优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              Voluntary work is something you can do no matter who you are.It can help us learn (1)    (value)life lessons and develop skills.

                (2)  ,some high school students don’t know how to get   (3)  (start).   (4)  (actual),there are a lot of  (5)   (chance)around us.For example,we can help  (6)    book returns and arrangements in our school library.In the community,not only can we help those empty-nest senior citizens,but we can volunteer  (7)   (pick)uprubbish to keep it nice and clean.

              In  (8)   word,small voluntarywork can make a big  (9)  (different),and bring about changesinboth  (10)   (we)and those around us. Let’s get moving.











            • 2.

              Changbaishan is in Jilin Province, Northeast China. Much of this beautiful, mountainous area is thick forest. Changbaishan is Chinaˈs largest nature reserve and it is ________(1)______ for the people of China and visitors from all over the world to enjoy. The land______(2)_________ from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to _(3)_____________ rare plants and animals. Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears, leopards and tigers. Many people come to Changbaishan ______(4)________. Others come to walk in the mountains, to see the spectacular waterfalls or to bathe in the hot water pools. However, the attraction _________(5)______ in the reserve is Tianchi or the Lake of Heaven.

              (1) _______________

              (2) _______________

              (3) _______________

              (4) _______________

              (5) _______________

            • 3.


              W: _

              (1) ____do you think of the football match we __
              (2) ___(watch) yesterday afternoon?

              M: Very

              (3) ____86._____(excite).The two teams did very well in the match and it was really ___
              (4) __close game.

              W: I enjoyed it very much too. I have never seen a more interesting game so far this year.

              M: I had expected it to be a wonderful match because

              (5) of the teams had excellent players.

              W: I’m sorry I missed the first part of it..

              M: You were late for the match? What for?

              W: I was filled with anxiety to see the match and fell   

              (6) my bike on the way. My leg hurt,
              (7) I had  to ride my bike slowly. It took me quite some time before I got to the sports field.

              M: I’m sorry    

              (8) (hear) that. Were your legs hurt?

              W: Yes, but not very __

              (9) ____(serious).

              M: You should have seen a doctor first. How long were you late for the match? What time was it when you got to the sports field?

              W: When I got to the sports field,

              (10) was already three twenty.

              M: Three twenty? Oh,you were twenty minutes late for the match. You missed a wonderful part of the match.

              W: Yeah. It was really a pity.

            • 4.

              Martial arts film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,   (1)   (direct) by Ang Lee, is not only   (2)   (enjoy), but also a masterpiece. It tells a story   (3)   (take) place in   (4)  early 1800s in China. Li Mubai and Yu Xiulian, both masters of the martial arts, are in love with each other, but Mubai feels that he can’t marry Xiulian because Xiulian’s finance is a good friend of   (5)  (he), though Xiulian’s finance has died. When someone steals Xiulian’s sword, Mubai and Xiulian try to get it back. Yu Jiaolong, another female character, is not as good as she seems. The fight scenes between her and Xiulian are   (6)  (excite).   (7)  in the old wuxia stories, characters leap through the air every now and then, with beautiful, graceful movements while audiences shout   (8)  surprise. It makes the hearts of audiences  (9)   (leap) with excitement at its   (10)   (beautiful).

            • 5.

              M: Maria, what can you tell us about your plans for the future?

              W: Well, I  (1)  (consider) taking a year out after I graduate. You know, I maybe travel around the world and see some different countries.

              M:  (2)  do you hope to gain from traveling?

              W: I’ve always been interested in seeing different places and  (3)  (experience) different cultures, so it will give me a chance to experience these things first-hand rather than read about them in a book. But I also think that the experience I gain will help me find a good job when I come back.

              M: Can you explain  (4)  you think traveling will help you find a job?

              W: Well, the modern business environment is changing. Therefore, to be  (5)  (success) in one’s life, it is important to be able to accept changes.

              M: What do you mean?

              W: I mean that you  (6)  change your attitudes and even working habits to suit the ever-changing environment. And  (7)  you’ve spent some time traveling, it means that you have to get used to different ideas and ways of doing things as well as simpler things, such as food and climate.

              M: Er...It sounds reasonable.

              W: I also believe that traveling will teach  (8)   (my) to be independent as well as value other people.

              M: Why do you believe traveling will help you to value other people?

              W: As you know, when you’re traveling you can’t get help from your family,  (9)  you have to depend on your friends, or even turn  (10)  strangers.

              M: Oh, I see. You’re right, Maria.

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 6.

              “If you’re talking to me in a   (1)  (noise)restaurant and my nerve system is good at locking onto the sound of your voice, I can understand what you say better.”

              The research at Northwestern University shows that   (2)  (play) a musical instrument is good for your brain. And the brain remembers how to “lock onto” the important sounds,   (3)  , our ears may not work as well as we age, and that helps us to hear better.

              A scientist, living in France twenty years ago,   (4)   (write) about what he called the “Mozart Effect”. He said that   (5)   could be helpful to the brain when listening to the classical music of Mozart. Some researchers said that Mozart’s music would make you much   (6)   (smart), or even have some health disorders   (7)   (cure). Others said that there was nothing special about Mozart’s music. Any kind of high energy music would work. So if the cost of a musical instrument or music lessons is too costly, can we get   (8)  same brain experience just by listening?

              Usually people have teachers, or they can teach themselves music.   (9)   , the point is that they’re actively playing a musical instrument and engaging in making music instead  (10)   listening to music passively.

              (1) ______
              (2) ______
              (3) ______
              (4) ______
              (5) ______
              (6) ______
              (7) ______
              (8) ______
              (9) ______
              (10) ______
            • 7.

              When I was in elementary school, I got into a major argument with a boy. I have forgotten what it was about, but I have never forgotten what I learned that day.

                  I   (1)  (think) that “I” was right and “he” was wrong, but he argued that “I” was wrong and “he” was right. The teacher decided   (2)  (teach)us a very important   (3)  . After she brought us up to the front of the class, she placed the boy on one side of her desk and     (4)     (I)on the other. In the middle of her desk, there   (5)  (be)a large and round object. I could clearly see that it was black. But the boy said it was white! Another argument started   (6)   us. The teacher told me to stand   (7)   the boy had been standing and told him to stand at my former place. We changed   (8)  (place), and now I could see the color was “white.”

                  It was an object with two differently   (9)  (color) sides. From his viewpoint it was white, but from my side it was black. Sometimes we need to look at a problem from the other person’s view in order to   (10)  (true) understand his or her view.

            • 8.

                  In our life, many people don't want to help others, because they don't want to get 61.________ trou-ble. For example, an old man 62.________ (lie) on the side of the road, but no volunteers went to help him. After 63.________ (hear) these events, I was deeply shocked. Why didn't they help 64.________ old man? The things they did were so terrible! We need to help each other, 65.________ we?

                   I think, if I were one of the 66.________ (passer-by), I would call the police and try my best to help the old man.

                   Last year, on my way to school, I saw an old woman 67.________ was standing on the road. She wanted to cross the street, but she was too old to cross the street, so I went to help 68.________ (she). She was so glad that she thanked me again and again. I replied, "It's my 69.________ (please). Helping others also makes me happy. "

                   If we help each other every day, our world will be 70.________ (warm) and more beautiful.

            • 9.

              In the days when an ice cream cost much less, Tom,   (1)   8-year-old boy, entered a hotel coffee shop   (2)   sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is an ice cream?" "Fifty-cents," replied the waitress. The little boy pulled   (3)   right hand out of the pocket and studied a number of coins in it.

              "How much is a dish of plain ice cream?" he asked. Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a bit   (4)   (patience). "Thirty-five cents," she said   (5)   (rude). The little boy carefully counted the coins   (6)  . "I will have a plain ice cream," he said. The waitress walked   (7)  . The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. It was not long   (8)   the waitress came back and then she began to wipe down the table and suddenly was surprised   (9)   what she saw. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels (五分镍币) and five   (10)   (penny) ….. her tip!

            • 10.

              Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Germany. He showed70.            (music) talent 71 .          an early age. He learned how 72.       (play) the violin from his father, 73.           was a singer.  Mozart met Beethoven and 74.             (impress) by him.

              Beethoven met Haydn in 1971.After they had known each other for many years,  Haydn encouraged 75.         (he) to  move to  Vienna.  Beethoven became very popular in the Austrian capital and stayed there for 76.          rest of his life. As he grew77.      (old),he began to go deaf . He became 78.         (complete) deaf during the last years of his life,79.            he continued composing.

