优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


            • 2.

              Yesterday was my 18th birthday. As father and mother thought it was a big occasion for me, they suggested that I should (61) __________ (hold) a birthday party at home to celebrate it. For several days they had been busy (62) ________ (prepare) for this. By 4 o’clock I was pleased to see all my friends had come (63) ________ a lot of beautiful presents. Mother cooked us a big meal. We (64) ________ (spend) a wonderful night together, eating and talking (65) ___________ (happy). The most exciting moment was when mother put a big birthday cake on the table and all my friends began (66) ______ (sing) Happy Birthday. Seeing the 18 candle burning, I couldn’t keep back my (67)__  ___(tear). Without mother and father’s love, I would not lead such a happy life now. Mother asked me to make a wish (68) ___________ I blew out all the candles. After that, everyone enjoyed the sweet birthday cake and shared my happiness. I am 18 years old now, which means I’ve become an adult and have more responsibility. I’ll try (69)_____ (me) best to return my(70) ________(parent) love and live up to their expectation.

            • 3. 句子翻译(共10句,每个知识点1分,共20分,)

              1. 由于工作得到高度评价,他很满意. He was _______because his work ______   ________   __________    ______.

              2.    一位有经验的工程师负责这个项目。

              1) An experienced engineer______________this project.

              2) This project __________________an experienced engineer. 

              3. 我们应该关注保护野生动物免于灭绝。We should ______  ___________  _________ ________wild animals ______  ______  ________.

              4. 这本书值得一读。(两种译法) _________________./___________________.

              5. 他将被北京大学录取。He _____________Beijing University.

              6. 她梦想成为一名音乐家。______    ________ is to be a musician.

              7. 要是你接受了我的邀请我将不胜感激。

                ______ _______ ________ ______ _______ you accept _______  ________.

              8. 费雷德对唱歌很有信心。老实说,我很佩服他。Fred ____  _________  _______ his singing. ______  _______  _________, I respect him.

              9. Daisy如释重负,突然大笑起来。______  ________, Daisy _______  _______  _______.

              10. 中国正积极参与帮助解决全球变暖的问题。 China is _______________helping to _______the global warming problem.

              11. 据报道,科比已和他的妻子分道扬镳。

              It is reported that Kobe has _______________ with his wife.

            • 4.

                More than half of all Chinese have a smartphone. They reach for it the moment they wake up, keeping it in hand all day. At    61        (party), more people are on their smartphones than on their drinks. In addition, too many people are using smartphones while        62        (drive). And as a result, many car accidents happen everyday on the road. Drivers confirm that text messaging is their number one driving interruption. Smartphones are unbelievably becoming more important than the lives of        63        (them) and others. As many people take risks just        64       ​ (send) a text or check their messages, smartphones are        65        many ways very dangerous to people.

                The smartphone        66        (affect) our desire to communicate face to face with others. Besides, it is lowering people’s competence to communicate. In many cases, some people check or send text messages in the presence of a friend,        67        means that the person they are texting is more important. Most        68        (serious), relying on smartphones to make friends does not give us        69        same advantage as making new friends in the real world. Face-to-face conversations will give us much        70        (strong) communication skills in the long run.

            • 5.

              (1)But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people ______ ______ cholera.

              (2)England is the largest of the four countries, and _______ ______ it is roughly divided into three zones.

              (3) However, the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and _______ ______ to form its own government.

              (4)______, I _______ ______bed and fell fast asleep.

              (5)I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, _______ ______ its efficiency.

              (6) Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to _______ ______ _______.

              (7)John ______ _______ ______ his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.

              (8)First we’ll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. Later you can ______ a story and _______ the article yourself. 

              (9)People began to _______ less _______ religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.

              (10) Frick had ______ _______ ______ pre-twentieth century Western paintings, and these are well-represented in this excellent collection.

            • 6.


              1)________ _______ (把…加起来) these numbers and see what the total is.

              2)The item you want is not available _______ _______ (目前)

              3) We came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here ______ ________ (自那以后)

              4) An hour later, Ken was _______ ______(被挖出)from under the snow.

              5)This organization was _______ _________(设立;建立)for young people in need of help and support.

            • 7. 语法填空(共10空,每空1.5分,共15分)


                1   time I have been changed quite a lot. I began as a   2  (calculate)machine in France in 1642. Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums, I developed very slowly and it   3  (take)nearly two hundred years before I was built   4   an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. After I was operated by an operator   5   used cards with holes, I could “think”   6  (logic)and produce an answer quicker   7   any person. In 1936 Alan Turing wrote a book about how I could be made   8  (work)as a “universal machine” to solve(解决)any difficult mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both ___9____size and in brainpower. By the 1949s I had grown as large as a room. However, this reality also worried my designers. As time went by,  I was made smaller. First as a PC and then as a laptop, I   10  (use)in offices and homes since the 1970s.

            • 8. 第二节 (共10小题;)


                It is unfair for parents to blame schools for the ____1___ (fail) of their children's education. Many parents do not prepare their children for school, But I think it is up ____2____ the parents to take time to educate their children, beginning with teaching them the ABC, name, address, telephone number, and most ____3____ (important), manners and respect for others.

                Knowing how to read builds ____4____ (confident), and a hunger to learn more, when you are a child. You can't wait until you get a letter from the child's teacher , ____5____ (tell) you that your child is failing before you step in. You need to prepare that child as early as possible for school.

                My daughter began reading at the age of three. Receiving books in the mail ____6____ (strengthen) her desire to learn how to read then. Reading is the key. Once a child learns how to read, it will open up many ____7____ (chance) or self motivation to learn, and every-thing comes easy for that child ____8____ knows how to read.

                Just don't he ____9____ absentee(缺席的) parent. Once children get well ____10____ (educate), that is something no one can ever take away from them.

            • 9.

              One afternoon just before Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The shops were all filled with good things and crowded61____shoppers. The children were looking at all the toys on display in windows, and62____old man suddenly saw a boy63____(sit) on the ground and crying bitterly. When the kind old man asked him64____he was weeping, the little boy told him that he lost a ten penny coin that his uncle had given him.65 ____(hear) this, the old man handed to the child a shiny new ten penny coin66____he pulled out from his pocket.

              “Thank you very much, ” said the little boy, drying his eyes. He cheered up at once.

              An hour or so later, the old man was making his way back home by the same road. What made him feel67____(surprise) was that he saw the dirty little boy in the same spot, crying just as68____(sad) as before. He went up to the boy69____asked him if he had lost the second ten penny piece he had just given him as well. The boy told him that actually he had not lost the second coin, he still could not find the first 70____. “If I could find my own piece, ” he said tearfully, “I would have twenty pence now.”

              61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______

              66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______

