are so many different t______(类型) of bread that I didn’t know which to buy.

              (8) There is no d______(怀疑)that you can find a way to solve this problem.

              (9) Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a________(态度) to it.

              (10) An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i_________ (受伤).

              (11) Sadly, few people could s_________(幸存) the tsunami(海啸)because of its sudden coming.

              (12)In the past 20 years, my hometown has t_______(完全地,整个地)changed.

              (13) The south of the country was a________(侵袭)by the heavy flood.

              (14) Sea water c_______(包含)salt.

              (15) He is always w___________(愿意的) to help anyone who is in trouble.

            • 6.


              (1)Life is like a race where we c_________ with others to go beyond ourselves.

              (2)An i__________ meeting will be held this afternoon .(非正式的)

              (3)Fu Yuanhui, a promising a________ won the gold medal in Olympic Games in 2016.

              (4)Charles Baggage is generally c_________ to have invented the first computer.

              (5)He has developed the habit of doing sports in the gym on a r___________ basis .

              (6)Mary has been __________ her time and talents to the work for more than 23 years. (自愿)

              (7)Taking r_____________ for protecting the environment is everyone’s duty.(职责)

              (8)The toys that are d________ for kids under 6 are popular and sell well.

              (9)There is a r________ for information leading to catching the killer. (奖赏)

              (10)Before making his decision, the judge heard the e_________. (证据)

            • 7.


              (1)I owe you an a ________ for my rudeness last night.

              (2)The thief ________(承认) that he had stolen the bike.

              (3)It's bad ________(礼貌)to talk with your mouth full.

              (4)Fathers of families should have a more sense of ________ (责任)than mothers in China.

              (5)Students should be educated to pay more attention to ________ (环境)problems.

              (6)People should be positive and learn to a ________ what they have had in life.

              (7)If we learn to ________ (回收利用)materials, our natural resources will last longer.

              (8)Sally was ________ (收养) by a local family when she was four.

              (9)We are very ________ (印象深刻)with the children's excellent work.

              (10)With the i________ (目的) of making a large amount of money, many Chinese came to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.

            • 8.

              (1)The students are___________(装饰) their classroom for the arrival of the New Year.

              (2)This company provides good products because it is more concerned with ___________ (质量).

              (3)He____________(承认) having broken the school rules and willingly accepted punishment.

              (4)A red light is usually a___________ (信号)fordanger.

              (5) We were almost___________(咬)to death by mosquitoes while camping.

              (6)We moved some of the better players to make the two sides___________(平等).

              (7)Thearmyhasbeen strongly___________(攻击)for not taking action.

              (8)He was ____________ (极度) nervous when standing in the front to give a speech yesterday.

              (9)Journalists should make sure that the source (来源) of information should be___________(可靠).

              (10)Since the Chinese New Year is coming, there are many___________(便宜货)in the shopping mall at the moment.

            • 9.

              1    Nobody knows who will be e              as president or vice president of this country.

              2   According to the constitution, it is compulsory for a citizen to ______________(承担) military service.

              3  People who can’t ________________(辨别) between colors are said to be color-blind.

              4    —Why are you late?

                    —I was about to arrive when it o             to me that I had left my bag home, so I had to fetch it.

              5    But at last the determination and patience of the scientists ___________  __________(得到好结果,回报) in1996 with a breakthrough—the cloning of Dolly the sheep.

              6    I ___________  ___________(开始,着手) researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.

              7   I found my bike ___________ ___________ ___________(借助于) a notice in the newspaper.

              8   All attempts to rescue the boy with cancer were _____________   _____________(无效果的,无用的)

              9   We ___________ __________ ___________(与……合作或一起) a couple from my hotel(Peter and Terri) and hired a car.

              10    In many aspects natural clones, such as identical twins, do not ____________(不同,相异) greatly from man-made ones.

            • 10. 词组填空。(每小题2分,满分10分)                

              (1)It seems ___________________ it will rain.

              (2) Dick __________________________ (厌倦)his new toy, after playing with it for a week.

              (3) As a student, we should ___________________________ (利用)our time to study.

              (4)When I was ill, my mother ___________________________ (关心,挂念)my health very much.

              (5) ___________________ a heavy rain, we had to put off the sports meeting.

