优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The TV leaders looked for four___________ (音乐家)who could make good music.

            • 2.

              A third of their city is already in r_______, and it will mean years to rebuild what these fewdays have taken from them.

            • 3.

              An ______ (观众) of about 2 millions watched the wedding on TV.

            • 4.

              Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of ___________.


            • 5.

              (1) Life is full of ___________.(多样性)

              (2)I have to _______________(递交) my report by next Wednesday.

              (3)Her hair was cut short for ____________(方便)rather than for fashion.

              (4)They are _____________(不愿意)to invest any more money in the project.

              (5) We can safely draw some __________(结论)from our discussion

              (6) I _______ (赞成) of your trying to earn some money, but please don’t neglect your studies.

              (7)The old man _________(责备) the little boy for breaking the window.

              (8)This book demanded all your _________. (集中注意力)

              (9) He got an __________(伤) to his arm when he fell off his horse.

              (10)She’s collecting ___________(材料) for a newspaper article.

            • 6.
              You may get different results if you use different __________________(表达)of the same meaning.
            • 7.

              The school has a system of ___________(奖励) and punishments to encourage good behavior.

            • 8.

              Were you nervous when you gave a _______ (表演) for the first time?

