优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

                A series of articles ______________ (publish) in a national newspaper at the moment.

            • 2.


              Our vacation is __________(接近), but we still can’t decide where to go.

              It seemed the water was to ________(责备).

              The debate did not come to a ________(结论)until midnight.

              This is a big organization ___________(组成) of 300 members.

              The________ (主题) of our lesson is the development of the science. 

              __________   __________   __________   __________   __________

            • 3.

                He __________(遭受) from bad headache at present.

            • 4.

              Millions of people are s_______ for survival.

            • 5.


              I still cannot believe that I am                 this prize that I won last year.

            • 6.

              1.   His whole school education _______ _______ _____(总计 ) no more than one year.

              2.   Everyone should _______ ________ ________(关心 ) the future of his country

              3.   Mr. Wang asked us ______ ________ _______(记下 ) what we had seen in a report.

              4.   He _________ __________(经历)one hardship after another, but he succeeded at last.

              5.   I agreed to her suggestion __________ __________ _________ ________ (为了不 )upset     her.

              6.   There has been _______ ________ _________ _________ (一系列故事) on the road recently.

              7.  ________ ________ _________ __________(住在杭州时 ), I often go to see the West Lake.

              8.  Few students _________ ________ _________(对……厌烦 ) listening to popular music.

              9.  Many people in this area are ________ _________ (遭受 ) cold and hunger.

              10.  My best friend _________ _________ _________ (和……相爱 ) my sister three years ago.

            • 7. The wildlife here is be protected now.
            • 8.

              随着天气变得越来越冷,大量的动物在寻找地方过冬。(with 的复合结构)

              ____  ___  ____  ____  ____, a large number of animals _____(be) finding places to hide for the winter.

            • 9. The position,however,_______________________ (你正申请的),is not quite a well-paid one. (定语从句,介词+关系代词结构)
            • 10. 我盼望着这个暑假的到来。

                   I am ________ ________ ________ the coming of this summer holiday.

