优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. —To tell you the truth, you ______ to win the first prize in the competition.
              —Sorry for having let you down.
              [     ]

              A. have expected
              B. are expected
              C. were expecting
              D. were expected
            • 2.
              I ______ by a dog once and I ______ of dogs ever since.

              A. was bitten; have been afraid 
              B. have been bitten; was afraid
              C. was bitten; was afraid          
              D. have been bitten; have been afraid
            • 3.
              When people first saw his paintings, they ______ that they were looking through a hole in a  wall at a a real scene.

              A. convince  
              B. convinced  
              C. were convinced  
              D. convinced
            • 4. The Internet connection for the entire area _________ when there was a sudden power cut yesterday.
              [     ]

              A. lost            
              B. was lost      
              C. had lost          
              D. had been lost  
            • 5. The first edition ________ in 1955 and ________ a best seller ever since.   
              [     ]

              A. was published; had been        
              B. was published; has been
              C. has been published; has been;    
              D. had been published; had
            • 6. It is said that the early European playing-cards ______ for entertainment and education.
              [     ]

              A. were designed
              B. have designed  
              C. have been designed  
              D. were being designed
            • 7.
              Although the Eiffel Tower _____ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.

              A. has designed    
              B. had designed    
              C. is designed      
              D. was designed
            • 8.
              Soon after the Wenchuan earthquake all means _____ to get into those worst-stricken areas.

              A. was tried
              B. had been tried
              C. were tried
              D. have tried
            • 9.
              Their daughter _____ a key university this year, which made them very happy.

              A. admitted to
              B. was admitted
              C. was admitted to
              D. admitted
            • 10.
              In the past, ice             food.

              A. used to keep
              B. used to be used for keeping
              C. was used to keeping
              D. used to be used to keeping

