优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              Tim: Hi, Susan. I’ve been wondering when I’d run into you. What are you busy with?

              Susan: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I’m buying some Christmas gifts for those ___61___work with me, but it’s really ___62___ headache.

              Tim: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you should consider___63____(divide) them into different groups. Who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates and who are the people you do not know well_____64____see pretty much daily.

              Susan: OK, then _____65____should I do?

              Tim: For the friends, you can buy _____66_____ personal gifts. Chocolate, for example.

              Susan: This is what I always give, but I know one of my friends, Mary, is ____67_____ a diet.

              Tim: Does she like fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of the gift that you know your friend likes.

              Susan: Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep _____68______(health). What about others?

              Tim: You can send them cards.

              Susan: Christmas cards?

              Tim: Yes, you can afford them. More_____69______(important), it reminds them that you’re thinking of them.

              Susan:Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You____70_____(help) me out.

            • 2.

                For many teachers,it is the students who are truly responsible for learning.When a reading assigmnent____61____(give),teachers initially design their students,even though they don’t discuss it in class or take any examination,to be familiar with the____62____(inform) in it.The ideal student is considered to be____63____who is motivated to learn,not the one____64____(interest) only in getting high grades.Sometimes homework is returned with brief written comments but____65____a grade.Even so,the students are responsible for learning the material assigned.After assigning research work,the professor desires their students to take it____66____(active) and to complete it with minimum guidance.It is the students’duty to consult books,magazines,and articles in the library.Professors don’t have the time to explain____67____a university library works;they expect students to be able to exhaust the reference resources in the library.Professors will help the students who need it,but prefer that their students should not be too____68____(depend) on them.Meanwhile,professors may have many other duties besides teaching.____69____,the time a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.If a student has some problems,he/she should____70____approach the professor during office hours or make an appointment earlier.

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            • 3.

                "What would it be like if we had no electricity?" I asked at the dinner table when I wasI'd just finished 61. ________ (read) some science fiction books that had sparked the idea. We had an interesting 62.________ (discuss) and Dad agreed that we could try 63.________ (turn) off the power to the whole house for a weekend to see how we'd go.

                   A few weeks later, an unusually and 64.________ (strange) early snowstorm knocked the power out for three days. Be careful what you wish for! We had 65.________ chance to learn just how 66. ________ (depend) we were on electricity. We built a fire for warmth and cooking (Morn even made French toast over the fire); we collected water from the spring and melted snow; we played games and read books. We 67.________ (light) candles at night and everyone went to bed early. It was fun. We knew this outage would be over in a few days and so a lot of household tasks were set aside to wait 68.  ________the lights came back on. But I wonder what would happen now if the power went out for a day or two. If 69.________, everyone would have to share skills and resources. I for sure need to build up friendships with farmers and hunters 70.________ can bring me food. And I'd probably get out of the city to a place where there's some flowing water and garden space.

            • 4.
              ________you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the school.
            • 5.
              ________life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether the problem can be solved.
            • 6.
              Jianzhi, is a 56._________(tradition) style of paper cutting in China. The history of paper cutting can date back 57._______ the 6th century. The patterns of animals 58.________(find) in tombs during the Northern and Southern Dynasty are the 59._______(early) paper cuts. The Song Dynasty 60.________(great) improved it, and in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, paper cutting reached such a high level 61.______ it became a required skill for women. At that time, paper cuts were used during 62._________(festival) to decorate gates and windows or as offerings to 63.______ dead. Now there are still three types of paper cuts which people make today. For example, paper cuts for 64._________(decorate) are often seen during holidays, and they usually show the wishes for good luck and happiness. 65._________ paper cutting is popular around the globe, only the Chinese paper cut is listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists(非物质文化遗产名录).
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            • 7.

              One of the most frightening natural 61. ________ (disaster)is a violent earthquake. In 1976, there was a great earthquake 62. ________ (occur) in Tangshan, China. More than 240,000 people were killed and another 164,000 people were injured. About 90% of houses and buildings in Tangshan 63. ________ (destroy) as a result of it.

              (1) ________ is very difficult to predict when or where an earthquake will happen, 65. ________ you should be prepared ahead of time (提前). Do the following things 66. ________ (protect) yourself in the event of an earthquake.

              Drop to your hands and knees. Cover your head and neck with your arms. This position protects you 67. ________ falling and provides some protection for important organs (器官). If you can move 68. ________ (safe), search for cover under a strong desk or table. Hold on to any strong shelter until the shaking stops. Stay away from glass, windows, and things 69. ________ could fall.

              Do not go out of 70. ________ building during the shaking. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings try to leave.

              Do not use the elevators.

            • 8.
              The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as 61.         investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the  62._        (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from  63.         countries and cultures. However, 64._       there are many positive developments  65._         (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. 66.         concern relates to a lack of control over67._         appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are  68.        (restrict) on what kinds of programs can 69.         (broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable 70.         their children to see.
            • 9.

              J.K. Rowling was born in England on 31st July, 1965. She wrote her first book, Rabbit,   (1)   six

              years old. At school she liked English and other languages, and she chose   (2)   (study) French in university. She graduated   (3)   university and worked as a secretary and a teacher.

                  At the age of 26 J.K. Rowling went to Portugal and became   (4)   English teacher. She wanted to be a writer and wrote some stories about a boy   (5)   (call) Harry Potter. She got married and had a baby daughter.   (6)   soon after, she divorced (离婚) and went to Scotland. There she lived in a small apartment with her daughter. She taught French in a school, but she   (7)   (real) wanted to make the Harry Potter stories into a book. This was a very difficult time in her life because they had no money. It was in a café   (8)   she wrote the first Harry Potter book.

                  In June 1997 the first Harry Potter book became famous and J.K. Rowling’s life   (9)   (change). Soon there were more Harry Potter books, and films too. Children loved her books and J.K. became a highly   (10)   (success) writer.

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            • 10.

               According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red was ____61____ to leave Iceland because he had ______62______ a murder for which he got into trouble. Eric reached Greenland and ___63____that people could live in the place where he landed. He returned to Iceland and told people to go ______64____ with him to Greenland. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of ______65___ only 14 made it to Greenland.

                  Not long _____66____ Eric the red had landed in Greenland, a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland ___67_____ search of Eric’s party. Biarni was hoping to join his father who was with Eric, but was _____68______off course and found _____69_____ in an unkown land, from _____70____ he eventually reached Greenland.

