优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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              I can't believe I've been in London for 6 months already.I certainly  (1)  you an apology for not writing more often.I've just been so busy studying and trying to   (2)   all the new thing around me.I think I am still experiencing culture   (3)  .There is so much here that is different  (4)   home.But you will soon experience it all yourself.I wish your visit wasn't going to be so   (5)  but there is a lot we can do and see in a week.I'm just so glad you can   (6)   to visit me and I refuse to let you pay   (7)   anything while you are here.I don't know what your   (8)   are of London, but knowing that you have   (9)   traveled outside of Asia,I thought I'd tell you a bit about   (10)   you can expect to find.

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