优优班--学霸训练营 > 知识点挑题
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            • 1.


              (1) 我还记得我们乐队组建的那一天,就好像在昨天一样。(定语从句) (2) John不会等我们的, Jerry也不会。(nor) (3) 毫无疑问这次比赛对所有学生来说都是个好机会。(doubt) (4) 这些电脑已经被赠送给一所当地的学校。(被动语态) (5) 我打算去伦敦,我姐姐Susan也是。(as well)
            • 2. 现代耕作技术的引进使农民在很多方面都能获益。(benefit v.)
            • 3.


            • 4. 我们做了一项调查,结果发现,美国人都熟知感恩节,但并非所有美国人都知道感恩节的起源。(conduct)
            • 5. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

               He thought that the key to ________(feed) people was to have more rice and to produce it more quickly.

              It took me a few weeks to get used to my new ________ (surround).

              This kind of animal is __________(edge) of dying out

              When I returned home, I found a note on the door ________(read), “Wish you a good journey.”

              He lay upon his stomach, his head _______(rest) on his left arm.

               ________ you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay health.

               I am so hungry that I ______ eat two bowls of rice now.

              I would like ________(read) the article, but I was very busy then.

              It ________(rain) last night, for the ground is wet.

              There are many ________ (mystery) creatures which people claim to see around the world.

            • 6. He saw that Washington was full of people who went to parties and took each other presents, which were often flowers, and he said ‘Why don’t we get into that business?’
            • 7. ago, house, this, five, build, years, white, is


            • 8. is, what, work, interesting, it


            • 9. many, Chinese, there, differences, cultural, Canadians, are, between, and


