优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. The father was c_________ his son on doing something well by patting him on the back.
            • 2. My mind was w__________ and suddenly found myself nearly knocking into a pole.
            • 3.

              He __________ (take) a bath when the telephone rang.

            • 4. The students were_______ (抗议)at overcrowding in the university hostels.
            • 5. Henry Adams was _________(漫步) down the pavement in London.
            • 6. As they _________ (wander) around, they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the distance.
            • 7. The tall, thin man was _____________ (监视)on the woman talking with someone over there.
            • 8. Henry Adams was _____________(漫步) down the pavement in London when a servant invited him to a big house.
            • 9. On the way to the station, Danny Lin was __________( 聊) about their trip.
            • 10.



              Many children take the risk of __________ (punish) by the teachers to have fun in a cool river.


              With you __________ (support) me, I’ ll stick to my opinion.


              _________ (enter) the meeting room, he found all the parents already __________ (seat) there.


              Mother happened __________ (cook) when I came back.


              As we joined the big crowd I found I __________ (separate) from my friends.


              The problem __________ (refer) to at the meeting this morning has to ________ (solve)  immediately.


              Hurry up! By the time we get to the assembly hall, the meeting __________ (start).


              He __________ (take) a bath when the telephone rang.


              The day he was looking forward to __________ (come) finally.


              He told me that it was 10 years since he __________ (enjoy) a good drink.

