优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.
              I would be grateful _____ you could give me some advice.
            • 2.


            • 3.

              A_________ he is only fifteen years old, he can speak three languages.

            • 4.

              A_____ that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games, what will you do?

            • 5.


              (1) I’m afraid your teacher won’t ________________ (同意) of your going there.
              (2) You should keep us ______________(告知) whenever you are in trouble.
              (3) Mr Green is in charge of the class _______________(组成) of sixty students.
              (4) In his _______________(持续不断的) search for the meaning of life , he discovered the power of kindness.
              (5) I knew my father was coming ____________ (instant) I heard the voice.
              (6) A good dictionary will _________________(帮助) you in understanding English .
              (7) Her excellent behavior today has made me change the original _______________(印象) of her.
              (8) It took him a few weeks to get accustomed to the new ______________ (surround) in the university .
              (9) _______________(责备)for the breakdown of the school computer network , Alice was in low spirits.
              (10) The company are ____________(评估) the popularity of their products according to the feedback from customers .
            • 6.
              You are not stupid. ______________ (即使)you are slow,you shouldn’t give up your studies.
            • 7.


              (1) A week _______(由…组成)of seven days.

              (2) The book is ________(被分成) into six sections

              (3)We will get _________(分开) from each other after graduation.

              (4) My boss has _________( arrange) for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.

              (5) We want those children to live in the happy___________( surround).

              (6)The table _________up (占用) too much room.

              (7) I recognized her __________(instant) I saw her.

              (8) He is ______ (certain) of whether he will have the time to attend my birthday party.

              (9) The cartoon series Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf made a good ________ on all the boys and girls.

              (10) It took him a long time to ________(适应)to the new life abroad.

            • 8.

              He always took a book _________ _________ I met him.(每次)

            • 9.

               _______ _______ _______I hear my alarm clock , I jump out of my bed.

            • 10.

              I was walking along the river w ______it began to rain.

