优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              It is his hard working that ____________(说明,做出解释) for his success.

            • 2.

              I like Mid-Autumn Festival, when people ________ (赞美,欣赏) the moon and enjoy mooncakes.

            • 3.

              If you ______(忽视)your diet, trouble will follow.

            • 4.

              More than 3,000 local workers are _______ (雇佣) in the tourism industry.

            • 5.

              (1)The determined mother has devoted all she has to ________(help)her son out of trouble.

              (2) China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific ________(成就)in the world.

              (3)We ________(争论)the problem for a long time, but we didn’t reach any agreement.

              (4) In order to understand the _______(行为)of the animal, the researcher spent many years recording its daily activities.        

              (5)She spent years         (观察) and recording their daily activities.

              (6) It is the years we spent together at college ________ have a deep effect on my life.

              (7)Alice,together with her friends,______(be) punished for having broken the school rules.

              (8)Every girl and every boy _______ (have) the right to join the club.

              (9)To learn one or two foreign languages _______ (be) very important nowadays.

              (10)Ancient and modern history _____ (be) the subjects we are studying.

              (11)Many a scientist _______ (have) devoted their lives to science.

              (12) Only after the woman had her own child ________(她才意识到)how difficult it was to be a mother.

              (13)Don’t ________(蔑视) women. They are as important as men for the development of society.

              (14)He          (称…..为…)his students as good friends.

              (15)Once I stop, it all comes      (涌上心头)and I remember the chimps in laboratories.

              (16)          (碰巧)I ran into an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases.

              (17)Some people                                (与....有关系)the 5th, July riot(暴乱) in Xinjiang have been arrested.

              (18)It is not fair to get Mary             .(养家糊口)

              (19)There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a day’s work, went late at night           (接生)for a poor family who could not pay her.

              (20)She came across an article about a person called Lin Qi,            (...方面专家)the internet.

            • 6.

              He_____________ (保证) that she’ll come.

            • 7.

              Only if he_________(集中精力,全神贯注)on his study can he go to his ideal university next year.

            • 8.

              The box c________ a number of letters, including those from her admirers and of course his letters included as well.

            • 9.

              This professor_________(提倡)rewarding your child for good behavior.

            • 10.

              The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people __________ to eat more fruit and vegetables. (说服)

