优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A_________ he is only fifteen years old, he can speak three languages.

            • 2.

              A_____ that you are chosen to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games, what will you do?

            • 3.

              Since I managed to find a good job in Shanghai,I preferred to settle down there________________(不愿) go abroad.

            • 4.

              1   I ________(后悔,遗憾)not taking your advice.

              2     There is always someone ______________(穷的) than you.

              3    He_____________ all kinds of difficulties (克服) and succeeded at last.

              4    Our classroom is ____________with an air conditioner (配备).   

              5     The old man _________(观察) a stranger break into the house.

              6     He was ill and ________(因此) he could not come.

            • 5.

              1  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
              2  删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。
              3  修改: 在错词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

              (1) China is famous as many different types of folk dances. (2) He got an A in the text. In the other words, he did well. (3) The first part of the song was filled with anger when the last part expressed joy and love. (4) The atmosphere inside the hall was extreme exciting. (5) Because Kong’s talent and hard work, he became famous worldwide. (6) She sits alone and is deeply in thought. (7) Another well-known folk dance is the Yangge, that is often performed on special occasions. (8) He never thought about give up although he failed many times. (9) The medicine has a bad affect on our health. (10) We greatly impressed by his humor yesterday.
            • 6.

              A: What’s wrong ___41__ you, Tom? You look upset today. Is there ____42_____ wrong?

              B: No, Mum, but…

              A: Come on, son, tell me ____43______has happened.

              B: Well. What shall I do? I happened ____44___(break)a window in Mr. Henry’s house?

              A: Oh, did you apologize to Mr. Henry?

              B: But the trouble is.......

                A: Come on, dear, please tell me the __45__(true).

                B: Paul and I were together. I was able to run away but he was caught and __46__ (have) to pay for the damage.

                A: You ____47______have done that.

                B: I know, but I daren’t phone Mr. Henry. And I’m also very sorry for Paul.

                A: I think you must make an ___48_____ (apologize) to Mr. Henry. Then you’d better hurry to see Paul. Give him back the money,____49____ if you like, invite him to have tea tomorrow.

                B: I will do ____50_____ you say.

              (1) ____  
              (2) ___  
              (3) ___  
              (4) ___  
              (5) ____  
              (6) ____  
              (7) ____  
              (8) ____  
              (9) ____  
              ​ (10) ____
            • 7.

              Cynthia: Hello, Paul. Yesterday I bought a book — Corinne Maier's French bestseller Bonjour Paresse,   (1)  ________ translates into English as Hello Laziness. Have you heard of it?

              Paul: Yes. In fact, I finished   (2)   ________ (read) it last week.

              Cynthia: Really? What do you think of it?

              Paul: It's very interesting. I   (3)   ________ (laugh) out loud several times while reading it. If you are working in a(n)   (4)  ________ (bore) job with little chance of advancement, do as little as possible when you are at work. That's   (5)   ________ Maier says in her book.

              Cynthia: Why does she advise readers to do so?

              Paul: She thinks most people work because they have to — because they need the money   (6)  ________ (live), not because they love their jobs.

              Cynthia: Do you agree with her?

              Paul: Not really. Instead, I think Maier's book encourages people to give up. For example, there's   (7)   ________ tip from Maier: Never accept a position of responsibility,   (8)  ________ you'll have to work extra hard for little money. However, if we act just as she says, we could be replaced by another person   (9)   ________ any time.

              Cynthia: Well, I think we can't take anything she says very  (10)   ________ (serious). It's kind of a joke.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________
              ​ (10) ________
            • 8.

              I needed to get some money so I   (1)   ________ (take) a job in the clothes department at Graham's for the January sale. I can't say that I enjoyed it,   (2)   ________ it was an experience I'll never forget.

              When I arrived half an hour before opening on the first day of the sale, there was already   (3)  ________ queue around three sides of the building. This made me very nervous. The moment the security guards unlocked the doors, they hid behind the doors for   (4)   ________ (protect) as the noisy crowd rushed in. I couldn't believe my eyes: this wasn't shopping; it was a battlefield!

              After a while, clothes were flying   (5)  ________ all directions as people searched for the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Within minutes I had half a dozen people   (6)  ______ (push) clothes under my nose, each wanting   (7)   ________ (be) the first served. The whole day continued like that. People were spending money like water without thinking   (8)   ________ they needed what they were buying. As long as it was a bargain it was OK.

              That night, after a quick dinner I went to bed   (9)  ________ (exhaust), fearing the sound of the alarm   (10)  ________ would tell me to get ready for the second day of the sale.

              (1) ________ (2) ________ (3) ________ (4) ________ (5) ________ (6) ________ (7) ________ (8) ________ (9) ________
              (10) ________
            • 9.

              We each have a memory. That’s  61    we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can   62    (easy ) learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do   63    again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got    64    ( amaze ) memories.

                 A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is    65   small child. He hears the sounds, remember them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living    66   their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember   67  speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy 68   (learn)a foreign language because the students have so little time for it and they are busy with other   69    (subject), too. But your memory   70    (become ) better and better when you do more and more exercise.

              (1) ________62.________63.________64.________65.________66.________67.________68.________69.________70.________
            • 10.

              He always took a book _________ _________ I met him.(每次)

