优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1. —How come Tom picked a quarrel with his wife?

              —________? We also have the occasional argument.

              A.What’s on
              B.How’s that
              C.Who doesn’t
              D.Why not
            • 2. You must have missed the first train yesterday,______ you?
            • 3. There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _______?
              A.is there
              B.isn’t there
              C.is he
              D.isn’t he
            • 4. Nothing seems to please her, ____________?.


              A.does it
              B.doesn’t it
              C.is it
              D.isn’t it
            • 5. The people I teach English to come from very different backgrounds, ______?


              A.don’t I
              B.do they
              C.do I
              D.don’t they
            • 6. There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to the lecture, _______?


              A.didn’t they
              B.don’t they
              C.mustn’t they
              D.haven’t they
            • 7. -- You don’t like the new fashion of my hair style, do you?

                   -- _____. I like it better _____ I look at it.


              A.Yes; since
              B.No; as
              C.No; than
              D.Yes; the more
            • 8. —How come Tom picked a quarrel with his wife?

                 —________? We also have the occasional argument.


              A.What’s on
              B.How’s that
              C.Who doesn’t
              D.Why not
            • 9. Tell me how to operate the computer, _________?


              A.will you
              B.shan’t you
              C.do you
              D.don’t you
            • 10. Nothing that has happened can make him lose his confidence, _____?
              A.can’t it
              B.can  it
              C.can he
              D.can’t he
