优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Nowadays, more and more teenagers are going a_________ for further education on their own.

            • 2.

              An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause many problems w___________.

            • 3.

              He gave his seat on the bus to an old woman standing n       .

            • 4. The naughty(淘气的)boy is always turning everything upside ____(乱七八糟)   and wearing his coat inside out.
            • 5.

              Children should spend more time taking exercise o________ and less time watching TV at home.

            • 6. Go __________(向东)to the end of the street and you will find the book.
            • 7. The doctor advised him to cut ____(戒)smoking.
            • 8. 一刻不停地,我们和其他的捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。

              Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and  _______  ________  __________ the bay .

            • 9.

              Children should spend more time taking exercise o             instead of staying indoors when the weather is fine.

            • 10.

              As Yang Liwei returned into the earth’s atmosphere, helicopters were flying to ________ he would land, ready to collect him.

