优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              The red traffic light_____________(标示) that every person and vehicle must stop.

            • 2.

              He _______ ______ _______ (期望,渴望)spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.

            • 3.

              (1) Students can’t leave the class early without the teacherˈs ________(许可).

              (2)Vancouver is Canada’ s most beautiful city, s_________ by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

              (3)_________(凝视,盯着看) at people is considered rude in Britain and young children will be scolded by their parents if they look too long at another person.

              (4)Eating carrots b________ your eyesight.

              (5) I cannot solve the problem on my own, so I must ________ (咨询) my teacher.

              (6)You did wrong to your little sister, so you should a________ to her for your fault.

              (7)The custom of arranged marriages still _________(存在)in many countries.

              (8)Evidence gained from observation and experiment is often used to _______(证实)a scientific theory.

              (9)I’m taking a course on political _________(理论).

              (10)Smoking is extremely h_________ to your health.

            • 4.

              (1) A study shows that the safe driving speed r_______________(变动)from 60km to 80km per hour.

              (2)PearlS. Buck is one of the most popular literary f___________(人物) in American literature,who spent almost half of her life in China

              (3)We’d like to offer our _________________(祝贺)to you on your passing the College Entrance Examination.

              (4) Bythe year 2020 it is likely that we __________________(取代) injured bones or even organs like livers and kidneys with ones “grown” in laboratories.. 

              (5)Father went into his study to work on his novel and ____________(同时)mother went on talking with her friend on the phone.

              (6) She had some acupuncture treatment which seems _____________________(治愈)her.

              (7) We cannot guarantee the _______________(准时)arrival of the flight due to the foggy weather.

              (8) Virtue and vice are different things, the former leads to peace while the __________(后者)to misery.

              (9) In this course, we will train all the students to speak English _____________(流利)and accurately.

              (10)He was about to leave when he found himself _____________(围绕) by pupils full of curiosity.

            • 5.

              Customers_are _____________(request) to sign their names in the restaurant.

            • 6.

               —How many books do you think I should read a week?    

               — It is not how much you read, but what you read that _______ (重要).

            • 7.

              Because he doesn’t like me, he i________ me when we meet.

            • 8.

              The medical team________(由...组成) of five doctors and 20 nurses.

            • 9.

              My handbag often c          no more than 10 dollars.

            • 10.

              When you p___________ an item from the gift catalogue, we will send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person.

