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            • 1. One day,I heard an American boy say to a Chinese student of English,“You speak very good English.”But the student answered,“No,no.My English is very poor.”The foreigner was quite  _____(surprise)at the answer.

              What’s wrong with the student’s answer? He didn’t accept the compliment in____same way as the American people do.He should say“Thank you”instead of“No”.He _____(real) understood what the American boy had said,____he thought he should be modest.In the west,people will feel proud and confident when they____(praise).So if someone says the dishes you have cooked are very delicious,you should say“Thank you”.If someone says to a woman“You look so____(beauty)with the new clothes on”,she must be very happy and say“Thank you”.

              If you are modest and say“No,I'm afraid I can’t do it well”while _____(work)in a western country,the others may think that you really cannot do it.If you often say“No”,you will certainly be looked down upon by others.If asking_____a job,one says something like“Yes,I can certainly do it” instead of Let me have a try he or she will hope ____(get)it. So in the west,you should be brave to show your_____(confident)!

            • 2.

              Gavin:What are the basic rules for 61. ________ (apply) to a US graduate school?

              Agent:The process is complicated, so make up your mind soon. In most cases, the 62. ________ (early), the better.

              Gavin:What should be done first?

              Agent:Reading information about international study 63. ________ (consider) essential. You can discuss this with your family, teacher and friends. If possible, turn to those who have the experience of studying abroad, 64. ________ should help you learn some rules, including some basic 65. ________ (require).

              Gavin:Should this work be done before 66. ________ after the GRE and TOFEL exams?

              Agent:Before the exams.

              Gavin:How long does 67. ________ take a student to make preparations for the two exams?

              Agent:At least six months, but that also depends 68. ________ his or her level of English.

              Gavin:OK. Whatˈs the next step?

              Agent:Write to the chosen schools 69. ________ (ask) for admission and scholarship application forms.

              Gavin:What are the necessary application materials?

              Agent:They 70. ________ (usual) include a personal statement, letters of recommendation, resume, study plan, scholarships and copies of your GRE and TOFEL scores.

              Gavin:Got it. Thank you.

            • 3.
              When it comes to being socially successful, the quantity of your relationships is irrelevant. The important thing is the quality of them. I would rather have a small team that works in concert than a big team so scattered(分散的)that nothing ever gets done. It’s better to have a few close friends who love you for who you are than a lot of acquaintances who you’re not so comfortable with.Here are five ways you can make people enjoy being around you.
              Be confident, but not cocky.There is a big difference between healthy confidence and arrogant(傲慢的)cockiness. A confident person, when complimented about a wonderful thing they did, would reply with a simple “thank you.” A cocky person would take the opportunity to perform an unscheduled Academy Award acceptance speech. A confident person would offer praise for everybody who contributed to their success. A cocky person would claim all the credit for themselves without a second thought. Cocky people might experience temporary perks, but long-lasting success is a prize reserved for the confident.

              Be approachable, but not a pushover.
              You should welcome your friends and coworkers with open arms. It’s hard to find a person who will offer a listening ear in time of need, so fulfilling that need will help you become a person people trust. But there can be too much of a good thing. If you find yourself with invitations you’re not that interested in, don’t be afraid to politely reject them. If your schedule becomes occupied by people desiring your attention, set some ground rules and prioritize(优先考虑). To take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

              Be direct in expression, but not nasty in delivery.
              Receiving honesty with no filter (过滤)is like finding a massive glass of ice water during a desert adventure. Speak words of truth, and people will be refreshed to hear them. Most people sugarcoat their opinions, so a willingness to tell it how you see it will win the appreciation of your friends and coworkers. But here’s the catch: delivery is everything. There is a big difference between “Your article sucks” and “I like the general concept, but I think it might play better if you try if from a different angle.” Truth is something you should aim for, but it isn’t a ticket to be nasty to people. To deliver honest and helpful feedback, use this sentence structure: “ I liked (insert positive quality), but I think it would be better if (constructive criticism/ suggestion for improvement).”

              Be mindful of your actions, but not absorbed in yourself.
              Have you ever found yourself nervous while fielding questions in a job interview or talking to a cute person you have a crush on? So eager to make a positive first impression that you can’t escape the constant stream of thoughts causing you to doubt if you’re saying and doing the right things? As a consequence, you might find yourself so self-absorbed that you can’t focus on what the other person is saying. The less time you spend questioning yourself and the more time you spend actively listening to the other person, the better off you will be.

              Be assertive, but not overbearing.
              There is a thin line between being assertive and overbearing, so let’s take a look at their definitions.
              assertive (adjective): having or showing a confident and forceful personally
              overbearing (adjective): unpleasantly or arrogantly domineering (专横的)
              An assertive person would confidently (and politely) ask friends or networking contacts for help if they needed it (and hopefully offer to return the favor). An overbearing person would force people to get what they wanted without a second thought about how their actions affected others. Being overbearing will make people avoid you because no one wants to help a pushy person. 
              Being assertive will attract people to you, if you can reflect confidence and enthusiasm.
                                                 Five Secrets of Socially Successful People
              Outline Details
              Brief introduction The quality of your relationship 72._________ whether you can be socially successful. Having a few truly close friends is what really 73. ________
              71._________ to make people enjoy being around you ●  The responses of confident and cocky people 74._________when they are    highly thought of for what they do. Learn to be confident.
              ●  Listening to others in need helps you win 75.__________.●  Turning down 76.__________ you show no interest in is acceptable
              ●  You will be appreciated if you express your opinions in a 77.___________   manner.
              ●  Be mindful of your actions. wanting 78.__________ to impress others will    cause you to fall into self-absorption.
              ●  By 79.__________ their definitions, you will see the differences between   “assertive” and “overbearing”. Being overbearing will make people avoid    you 80.__________ being assertive will attract people to you.

            • 4.

              When you read a story in English, do you read it for the story 61       for the English? This is a question that is not so62       (fool) as it may seem, for I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story 63       to the English. For instance, they care for how the mystery in the story64       (solve), but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition(介词) is used before a certain word in the speech of a certain character.  

              Of course, if you want to know the 65      only, you need not bother about the language. But a student of English is different 66        a student of stories or what is called the general reader. As you may also have learned from the above, you ought to read not only very67__  (careful) but also aloud68      you learn the passage by heart and can recite it as if it were your own. On 69       hand, this will teach you many useful words and phrases; on the other hand, it70       (help) you to avoid many mistakes and faults in expression.

            • 5.

              The “selfie” is used to describe the self-taken photo, often from a smartphone. Someone takes about 10 selfies each time he does, and he only ends up    61    ( post) one or two of those. He picks the one that he feels make him look the    62    ( good). In that picture, he gains confidence. For that moment, everything bad or terrible that has happened to him is    63    ( remove), because that smile is what gives him the    64    ( determine) to love himself.

              I read   65    poem recently and the young man said, “If I ask you    66    you love, the answers will most likely roll off your tongue. You love to read. You love to write. You love your mom, you daughter, or your best friend. How long do you think you can go on and on before you say ‘I love    67    (I)’?”

              That statement hit me like a ton of bricks. I’ve struggled with confidence all my life. I still do. And in    68    way am I saying that taking a selfie is a gateway    69    confidence.    70   , the selfie does deserve some credit for allowing individuals to express themselves.

            • 6.

              Chronic disorganization occurs when one is habitually disorganized over a long period, which means the person is constantly unsystematic in how he conducts life and business. One suffering from this problem may find relief in the fact that it isn’t actually a disease or even an “official” disorder. It’s the continued lack of organization in one’s life.

              Someone may become addicted to collecting a certain thing yet never organize the collection as it grows out of control. This can especially be a problem for those with a lot of time and money at hand, yet the problem can be serious for any type of person in a wide variety of situations.

              One’s personal attitude can often be a big part of why the chronic disorganization exists. Once the attitude of acceptance about being a “slob” is in someone’s head, it’s hard to remove. If someone tells himself that he is a slob, he will likely live up to that self-image created by him or by those around him.

              One first receives true awareness of the disorder of chronic disorganization when it starts to negatively affect relationships with friends and family members. Everybody becomes affected by this situation, especially those sharing living places with the one involved.

              The National Study Group for Chronic Disorganization (HSGCD) recommends that one get help through a professional organizer. The study found that all of the subjects in the study had problems with making decisions. There were varied reasons given for this problem of decision-making. Among them were fears and prioritizing issues. Research is ongoing for the link between problems in decision-making and chronic disorganization.

              Chronic disorganization often begins with situational disorganization, something most people experience at some point. Someone who has lost someone significant to him may start to be troubled by disorganization after a divorce. Someone who experienced changes in life and in his career may intend to let things like organization and order fall by the wayside. However, one doesn’t instantly have chronic disorganization.

              “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” That’s an old saying that’s true about one’s struggles with chronic disorganization. Every person has the power to change within himself. It’s a matter of staying organized, one day at a time. Those who have left chronic disorganization in the past have often done so by promising to stay organized simply for that single day.


              It means that the person has a(n)(71)__________ of being disorganized in life and business over a long period.

              (72)__________the problem

              ●One example is that an addict (73 ) ___________ to organize the collection.

              ●The (74) ___________ of chronic disorganization is partly affected by one’s personal attitude.

              ●One doesn’t realize the disorder of chronic disorganization until it has (75) ____________ effects on the relationships with friends and family members. 

              The (76) ____________ of the study

              All subjects in the study suffer from the problem of poor decision-making, which is (77) _____________ with chronic disorganization.

              Warning (78)____________

              Losing someone significant, (79) _____________ a divorce or changes in one’s life and career.

              Good news

              When in (80)_______ with chronic disorganization, every person has the power to change, at least one single day at a time.

            • 7.

              WELLINGTON,NEW ZEALAND-----Two US students ,who were trapped in the New Zealand wilderness by a snowstorm trekked(艰难跋涉)to safety after surviving their nine-day trouble by rationing their limited supplies of trail mix and warming themselves in hot springs. Alec Brown and Erica Klintworth,both21,returned to the city of Christchurch on Monday after meeting up with members of a search team.

              Brown’s mother, Lisa, said she panicked when she first found out her son was missing. But she had faith that Alec, an environmental science major, knew the outdoors well enough to survive, adding that Erica, who is studying graphic design, is a strong woman.

              The two students, on a foreign study program inNew Zealandwith University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point ,had planned to hike and camp for a few days at somehot springson the country’sSouth Island. But heavy rains and a snowstorm prevented the couple from being able to cross a river and return. But when they realized they were going to be stuck, they started rationing. “A biscuit and jelly one day” Brown wrote , “and even less another”

              The two didn’t take much food. After three days, a steady rain started. Then on Wednesday, the snowstorm hit and it got progressively worse. But soaking in the hot pools helped keep them warm and slowed energy loss.

              It wasn’t until Sunday that the river finally seemed safe enough to cross again. They prepared for their hike out by cooking a “good meal” of rice, marshmallows ,peanut butter and chocolate. They then left and crossed the icy waters only up to their waists. They were climbing the mountains under the tree cover when they first heard the helicopter. But it never saw them and they walked out just fine and met up with the search and rescue by the road.

              Klintworth’s father said the two students are good at solving problems and made the right decision to wait to cross the river .Brown added the relied on his past experiences hiking and camping and felt confident in their ability to survive.

              “I believe when you go into the bush you take your life into your own hands and need to be prepared to handle whatever conditions occur,” he said . “We could have been more prepared enough to walk ourselves out”.

                           Two Students Survived 9 Days in New Zealand(1)_


              Lisa had faith that Alec can succeed and the two students were not afraid of their difficulties at all.

              Effective measures

                (2)  their food: a biscuit and jelly one day, and even less another.

              ● Keeping warm: soaking in the hot  (3)   helped keep them  (4)   and preserve enough energy when there was a snowstorm.

              Well  (5)  

              ●  They cooked a “good meal” of rice, marshmallows, peanut butter and chocolate in order to get enough   (6)  to overcome oncoming difficulties.

              ●  They waited until the river seemed  (7)   enough to cross again.

                (8)   rescue

              ● They saw a   (9)  

              ● They met up with the search and rescued by the road.

            • 8.


                     Child labour   r_____21____ to the employment of children in any work that  r_____22____ children of their childhood,  i_____23_____ with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This  p____24_____ is considered exploitative (剥削的) by many international organisations. Laws across the world  p____25_____ child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, supervised training, etc.

                     Child labour was  e_____26____ to varying extents through most of history. Before 1940,  n____27_____ children aged 5–14 worked in Europe, the United States and various colonies of European powers. These children worked in agriculture, home-based assembly  o______28____, factories, mining and other services. Some worked night shifts  l____29_____ 12 hours. With the rise of household income, availability of schools and passage of child labour laws, the incidence rates of child labour fell.

                     In developing countries, with high  p_____30____ and poor schooling opportunities, child labour is still prevalent(盛行的). In 2010, sub-saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour. Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer of child labour. Vast  m_____31____ of child labour is found in  r____32_____ settings and informal urban economy; children are predominantly employed by their parents, rather than factories. Poverty and lack of schools are considered as the p____33_____ cause of child labour.

                     The incidence of child labour in the world decreased from 25% to 10% between 1960 and 2003, according to the World Bank. Nevertheless, the total number of child labourers  r___34______ high, with UNICEF and ILO acknowledging an estimated 168 million children aged 5–17 worldwide, were  i_____35____ in child labour in 2013.

            • 9.

              This morning when I got in my car to go to work I made a promise. I promised that I would try my best   66   (become) a better person. However, as soon as I got on the freeway I found that people on the road were driving so crazily,   67   made me mad and impatient. A car in front of me stopped   68   (sudden) , so I had to brake to avoid crashing into it.

              At that moment a string of angry words entered my mind.   69   of my hands rose in preparation for sounding my horn(喇叭)! My other hand prepared to make   70   rude gesture at the driver.

              But something kept me   71   behaving that way. I remembered my promise. So I asked   72   , “Would all the things I am going to do help me become a better person?” The answer was “no”. On the other hand, I knew that   73   (practice) patience and self-control would help, so I managed to keep calm.

              I   74   (cut) off by three more cars before I arrived at my company,   

                 75   each time I smiled instead of complaining as usual. I’m already feeling like a better man.

            • 10.

              Circumnavigating the planet(环球航行) and stopping off wherever you fancy is the ultimate trip – perfect for travelers who want to see it all, or who are just plain indecisive. But booking a round-the-world (RTW) trip can be a complex business. Here is a guide to get you started.

              How to do it

               The most economical way to circumnavigate the globe is to buy a RTW air ticket that uses one airline alliance. Theoretically, any routing is possible, but knowing how the RTW booking system works will make your trip cheaper. For example, the Star Alliance, a coalition of 27 airlines which fly to 1,185 airports in 185 countries, offers a RTW ticket with a maximum of 15 stops.

              There are rules: you must follow one global direction (east or west – no backtracking); you must start and finish in the same country; and it will be better if you book all of your flights before departure, though you can change them later (which may incur extra charges).

              When to go

              The weather will never be ideal in all of your stops. So, focus on what you want to do most and research conditions there. If a Himalaya trek is your highlight, do not land in Nepal mid-monsoon season; if you want to swim with whale sharks off the coast of Western Australia, be there between April and July. Then accept you will be in some regions at the “wrong” time – though this might offer unexpected benefits (for example, Zambia in wet season means lush landscapes and cheaper prices).

              In general, city sightseeing can be done all the year round (escape extreme heat/cold/rain in museums and cafes) but outdoor adventures are more reliant on – and enjoyable in – the right weather.

              Where to go

              The classic (and cheapest) RTW tickets flit between a few big cities, for example London , Bangkok, Singapore, Sydney, LA. If you want to link more offbeat hubs (Baku – Kinshasa – Paramaribo, anyone?), prices will climb considerably. The cost of the ticket is based on the total distance covered or the number of countries visited.

              Remember, you do not have to fly between each point: in Australia you could land in Perth, travel overland and fly out of Cairns. Or fly into Moscow, board the Trans-Siberian train and fly onwards from Beijing.

              Pick some personal highlights and string the rest of your route around those. For instance, if you are a keen trekker, flesh out a Peru (Inca Trail), New Zealand (Milford Track) and Nepal (Everest Base Camp) route with Brazil (Rio’s a good access point for South America), Australia and northern India.

              If budget is an issue, spend more time in less expensive countries. Your daily outgoings will be far higher in Europe and North America than in South-East Asia. Indonesia, Bolivia and India are particularly cheap.

              Pay attention:

              Talk to an expert before you book: you may have a route in mind but an experienced RTW flight booker will know which routings work best and cost least – a few tweaks could mean big savings.

              Be flexible: moving your departure date by a few days can save money; mid-week flights are generally cheaper, as are flights on Christmas Day.

              Think about internal travel: it can be cheaper to book internal flights at the same time as booking your RTW ticket. But, with the global increase of low-cost airlines, you may find it better (and more flexible) to buy them separately as you go.

              Be warned: if you do not board one of your booked flights (say, on a whim, you decide to travel overland from Bangkok to Singapore rather than fly it), your airline is likely to cancel all subsequent flights.

              A  (1)   to a Round-the -World Trip


              How to do it

              ﹡To buy a RTW air ticket  (2)  one airline alliance to save money.

              ﹡To follow one global direction and start and finish in the same country;

              ﹡To book all flights before you  (3)  .

              When to go

              ﹡To arrive at your destination at the right time, research weather conditions in  (4)  

              ﹡To be in some regions at the ‘wrong’ time offers benefits beyond  (5)  

                (6)  , city sightseeing can be done year-round but outdoor activities are more enjoyable in the right weather.


              Where to go

              ﹡Cheap cities like London and Sydney.

              ﹡Unusual places like Baku  (7)  much more.

              ﹡Less expensive places in  (8)  of budget.


              and warnings

              ﹡Turning to an expert before you book.

              ﹡Being flexible about your departure date.

                (10)  to board one of your booked flights may lead to the cancel of all subsequent flights.

