优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.

              建筑师 (n.)                        

            • 2.

              It was such a p___________ to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

            • 3.

              The teacher gave us a clear ________ (解释) on the use of the word.

            • 4.

              The terrible tsunami(海啸)caused a _________(一系列)of disasters in Japan.

            • 5.

              We would take them first to their d________ and then to the student canteen.

            • 6.

              So many ________ (灾难) happened to them in a single year that they could  hardly live on.

            • 7.

              I hear there will be an exhibition of African art at the Hayward ________ (美术馆).

            • 8.


              (1)His friend has _____ (遭受)from illness for some years.

              (2) All of my friends like eating _____ (在户外)in summer.

              (3)He was _____ (关心;挂念)about his parents when he went abroad..

              (4)He looks young but ___________ he is already in his fifties (实际上).

              (5)To our surprise , he could speak Spanish _____________(流利地).

              (6)The quickest method of           (交通运输) in London is by Underground.

              (7)The weather            (预报) is not always accurate either.

              (8) I seldom followed my own work ____________(时间表,进度表).

              (9)Never before in history has a city been so completely ____________(破坏,毁坏).

              (10)People were shocked by the unexpected ___________(灾难).

            • 9.


              (1) I’m afraid your teacher won’t ________________ (同意) of your going there.
              (2) You should keep us ______________(告知) whenever you are in trouble.
              (3) Mr Green is in charge of the class _______________(组成) of sixty students.
              (4) In his _______________(持续不断的) search for the meaning of life , he discovered the power of kindness.
              (5) I knew my father was coming ____________ (instant) I heard the voice.
              (6) A good dictionary will _________________(帮助) you in understanding English .
              (7) Her excellent behavior today has made me change the original _______________(印象) of her.
              (8) It took him a few weeks to get accustomed to the new ______________ (surround) in the university .
              (9) _______________(责备)for the breakdown of the school computer network , Alice was in low spirits.
              (10) The company are ____________(评估) the popularity of their products according to the feedback from customers .
            • 10.

              A five-star hotel offers its guests a wide v_____________ of amusements.

