优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.



              你在南京待的时间越长,你就会越喜欢这座城市。(the more…the more)



              当天气变得太热的时候我就不喜欢了。(like it when)



              我喜欢我的英语老师上课的方式。(the way)



              他们赢得比赛的消息很快就传遍了整个学校。(spread over)






              这只熊猫宝宝正受到熊猫妈妈的精心照料。(take care of)



              他们的演出比预期的更精彩。(than expected)



              你们在进语音室前应该将鞋子脱掉。(be supposed to)



              假如你一直玩命工作的话,你总有一天会跨掉的。(break down)



              你必须记住词汇在英语学习中是非常重要的。(keep it in mind )


            • 2.







                 What a morning! I woke up earlier to make sure I had packed everything we needed for this trip. Since it was fall in the US, so I had to pack for colder weather. Moot of my suitcase was filled with gift for friends and family. I hoped nothing would get lose on the way. The most important item: a camera to take photos. After a light lunch in an airport, I sat down to wait for my flight to boarding. Luckily I had brought reading or writing materials. I was dressed comfortable -- jeans and a casual blouse -- and ready the long voyage, with an overnight stopover in Tokyo.

            • 3. What could be   (1)  (much) perfect than a bike ride? Bike     (2)   (ride) is a lot of fun, but accidents perhaps happen. Without a bike helmet, you're taking risks that may cost you your life. Every year, about 300,000 kids go to hospital   (3)  of bike accidents. Some of     (4)  .(they) are so serious that children die,usually from head   (5)   (injury). That's     (6)   it's so important to wear bike helmet. It is safe     (7)  your head. Your bike helmet should fit you     (8)  (proper). You don't want it too small or too big. Don't wear a hat under your bike helmet. Ask salesmen at the bike store if you're unsure   (9)  your helmet is suitable. Once you have the right helmet, you need to wear it right way. Make sure you can't pull   (10)  helmet around your head.
            • 4. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。
                  One day, about ten years ago, while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History, I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked 41.______ (close) at this girl, I found that she was fixed on her chair. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, a neck and upper body. She42.______  (dress) in a little white skirt. As the couple wheeled her up to me, I turned my head toward the girl. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back 43.______the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. All of44.______ sudden, her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, 45.______ smile just melted me46.______ almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of47.______life
              ​is all about. She took me from a poor, unhappy college student and 48.______ (bring) me into her world; a world of smiles, love and49.______  (warm). I’m a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught50.______ .
            • 5.

                In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again. To my __61__ (disappoint), it was the same score.

                  Later that evening, I tearfully told Frank __62__ I had learned that day. After talking it over, we agreed that we knew our son much __63__ (good) than the IQ test. We decided that Michael's score must have been a mistake and we should treat him naturally __64__ usual.

                  We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year. He got good __65__ (grade) in the school, especially __66__ biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.

                  Michael entered Indiana University in 1965 as a pre-medical student, soon afterwards, his teachers permitted him __67__ (take) more courses than require D. In 1968, he __68__ (accept) by the School of Medicine, Yale University.

                  Interestingly, Michael then asked for another IQ test. We went to the same clinic, __69__ he had received __70__ test eighteen years before. This time Michael scored 126, an increase of 36 points. A result like that was supposed to be impossible.

            • 6.

              Cherry,a car maker in Anhui Province,sold nearly 700,000 units in 2013,with the total value ________ it was in 2008.

              A.more than three times what
              B.three more times than that
              C.over three times than what
              D.over three times of that
            • 7.

              When you think of great teachers, art teachers aren't always the first people who come to mind. 61.________Mr. Evans isn't some ordinary art teacher. Mr. Evans showed me how to think of art less like a chore, and 62.________(much) like an expression of myself. He expressed his own love for the subject through his works. He wasn't just some person 63.________(stick) in the position; he wanted to be there. He wanted to help.

                    His attitude towards his 64.________(teach) showed not only greater knowledge, but greater teaching 65.________ (able). He took everyday objects and talked about how the form and shape came to be,66.________ (put) a picture in my mind of how everything we touch has a previous art history, turning an ordinary cup 67.________an ancient African artifact. During his lunch periods he took his time off to come in and give extra help to his students,68.________isn't something you get paid extra for. He did it because he loves teaching; a quality 69.________ (know) only to the greatest of teachers.

                    Mr. Evans is the only teacher I've had who is so 70.________ (interest) in what he teaches, that he takes what he knows and keeps expanding it, just to teach us more. He has an outstanding range of knowledge and pure love for the subjects he teaches, which he pas ses on to every student he has.

            • 8. Cars moved very slowly in the 1930s, ___________________ than in the 1920s.(但是确实要比20世纪20年代快)。
            • 9. Jimmy:  Alice, how was your journey to the countryside?
              Alice:   Wonderful. We      61       (enjoy) beautiful sights and food in the country.
              Jimmy:  Food? Did you have     62         big dinner in the countryside? What have you had?
              Alice:   It was not a big dinner at all,      63          there were a lot of foods which only can   64             (eat) in the local place, such as some wild vegetables.
              Jimmy:  Oh, I see. Did you do anything    65                ?
              Alice:   Yes. We got  66                      very well with the villagers and sent pens and books we carried to the poor students. 
              Jimmy:  That is great ! I think they must study    67       (hard) with your help.
              Alice:   It is    68                  from enough. In fact, I felt a little sad as soon as I saw the joy on the children who got the pens and books.
              Jimmy:  Why do you have this kind of feeling?
              Alice:   As far as I    69                 (concern) ,these things are nothing for the children who live in our city.
              Jimmy:  You are right. We can do more for the children living in that area.
              Alice:   Yes. Many of us who went to the place are planning to give more help to the children.
              Jimmy:  Can you tell me what you are going to do?
              Alice:   We are going to buy many books and donate money to the local school.
              Jimmy:  It is a good idea. I am    70              (complete ) willing to join you.
              Alice:   It’s very kind of you.
            • 10.

              David:You look so sad today, Lucy.What’s wrong with you?

              Lucy:I quarreled with my husband this morning.

              David:How come? You  61  (get) on quite well these years,right ?

              Lucy:He has recently got into the bad habit of smoking,believing that smoking is  62 enjoyment.And I’m afraid his health will become worse  63  he doesn’t give it up.

              David:I think you can find some ways  64 (help) him kick the bad habit.

              Lucy:He always wants to quit, 65  it seems that he has been too addicted to smoking.David,can you help me?

              David:Try to get his attention  66 (take)away when he wants to smoke.For example, you can let him eat some biscuits instead when he wants to smoke.You can also try electronic cigarettes   67  are said to contain no harmful chemicals.Remember,  don’t expect him to give up smoking all at once.In other  68 .decrease the number slowly.Let him smoke  69  (little) day by day, and then he might be able to quit smoking forever.

              Lucy:Sounds great! I will try it at once.

              David: By the way, I know a man who has  70 (success) quit smoking. You can turn to him for advice if necessary.

