优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              A fly kept u_____________ me, but I couldn’t drive it away.

            • 2.

              We should insist on our dreams not g     in to difficulties.

            • 3.

              Tim: Hi, Susan. I’ve been wondering when I’d run into you. What are you busy with?

              Susan: Nice to meet you here, Tim. I’m buying some Christmas gifts for those ___61___work with me, but it’s really ___62___ headache.

              Tim: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, you should consider___63____(divide) them into different groups. Who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates and who are the people you do not know well_____64____see pretty much daily.

              Susan: OK, then _____65____should I do?

              Tim: For the friends, you can buy _____66_____ personal gifts. Chocolate, for example.

              Susan: This is what I always give, but I know one of my friends, Mary, is ____67_____ a diet.

              Tim: Does she like fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of the gift that you know your friend likes.

              Susan: Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep _____68______(health). What about others?

              Tim: You can send them cards.

              Susan: Christmas cards?

              Tim: Yes, you can afford them. More_____69______(important), it reminds them that you’re thinking of them.

              Susan:Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You____70_____(help) me out.

            • 4.

              Great inventions change the way we live ,The first great invention was one that is still very important today—the wheel. This made  36  easy for men to carry heavy things and to travel long distances, for  37 (century)after that,there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel.Then in the early 1800’s, the world started to change  38   (great). In the second half of the 19th century, many great inventions  39  (make).  Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio, all of  40  have become a big part of our life today. The first part of the 20th century saw many great inventions,  41  (include)the helicopter, movies with sound and the computer. It was also  42  time when a new world was made. Men began looking for ways to go into space. Russia and the US made the first step,  43  (follow)by Europe and Japan. China has also made great contributions to  44    (explore)outer space these years, but we still have a long way to go. New inventions are being made all the time. Who  45  (know)what the world will be like in the future?

            • 5.


              Nowadays,   (1)  the development of IT, online shopping is becoming more and more  (2)  (popularity) than ever before. Those   (3)  stay at home can buy whatever they want. At the same time, it causes a series of   (4)  (problem). One of them is that people spend more money because they can be   (5)   (easy) attracted by the discount.

              My wife is addicted to   (6)  ( shop) on the Internet. There are bags of things   (7)  (send) to our house by the delivery man every day. I have already reminded her   (8)  (think) twice before buying anything, but my wife ignored what I said and   (9)  (reply) confidently, “It can save me a lot of time to do housework. Besides,   (10)   convenient it is to prepare what I need.” Hearing her words, I was really speechless.

            • 6.
              It is no good _________(tell)him the truth.
            • 7.
              He entered the room without______________(permit),which angered his parents.
            • 8.

                "What would it be like if we had no electricity?" I asked at the dinner table when I wasI'd just finished 61. ________ (read) some science fiction books that had sparked the idea. We had an interesting 62.________ (discuss) and Dad agreed that we could try 63.________ (turn) off the power to the whole house for a weekend to see how we'd go.

                   A few weeks later, an unusually and 64.________ (strange) early snowstorm knocked the power out for three days. Be careful what you wish for! We had 65.________ chance to learn just how 66. ________ (depend) we were on electricity. We built a fire for warmth and cooking (Morn even made French toast over the fire); we collected water from the spring and melted snow; we played games and read books. We 67.________ (light) candles at night and everyone went to bed early. It was fun. We knew this outage would be over in a few days and so a lot of household tasks were set aside to wait 68.  ________the lights came back on. But I wonder what would happen now if the power went out for a day or two. If 69.________, everyone would have to share skills and resources. I for sure need to build up friendships with farmers and hunters 70.________ can bring me food. And I'd probably get out of the city to a place where there's some flowing water and garden space.

            • 9.

              Rechel, 22, from Boston, rescued her father by magically   (1)   (lift) an SUV from his leg.

              Adam was repairing the Jeep’s brakes(刹车)of his daughter’s when the jacks keeping the car overhead   (2)   (fall) down and one of the axles(轮轴)landed on his leg. Rachel heard her father’s howls (嚎叫)of pain from outside the house and ran to his rescue.

              Rachel saw that the car,   (3)   weighs around 2,500 kg, was crushing her father’s leg and in order to free   (4)   , she lifted the vehicle with her bare hands.

              Rachel said she didn’t know   (5)   she managed to lift the large vehicle from her father’s leg, “I ran out   (6)   the house and I saw him under my car. So I just went and lifted   (7)   wheel arch to set him free,” she said.

              Doctors and nurses arrived and Adam was rushed to hospital where X-rays were taken. He made a  (8)   (luck) escape and came away with just a few cuts.

              Adam said his daughter was his “hero” and that it was still unclear how Rachel managed  (9)  (gather) the strength to lift a Jeep.

              She added that she was glad her dad wasn’t   (10)   (bad) harmed and that she was happy she only had a sore back.

              (1) u>&;                                            
              (2) u>&;                                            
              (3) u>&;                                            
              (4) u>&;                                            
              (5) u>&;                                            
              (6) u>&;                                            
              (7) u>&;                                            
              (8) u>&;                                            
              (9) u>&;                                            
              (10) u>&;                                            ​
            • 10.
              Now, the old man is used to __________(live) in the big city.
